Transaction report



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The Transaction report...

  1. Summarizes the success of transactions in the run
  2. Graphs the response trend of each transaction during a specific sample interval
  3. Shows the transaction throughput

To display the report, in the Performance Test Run view, right-click "All Hosts" and select Display Transaction Report

The transaction report graphs sample intervals within a run. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule, as a schedule property.

Overall page

The Overall Transaction Rate graph shows the average execution time for all transactions during a specific sample interval.

Execution time is the actual time spent within the transaction container. If you have set staged loads in the schedule, this graph also delineates the stages with time range markers, in various colors, at the top.

The table under the graph lists the following information:

Elapsed Time vs. Time

The Elapsed Time vs. Time graph shows the average response of each transaction during a specific sample interval.

Each transaction is represented by a separate line. If you have set staged loads in the schedule, this graph also delineates the stages with time range markers, in various colors, at the top.

The table under the graph lists the following information for each transaction:

Transaction Throughput page

These line graphs provide an overview of the transaction frequency and the number of users that are adding load, both over the course of a run.