Create a reproducible scenario for application performance analysis


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The first step in analyzing a code problem with the performance and problem analysis tools is determining what triggers the problem. The trigger could be a user action, such as clicking a specific button or using a certain function. The trigger, however, could be a more pervasive software issue that is exhibited throughout the application.

To create a reproducible scenario in a production environment:

  1. Contact users who submitted problem reports...

    • Find out exactly what symptoms they experienced
    • What they were doing when they experienced the symptoms

  2. Contact the support person who received the problem report, and other IT personnel who have witnessed the problem.

  3. Use application test cases.

    Create a test case that reproduces the problem. Make the test case as narrow in scope as possible.

  4. Use a test environment that simulates production environment load levels.

    Use your test case with Rational Performance Tester.

  5. Narrow the suspected trigger down to as few steps as possible.

    Identify the trigger to isolate the problem to a specific part of the application, and limit the amount of performance data collected during the next step. If you profile the entire application, the amount of data collected might be overwhelming.
