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Service test details

In the test editor, the test element is the first element in the test suite. The settings in the test element apply to the entire test.

Common options

Datapools List details about each datapool that the test uses:

  • Name
  • ColumnsLocation in the test where the column

Click the location to navigate there.

Add datapool Add a reference to a datapool that you want a test to use. Clicking this option is the same as clicking...

    Add | Datapool with the test selected
Remove Remove the selected datapool. This option is not available if the datapool is in use.

SSL configuration

Define an SSL configuration for certificate authentication between the client and the server. SSL configurations can be used by any message request in the test. If you use multiple SSL configurations in the test, specify the configuration in each message request.

The default SSL configuration always trusts servers, which is equivalent to no authentication.

Configured SSL

Select an existing SSL configuration or create one. You can use the toolbar push buttons to create a New SSL configuration and to Rename or Delete existing SSL configurations. You can also Copy and Paste SSL configurations to and from the SSL editor and the test editor.

Single Authentication

This section describes how the client trusts the server.

Always trust server

Select this option if no authentication is required or to ignore server certificates so that all servers are trusted. If you are using single authentication and to accept trusted servers only, then disable this option and specify a truststore containing the trusted server certificates.

Client truststore

When you are using single authentication, the client truststore contains the certificates of all trusted servers. Click Browse to specify a KS, JKS, or JCEKS file containing valid certificates of the trusted servers.


If the client truststore file is encrypted, type the password required to access the file.

Double Authentication

This section describes how the server trusts the client.

Use client certificate

If you are using double authentication, select this option to specify a keystore containing the client certificate. This certificate allows the server to authenticate the client.

Client certificate keystore

Click Browse to specify a KS, JKS, or JCEKS file containing a valid certificate that will authenticate the client.


If the client truststore file is encrypted, type the password required to access the file.

Protocol Configuration (HTTP)

The HTTP configuration page of the test element specifies the information that server libraries require to execute the HTTP send and receive functions.

An HTTP configuration can be used by any message call in the test. If you are using multiple protocol configurations in the test, specify the configuration for each message call.

Keep alive

Keep the connection open after the request.

SSL certificate

Use an SSL configuration. Click Open SSL Editor to create an SSL configuration or select an existing configuration.

Server authentication

In this section, specify the type of authentication that is required to access the service. Select None if no authentication is required.

Basic authentication

Specify the User Name and Password that are used for basic authentication.

NTLM authentication

Use the Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication protocol. NTLM uses challenge-response authentication. This view lists what is negotiated (supported by the client and requested of the server) and what is authenticated (the client reply to the challenge from the server).

Kerberos authentication

Use the Kerberos authentication protocol between the client and server.

Configure proxy

If the HTTP connection needs to go through a proxy server or a corporate firewall, specify the Address and Port of the proxy server. If the proxy requires authentication, select Basic proxy authentication.

Proxy authentication

In this section, specify the type of authentication that is required to access the proxy. Select None if no authentication is required.

Basic proxy authentication

Specify the User Name and Password that are used for basic authentication.

NTLM proxy authentication

Use the Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication protocol. NTLM uses challenge-response authentication. This view lists what is negotiated (supported by the client and requested of the server) and what is authenticated (the client reply to the challenge from the server).

Custom class

Select this option if the communication protocol requires complex, low-level processing with a custom Java code to transform incoming or outgoing messages. Click Browse to select a Java class that uses the corresponding API.

Protocol Configuration (JMS)

The Java Message Service (JMS) configuration page of the test element specifies the information that server libraries require to execute the JMS send and reception.

A JMS configuration can be used by any message call in the test. If you are using multiple protocol configurations within the test, specify the configuration in each message call.

Destination style

This is the style of the JMS destination. Select either Topic or Queue.

End point address

This is the address of the destination.

Use temporary object

Send the JMS destination as a temporary object. For a JMS queue, a temporary JMS queue is sent in the message.

Reception point address

If Use temporary object is disabled, specify the JMS address of the destination endpoint.

Basic authentication

Specify the User Name and Password that are used for basic authentication.

Custom adapter class name

Set up a custom Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) vendor adapter for this configuration. To use a custom adapter, write a Java class that extends the Axis class and methods. Specify the name of your custom adapter class in Adapter class name.

Text message

Specify whether the message is a text or a byte message.

Context factory properties

Edit the properties for a context factory. Click Add to add string properties to the context factory configuration.

Connector properties

Edit the properties for a connector. Click Add to add string properties to the connector configuration. The product supports the following connectors:

  • JMS priority

  • JMS delivery mode

  • JMS time to live

Protocol Configuration (WebSphere MQ)

The WebSphere MQ configuration page of the test element specifies the information that your server libraries require to execute the WebSphere MQ transport send and receive functions.

An MQ configuration can be used by any message call in the test. If you are using multiple protocol configurations in the test, specify the configuration for each message call.

Queue Manager

Use this area to specify queue manager options for the service.

Queue manager name

Specify the name of the queue manager to which to send the request.

Use local queue manager

Use a local queue manager. If you disable this option, specify the following information:

Queue manager address

Specify the IP address or host name of the remote MQ server.

Queue manager port

Specify the listener port of the remote MQ server.

Client channel

Specify the server-connection mode channel of the remote queue manager.


Use this area to specify the send queue options for the service.

Send queue name

Specify the name of the queue that the queue manager manages.

Use temporary queue for response

Specifies whether the MQ server creates a temporary queue. If selected, the temporary queue is created for the sole purpose of receiving specific messages, and then deleted.

Receive queue name

If Use temporary queue is cleared, this option specifies the queue manager that is specified on the Queue manager name line. The specified queue manager must manage this queue. You can specify multiple queue names by using a semicolon (;) as a separator.

Use RFH2 header

Select whether to use the transport for SOAP over MQ feature that is provided by WebSphere MQ. This feature uses a predetermined MQ message format (RFH2); therefore, when selected, other Message Descriptor options are disabled.

SSL connection

Use an SSL configuration if a Client Channel setting refers to a secure channel. Click Open SSL Editor to create an SSL configuration or Change to change the SSL configuration that is associated with the current test.

If the WSDL that you use to create the message request uses a supported JMS URI to point to the WebSphere MQ server, then the SSL configuration is created automatically. If the test generator is unable to create the SSL configuration, create a new one manually.

If the WSDL is generated with the WebSphere MQ service (amqwdeployWMService), edit the WSDL to change the transport binding from HTTP to JMS to prevent the test generator from producing an HTTP configuration.

Cipher suite

Specify the cipher suite used in the channel configuration.

Message Descriptor

Configure the fields of the request. You can replace a subset of an MQ message descriptor with a custom format for use with other server types, specifically when using an XML message request. Refer to WebSphere MQ documentation for details about message descriptors.

Target service

When using Microsoft .NET framework with the SOAP over MQ feature of WebSphere MQ, specify the name of the target service for the WSDL.


  • Web service test editor overview

    Related tasks

  • Add elements to a service test
  • Compare service test response contents
  • Display XML data with the Service Content view

    Related reference

  • Service call details
  • XML call details
  • Service message return details
  • Service verification point details
  • Service callback details
  • Service timeout details
  • Service parallel details
  • Service receive details
  • Service test editor preferences