IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > High Availability Guide for Distributed Systems > Create clusters with monitoring components in a System Automation for Multiplatforms environment > Set up a cluster for Tivoli Monitoring

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Predefined Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms Cluster for Tivoli Monitoring

To simplify the setup of a Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms cluster for Tivoli Monitoring, a set of predefined definitions, also called policies, are provided in a “cluster package” for Tivoli Monitoring. Note that DB2 includes Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms. If you select "install SAMP", the latest Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms and DB2 policies are provided.

This package consists of scripts to build and run the cluster with all required resources as quickly and as possible. The "cluster package" can be downloaded from: Note that these scripts are provided "as is", without support.

Depending on what you want to run in the Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms cluster (monitoring server, portal server or Tivoli Data Warehouse components); there are different steps to define and to start up the cluster. With this package, the base cluster can be defined and started in less than 10 minutes.

The package comes in a tar file named itm6.sam.policies-2.0.tar, which has to be installed locally in the same directory on each future cluster node. This installation ensures that all required resources like control scripts etc. are available on all nodes with the same file path. The directory on all nodes are:


A suggested location is /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies because this is where other products might install their policies.

The tar file contains the following directories:


Contains scripts used to create and configure the cluster. See Predefined scripts for details about the scripts.


Contains scripts that are used by Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms to control the Tivoli Monitoring components.

These scripts have "root" hard-coded into them. If you do not run ITM as "root", modify the scripts.


This is initially empty, but is populated with resource definition files, by the itm6/BuildScripts/ script.

Do not modify this directory structure. Clustering will not work correctly if this is changed.

There are two different types of a Base cluster, depending on which Tivoli Monitoring components you want to install:

  1. Base cluster with a shared file system and IP Address.

  2. Base cluster with shared file system, IP Address, and DB2. The DB2 resource is used if the cluster contains the portal server and/or Tivoli Data Warehouse components.

Both types of base clusters are built with the same basic steps:

  1. Prepare the nodes to be Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms cluster-ready.

  2. Configure the required parameters in the itm6/BuildScripts/ file for your selected type of cluster. The file contains explanations for all needed parameters.

  3. Run the itm6/BuildScripts/ script to generate the definition files.

  4. After ensuring that all resources are down or offline, run the itm6/BuildScripts/ script to build the cluster.

Install and set up the monitoring server on clusternode1 describes the detailed steps necessary to build a cluster on a system without the DB2 resource. This option is used if the monitoring server component is being installed on this system, and the components requiring DB2 (portal server and Tivoli Data Warehouse) are not on this system.
Test the monitoring server on clusternode1 describes the detailed steps necessary to build a cluster on a system with the DB2 resource. This option is used if a component requiring DB2 (portal server and Tivoli Data Warehouse) is being installed on this system. Use this section if you are creating a system with all components (monitoring server, portal server, and Tivoli Data Warehouse).

The script calls other scripts that create the cluster domain, resource group, tiebreaker, shared file system and virtual IP resources, and optionally create the DB2 resource.

In certain cases, you might already have these resources defined, or you might want to define them separately. See Predefined scripts for more information.

Parent topic:

Set up a cluster for Tivoli Monitoring


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