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Web Service: Configuration: Port Components: Reliable Message
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Web Service reliable messaging is a framework that enables an application running on one application server to reliably invoke a Web Service running on another application server, assuming that both servers implement the WS-Reliable Messaging specification. Reliable is defined as the ability to guarantee message delivery between the two Web Services.
Configuration Options
Name Description Reliability Configuration Specified Flag that specifies whether Web Service Reliable Messaging is configured on this port in the Web Service descriptor or deployment plan.
Note that this flag does not reflect the configuration of Reliable Messaging in other forms, such as, WS-RM policy directly specified in WSDL.
Inactivity Timeout Inactivity interval. If, during the specified interval, an endpoint (RM source or RM destination) has not received application or control messages, the endpoint may consider the RM sequence to have been terminated due to inactivity.
The value specified must be a positive value and conform to the XML schema duration lexical format, PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY specifies the number of years, nM specifies the number of months, nD specifies the number of days, T is the date/time separator, nH specifies the number of hours, nM specifies the number of minutes, and nS specifies the number of seconds. This value defaults to P0DT600S (600 seconds).
Base Retransmission Interval Interval of time that must pass before a message is retransmitted to the RM destination.
If the source endpoint does not receive an acknowledgement for a given message within the specified interval, the source endpoint retransmits the message. The source endpoint can modify this retransmission interval at any point during the lifetime of the sequence of messages.
This element can be used in conjunction with the RetransmissionExponentialBackoff element to specify the algorithm that is used to adjust the retransmission interval.
The value specified must be a positive value and conform to the XML schema duration lexical format, PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY specifies the number of years, nM specifies the number of months, nD specifies the number of days, T is the date/time separator, nH specifies the number of hours, nM specifies the number of minutes, and nS specifies the number of seconds. This value defaults to P0DT3S (3 seconds).
Retransmission Exponential Backoff Flag that specifies whether the message retransmission interval will be adjusted using the exponential backoff algorithm.
This element is used in conjunction with the Base Retransmission Interval element. If a destination endpoint does not acknowledge a sequence of messages for the time interval specified by the Base Retransmission Interval, the exponential backoff algorithm is used for timing successive retransmissions by the source endpoint, should the message continue to go unacknowledged.
The exponential backoff algorithm specifies that successive retransmission intervals should increase exponentially, based on the base retransmission interval. For example, if the base retransmission interval is 2 seconds, and the exponential backoff element is set, successive retransmission intervals if messages continue to go unacknowledged are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on.
This value defaults to false - the same retransmission interval is used in successive retries; the interval does not increase exponentially.
Acknowledgement Interval Maximum interval during which the destination endpoint must transmit a stand-alone acknowledgement.
A destination endpoint can send an acknowledgement on the return message immediately after it has received a message from a source endpoint, or it can send one separately as a stand-alone acknowledgement. If a return message is not available to send an acknowledgement, a destination endpoint may wait for up to the acknowledgement interval before sending a stand-alone acknowledgement. If there are no unacknowledged messages, the destination endpoint may choose not to send an acknowledgement.
The value specified must be a positive value and conform to the XML schema duration lexical format, PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY specifies the number of years, nM specifies the number of months, nD specifies the number of days, T is the date/time separator, nH specifies the number of hours, nM specifies the number of minutes, and nS specifies the number of seconds. This value defaults to P0DT0.2S (200 milliseconds).
Sequence Expiration Expiration time for a sequence regardless of activity.
The value specified must be a positive value and conform to the XML schema duration lexical format, PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY specifies the number of years, nM specifies the number of months, nD specifies the number of days, T is the date/time separator, nH specifies the number of hours, nM specifies the number of minutes, and nS specifies the number of seconds. This value defaults to P1D (1 day).
Buffer Retry Count Number of times to retry a reliable request. This value defaults to 3.
Buffer Retry Delay Amount of time to wait before retrying a reliable request.
The retry attempts are between the client's request message on the JMS queue and delivery of the message to the Web Service implementation.
The value specified must be a positive value and conform to the XML schema duration lexical format, PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY specifies the number of years, nM specifies the number of months, nD specifies the number of days, T is the date/time separator, nH specifies the number of hours, nM specifies the number of minutes, and nS specifies the number of seconds. This value defaults to P0DT5S (5 seconds).