edocs Home > Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation > Administration Console Online Help > Configure uniform distributedConfigure uniform distributed topics
A distributed topic is a single unit of JMS topics that are accessible as a single, logical topic to a client (for example, a distributed topic has its own JNDI name). The members of the unit are usually distributed across multiple servers within a cluster, with each topic member belonging to a separate JMS server.
By configuring uniform distributed topics, WebLogic Server uniformly creates the necessary members on the JMS servers to which a JMS module is targeted. This ensures the consistent configuration of all distributed destination parameters, particularly in regards to weighting, security, persistence, paging, and quotas across a cluster.
The legacy weighted distributed topic feature is still available for users who prefer to manually fine-tune topic members to carry extra message load or have extra capacity. However, Oracle strongly recommends configuring uniform distributed topics to avoid possible administrative and application problems due to a weighted distributed topic not being deployed consistently across a cluster. For more information, see Create weighted distributed topics in a system module.
To configure a uniform distributed topic:
- If necessary, configure a JMS system module for the uniform distributed topic. See Configure JMS system modules.
- Before creating a uniform distributed topic resource in a module, you can optionally create other quota and destination key resources in the module that can be referenced from within the distributed topic:
- Quotas are used to control the allotment of system resources available to members of a uniform distributed topic. See Configure quotas for destinations.
- Destination keys allow you to define the sort order of messages that arrive on a members of a uniform distributed topic. See Configure destination keys.
- Create uniform distributed topics in a system module
After creating a uniform distributed topic, you can define a number of optional properties:
- Uniform distributed topics - configure general parameters
Configuring optional General properties includes selecting a destination key for sorting messages as they arrive on members of the distributed topic, or modifying the load balancing policy.
- Uniform distributed topics - configure advanced parameters
Configuring optional Advanced properties includes specifying unit-of-order parameters, attaching the credentials of message senders, or defining unit-of-work parameters.
- Uniform distributed topics - configure thresholds and quota
Define upper and lower byte and/or message thresholds for the members of a uniform distributed topic, select a pre-configured quota specifying the maximum number of bytes or messages that the distributed topic members are allowed to store, or specify a maximum size allowed for messages on the distributed topic members.
- Uniform distributed topics - configure delivery overrides
Define message delivery override values, such as message priority and time-to-deliver values, that can override those specified by a message producer.
- Uniform distributed topics - configure message logging
Enable the logging of message life cycle information into a JMS message log file. The content of the message log always includes message ID and correlation ID, but you can also configure information like message type and user properties.
- Uniform distributed topics - configure delivery failure parameters
Define default message delivery failure values, such as defining a message redelivery limit, selecting a message expiration policy, and specifying an error destination for expired messages.
- Uniform distributed topics - configure multicast parameters
Define multicast parameters that enable the delivery of messages to a select group of hosts that subsequently forward the messages to subscribers.
- If you skipped the targeting step when you created a uniform distributed topic, or want to want to change a uniform distributed topic's selected subdeployment, you can do so at anytime. See Uniform distributed topics - specify a subdeployment.
- Optionally, add or remove security roles and policies to a uniform distributed topic. See Uniform distributed topics - create security roles and Uniform distributed topics - configure security policies.
- In the event that you need to troubleshoot a uniform distributed topic, you can temporarily pause all message production, insertion (in-flight messages), and consumption operations on all the members of a distributed topic. See Uniform distributed topics - pause message operations on server restart.
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