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Public APIs for test generation

The public APIs contain the public interfaces and classes that you can use to extend the test generator.

To extend the test generator for protocol, use the extension point...

Public interfaces and classes:

Interfaces and classes Description
IC2ProtocolHandler Used for each extension that processes the .recmodel on behalf of a protocol.

In this interface, protocol refers to lt.trace.Msg objects that have protocol, vendor, and version properties to be processed.

IC2ProtocolHandler.LoadResponse Typesafe enum used as the return value for the load() method.

Multiple protocol handlers can be active, but only one can be allowed to write out a test suite. The test generation core needs to locate the correct protocol handler.

Each Msg from the .recmodel (recorder model element) is iteratively passed to each protocol handler in succession by calls to the load() method. A protocol handler examines the Msg's protocol, vendor, and version properties, determines if it is a Msg it supports, and then sets the return value accordingly.

For details about the packages, classes and interfaces, see the Javadoc information.

Related information

  • API references