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Enable ARM data collection in Siebel

To enable ARM data collection in Siebel, you need to make changes to the default Siebel environment.

You must have the data collection infrastructure installed on the computer where to collect data from Siebel.

  1. Open the Windows command prompt and change directory (cd) to SIEBEL_HOME\siebsrvr\BIN.

  2. Open the srvrmgr console by executing the following command, entering the appropriate values for gateway, enterprise, user, and password: srvrmgr.exe /g gateway /e enterprise /u user /p password

  3. Change the enterprise parameter SARMLevel=1 by executing the following two commands in the srvrmgr console, entering the appropriate value for server.

    1. change enterprise parameter SARMLevel=1 for server server

    2. change enterprise parameter SARMLevel=1 for gateway

  4. Save the preferences as SIEBEL_HOME\siebsrvr\BIN\.Siebel_svrmgr.pref by typing save preferences in the srvrmgr console.

  5. Exit the srvrmgr console by typing quit or exit.

  6. Shut down Siebel and IIS by stopping the following services in the Windows Services console:

    1. Siebel Server

    2. Siebel Gateway Name Server

    3. IIS Admin Service (Stopping this service will result in other services stopping as well, which is necessary.)

  7. Copy the file C:\windows\system32\libarm32.dll (installed by the data collection infrastructure) to each Siebel directory where the file libarm.dll exists.

    1. Search for the Siebel directories where libarm.dll exists by typing dir libarm* /s /b from a Windows command prompt at the root of all Siebel installation directories (for example, from C:\SiebelClient or C:\sea77).

    2. Make backups of all copies of libarm.dll that you found.

    3. Copy C:\windows\system32\libarm32.dll to each of the directories that you found, overwriting the original Siebel libarm.dll files.

  8. Add a system environment variable SIEBEL_SARMLevel=1 by opening the Windows System Control Panel and clicking the Advanced tab. Click the Environment Variables button and then add SIEBEL_SARMLevel=1 to the system variables group.

  9. Restart the computer to ensure that Siebel and IIS restart correctly.

Related tasks

  • Ensure accurate correlation of Siebel transactions