
  1. Installation tuning tests for WebSphere Application Server
    1. Install the assets for tuning tests
    2. Test with the Snoop test
    3. Test the PlantsByWebSphere application
    4. Test the Daytrader application

1. Installation tuning tests for WebSphere Application Server

The installation tuning tests were created to quickly and conveniently apply load to an application server for the purpose of tuning the application server for maximum throughput. The three tests that are provided stress various parts of the application server.

Time required to import sample project: 5 minutes

The installation tuning tests are designed to test IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7. Each test has different requirements that must be met before you run the test.

Best results can be achieved for all tests by using one or more separate, dedicated computers to provide the greatest possible loads on the application server. When testing a large WebSphere Application Server application, a single computer that runs Rational Performance Tester and provides a load on the application might not provide sufficient stress to test the application.

An installation tuning test is designed to stress your application server to achieve maximum throughput from basic tuning. Tuning is a complex procedure with many possible adjustments available according to the varying requirements of the application that you plan to run. For more information on tuning WebSphere Application Server, see .

A simple goal when you run the installation tuning tests is to achieve the highest percentage of CPU utilization on the application server while the test runs. Follow these guidelines as you run each test:

1.1. Install the assets for tuning tests

IBM Rational Performance Tester provides Installation Tuning Tests for WebSphere Application Server as a sample project that you can import into your workspace.

  1. Click Installation Tuning Tests for WebSphere Application Server.
  2. In the Import Projects wizard, the Select archive file field is completed for you. The Installation Tuning Tests for WebSphere Application Server project is also selected. Click Finish. If you are asked to switch to the Performance Test Perspective, click Yes.

What to do next

Expand the sample in the Test Navigator view to open the project and explore the resources and reports.

1.2. Test with the Snoop test

The Snoop test stresses the servlet engine of IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Snoop is an application that is provided with all WebSphere Application Server installations. This exercises only a small, direct portion of the application server. The Plants test is more complex than the Snoop test.

  1. Select Snoop in the Test Project to open it in the editor.
  2. Open Test Variables.
  3. In hostname enter the name of the WebSphere Application Server to stress test.
  4. Select Schedule_Snoop in the Test Project to open the test in the editor.
  5. Click Run to start the test. The test runs for approximately 5 minutes.

1.3. Test the PlantsByWebSphere application

The Plants test provides load using the PlantsByWebSphere application.

This application is provided with IBM WebSphere Application Server, but it must by installed. Use the WebSphere Administrative console to ensure that the PlantsByWebSphere application is installed and running.

The Plants test is more complex than the Snoop test, because the test exercises more parts of the application server.

  1. Select Plants in the Test Project to open the test in the editor.
  2. Open Test Variables.
  3. In hostname enter the name of the WebSphere Application Server to stress test.
  4. Select Schedule_Plants in the Test Project to open it in the editor.
  5. Click Run to start the test. The test runs for approximately 5 minutes.

1.4. Test the Daytrader application

The Daytrader test provides a load using the Daytrader application.

This application is available at .

  1. Click Daytrader in the Test Project to open the application in the editor.
  2. Open the Test Variables.
  3. Change the hostname variable to the name of the IBM WebSphere Application Server to stress test.
  4. Select Schedule_Daytrader in the Test Project to open the schedule in the editor.
  5. Click Run to start the test. The test runs for approximately 5 minutes.

On the Daytrader application configuration page, you can change the configuration from Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) to Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Run the Daytrader test in both modes to obtain the widest possible coverage.