IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Manage historical data > Summarization and pruning configuration
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Configure summarization and pruning for managed system groups
Configure summarization and pruning for managed system groups provides granular control over how the Tivoli Data Warehouse aggregates and prunes data. Granular summarization and pruning settings are configured only through the command-line interface using the tacmd histconfiguregroups command specifying the -g and -m parameters. Unlike granular summarization and pruning settings, global summarization and pruning settings can be configured through the command-line interface or in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. If your Summarization and Pruning agent is running in autonomous mode, you cannot configure summarization and pruning for managed system groups.
The summarization and pruning agent must be installed, configured, and started as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
The managed system groups must be defined with their correlating systems. You can create managed system groups in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal using the Object group editor or through the command-line interface. For detailed syntax of the tacmd createsystemlist command, see the Command Reference.
You can assign different summarization and pruning policies to different managed system groups. For example, one group might retain data for 180 days and the other group might retain data for 30 days. Another example is, one group summarizing hourly and the other group summarizing hourly and daily.
A managed system can be part of multiple managed system groups which might have different summarization and pruning settings. In this case, the multiple settings are merged, resulting in a union of all summarizations and retention using the largest found interval. For example:
- Group A has hourly and daily summarizations with 10 days and 30 days retention.
- Group B has hourly, daily, and weekly summarizations with 30 days, 60 days, and 6 months retention.
In this example, for a system that is a member of both groups, the union of the summarization settings is hourly, daily, and weekly. The retention settings for the system are 30 days for hourly, 60 days for daily, and 6 months for weekly since those are the largest setting for each summarization.
If a system does not belong to any managed system groups that have summarization and pruning settings defined, the global summarization settings are used. Global summarization is configured through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or the command-line interface using the tacmd histconfiguregroups, not specifying the -g parameter. For more information on configuring global summarization settings, see Configure summarization and pruning for attribute groups or the Command Reference.
When you use Tivoli Data Warehouse range partitioning, partitions are only dropped or rotated based on the largest retention interval that is found for the attribute group. After partitions are dropped or rotated, rows are removed by using SQL DELETE statements according to the settings for each managed system group or global summarization settings. When you use SQL DELETE statements, performance is slower than compared to dropping or rotating a partition. This decrease in performance is because SQL DELETE statements require transaction logs and updates to indexes, while dropping partitions does not.
When you use Tivoli Data Warehouse range partitioning, the following scenarios apply:
- If there are only global summarization and pruning settings for a table, the partitions are dropped using the defined retention values.
- If there are any managed system group summarization and pruning settings for a table, both of the following conditions must be true:
- There are global pruning settings that are defined for the attribute group's detail or summary table.
- There are pruning settings that are defined for the attribute group's detail or summary table for all configured managed system groups.
When both conditions are not true, the summarization and pruning agent outputs a warning message in its log and self monitoring workspace.
When partitions cannot be dropped:
- The performance of the pruning operation is degraded since rows of data must be deleted by using SQL DELETE statements rather than dropping partitions from a table.
- Tables might eventually have partitions that contain no rows of data.
Best practice is to define the retention period globally and for each configured managed system group for the detail data and for all summary tables that might contain data.
- Use the tacmd histconfiguregroups command with the -g and -m parameters to configure summarization and pruning for managed system groups.
For example, the command tacmd histconfiguregroups -t knt -o NT_Memory_64 -d HD -p H=30d,D=60d -m -g NT_Dev creates a configuration setting for the agents that belong to the NT_Dev managed system group, with hourly and daily summarization, and retention of 30 days for the hourly table and 60 days for the daily table.
- Use the tacmd histviewattributegroup command to view the settings for a given attribute group.
For example, the command tacmd histviewattributegroup -t knt -o NT_Memory_64 lists the global settings in effect for that attribute group and all the managed system groups that have granular settings on that attribute group.
To view only granular settings for a given managed system group, use the -g parameter.
For example, the command tacmd histviewattributegroup -t knt -o NT_Memory_64 -g NT_Dev, lists the settings that are specific to the NT_Dev managed system group.
- Use the tacmd histunconfiguregroups command with the -g and -m parameters to remove the settings for a specific managed system group.
For example, the command tacmd histunconfiguregroups -t knt -o NT_Memory_64 -m -g NT_Dev removes the summarization and pruning settings specified for the NT_Dev managed system group.
What to do next
The next time summarization and pruning takes place, the summarization and pruning agent applies the configuration to the long-term data stored in the data warehouse. Wait for the next scheduled time period to elapse before expecting to see any summarized data.
Parent topic:
Summarization and pruning configuration