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Verify WSDL syntax compliance for JMS services

Various Java™ Message Service (JMS) providers vary in the syntax used for describing services. Before testing JMS services, you must ensure that Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files comply with the requirements of the tool.

To verify the syntax of the WSDL files, perform the following steps:

  1. In the project explorer or test explorer, locate and open the WSDL file for the JMS service to test. If necessary, you can import a WSDL file from the file system by clicking File > Import > File System.

  2. Verify following criteria are met in the syntax of the WSDL file that you use.

    • Namespace: xmlns:jms="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/jms/"

    • SOAP bindings are set to: transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/jms"

    • JMS transports are defined either as a URL or as jms:address element

  3. If the WSDL file is not compliant, edit the file so that it meets the criteria, and then save and close the file.


For example, a JMS defined as a URL looks like this:

<soap:address location="jms:/queue?jndiConnectionFactoryName=UIL2ConnectionFactory;
A JMS defined as an address looks like this:

<jms:address destinationStyle="queue" 


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