Advanced connection properties
You can configure the advanced connection properties.
Table 1 shows the properties, descriptions, valid values and default values of advanced connection properties.
Table 1. Advanced connection properties
Property Description Valid Values Default Value AllocateSpaceForLamAlef Specifies whether LamAlef is expanded or compressed. This property applies to Arabic sessions only. LAMALEFOFF BIDIMode Specifies whether to enable or disable bidirectional (BIDI) functions, like character shaping. This property applies to Arabic virtual terminal (VT) sessions only. BIDIMODEON and BIDIMODEOFF BIDIMODEON CICSGWCodePage Specifies the CICS® gateway. 000 CICSInitialTrans Specifies the names of the initial transaction identifiers are strings between 1 and 128 characters. The string identifies the initial transaction and any parameters to be specified upon connection to the server. The transaction is the first four characters, or the characters up to the first blank in the string. The remaining data is passed to the transaction on its invocation. CECI CICSInitialTransEnabled Specifies whether an initial transaction is started when a CICS gateway session is established. true or false true CICSServerName Specifies the CICS server name. connectionTimeout Specifies the connection timeout value. 0 copyAltSignLocation Specifies the mode of cut or copy for the sign of a number. true specifies a sign character is placed in front of the number. false specifies a sign character is placed in the same location relative to the number as it appears on the screen. true or false false copyOnlyIfTrimmed Specifies whether to set the copy error when there is no trim. true sets the copy error when no trim. false copies the entire screen when no trim. true or false false cursorDirection Specifies whether cursor direction is left to right or right to left. This property applies to BIDI Visual VT sessions only. CURSOR_LEFTTORIGHT or CURSOR_RIGHTTOLEFT CURSOR_LEFTTORIGHT CursorMovementState Specifies whether cursor movement within the presentation space by a mouse click is allowed. This property currently applies to VT sessions only. true or false true ENPTUI Indicates whether to enable the Enhanced Non-Programmable Terminal User Interface (ENPTUI) functionality. This property can be enabled for 5250 sessions only. true or false false EntryAssist_bell Enables or disables an audible signal when the cursor enters the column set for the End of Line Signal Column. true turns on bell. false turns off bell. true or false false EntryAssist_bellCol Controls the column number at which you want the audible signal for the End of Line to be sounded. The audible signal will only sound if the EntryAssist_bell property is set to true. Valid column numbers 75 EntryAssist_DOCmode Enables or disables the Entry Assist features. The Entry Assist (DOC mode) features make it easier to edit text documents in a 3270 display session. true turns DOC mode on. false turns DOC mode off. true or false false EntryAssist_DOCwordWrap Enables or disables word wrap. When word wrap is enabled a word that is typed at the right margin is moved in its entirety to the first unprotected field in the next row, provided that the unprotected field has enough blank space to the left to contain the word. The area on the previous row vacated by the word is filled with spaces. If the unprotected field does not have enough blank space at the left to contain the word, then the word is not moved. The effect is the same as though word wrap were not enabled. When true, turns word wrap on and false turns word wrap off true or false true EntryAssist_endCol Controls the right margin for DOC mode. When DOC mode is on, the rightmost cursor position in a row is the last unprotected character position to the left of the end column. Valid column numbers 80 EntryAssist_startCol Controls the left margin for DOC mode. When DOC mode is on, the leftmost cursor position in a row is the first unprotected character position to the right of the start column. Valid column numbers 1 EntryAssist_tabstop Controls how many spaces to skip when the Tab key is pressed. Valid numbers of spaces 8 EntryAssist_tabstops Controls the columns at which you want tab stops. When tab stops are set, pressing the tab key causes the cursor to skip to one of the following positions, whichever is first:
- The next tab stop in the same unprotected field on the same row. (Tab stops cannot be defined outside the left or right margin.)
- The first character position in the next unprotected field on the same row, if that character position is within the margins.
- The first character position in the next unprotected field in a subsequent row, if that character position is within the margins.
Characters skipped as the result of a tab key are not set to blanks. When characters are in an unprotected field and the cursor skips over them because of pressing the tab key, they are not set to blanks. Only nulls that the cursor skips as the result of a tab key are set to blanks.
String representations of arrays of columns to use as tab stops. For example: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 graphicsCellSize Specifies the graphic cell size. 0 hostBackup1 Host name or IP address of the backup1 server. Displayed as the Destination address of backup1 on property panels. Applies to all session types. hostBackup2 Host name or IP address of the backup2 server. Displayed as as Destination address of backup2 on property panels. Applies to all session types. hostGraphics Indicates whether to enable the host graphics function. This property can be enabled for 3270 sessions only. true or false InsertOffOnAIDKEY Sets the InsertOffOnAIDKEY property of Session. This property is valid for 3270 and CICS sessions only.
Insert mode is set as follows Any AID key performs as follows on and InsertOffOnAIDKEY is true Turns insert mode off on and InsertOffOnAIDKEY is false Has no effect on the insert mode off Does not turn insert mode on regardless of the state of InsertOffOnAIDKEY true or false false keyStoreFilePath Specifies the path and name of the keystore file on the client workstation that contains the client public and private keys. Valid path and file name of the keystore file keyStorePassword The password that is required to open the keystore file on the client workstation. Correct password to open the keystore file. no password lastHostWithoutTimeout true LUMLicensing Specifies the license method. LUM or HOD HOD LUMPort Specifies the LUM port. Valid port numbers 80 LUMServer Specifies the LUM server name. Valid LUM server names LUNameBackup1 The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the backup1 server, to which you want the session to connect. Displayed as LU or Pool Name of backup1 on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. Valid LU or LU pool names LUNameBackup2 The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the backup2 server, to which you want this session to connect. Displayed as LU or Pool Name of backup2 on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. Valid LU or LU pool names negotiateCResolution Specifies whether to enable Negotiate Contention Resolution. true or false true netName The name of the terminal resource to be installed or reserved. numeralShape Specifies the numeral shape as nominal, national or contextual for strings that are sent to the presentation space. This applies to Arabic hosts only. NOMINAL, NATIONAL, or CONTEXTUAL NOMINAL numeralShapeDisp Specifies how numerals are shaped. This property applies to Arabic VT sessions only. NOMINAL_DISP, NATIONAL_DISP, or CONTEXTUAL_DISP CONTEXTUAL_DISP numericFieldLock Specifies whether to limit the field characters of a session to numeric values. When true, only characters 0 through 9, -, +, period (.), and comma (,) are valid in fields that are defined by a host application as numeric. This property is valid for 3270 and CICS sessions only. true or false false numericSwapEnabled Enables Numeric swapping. This property applies to Arabic 3270 sessions only. true or false true panelOnlyTCPIPInactivityTimeout 0 pasteFieldWrap Enables wrap on field. This property does not apply to VT sessions. true sets wrap on field. false sets normal wrap. true or false false pasteLineWrap Enables line wrap on field. true sets line wrap on field. false sets normal wrap. true or false false pasteStopAtProtectedLine Specifies whether to enable paste in a protected area. This property does not apply to VT sessions. truedisables paste on a protected line. falseenables normal paste. true or false false pasteTabColumns Specifies the pasteTabColumns to set the number of columns that are represented by a tab. If this option is active the input skips to the column that is a multiple of this setting. Size of the tab in columns 4 pasteTabOptions Specifies the pasteTabOptions. 2 pasteTabSpaces Sets the pasteTabSpaces to the number of spaces that are represented by a tab. If this option is active, the input skips the number of spaces that is specified in this setting. Number of spaces to advance for a tab 1 pasteToTrimmedArea Specifies whether pasting is enabled in trimmed areas. This property does not apply to VT sessions. truesets paste to paste into trimmed area if defined. false sets paste to normal paste. true or false false pasteWordBreak Specifies whether paste splits words. This property does not apply to VT sessions. true sets paste to not split words. false sets paste to normal paste. true or false true PDTFile Specifies the name of a printer definition table (PDT) file. The PDT that you specify must be suitable for the printer and for the printer-emulation mode that the printer will use (such as PCL, PPDS. PostScript is not supported). portBackup1 The port number on which the backup1 server is configured. Displayed as Destination port of backup1 on property panels. Applies to all session types. 23 portBackup2 The port number on which the backup2 server is configured. Displayed as Destination port of backup2 on property panels. Applies to all session types. 23 printDestination Specifies whether the output goes to a printer or to a file. true goes to printer. false goes to file. true or false true printerName Specifies the name of the destination printer device. Valid print destination printers LPT1 printFileName Specifies the name to be assigned to the print file. Valid print file names proxyAuthenMethod Specifies the authentication method between the Host On-Demand session and proxy server. Select one of the following:
- Basic (HTTP only): The Host On-Demand session provides a user ID and password to the HTTP proxy server.
- Clear Text (SOCKS v5 only): The Host On-Demand session provides an unencrypted user ID and password to the socks proxy server.
- None: The Host On-Demand session does not provide a user ID and password to the HTTP proxy or socks server.
If you select Basic or Clear Text as the proxy authentication method, specify a User ID and Password.
SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_NONE proxyServerName Specifies the host name or IP address of the HTTP or socks proxy server. proxyServerPort Specifies the TCP port number of the HTTP or socks proxy server. 1080 proxyType Specifies the type of proxy server a host session uses.
- Default browser Setting
- HTTP Proxy
- SOCKS v4
- SOCKS v5
- SOCKS v4, if v5 unavailable
SESSION_PROXY_BROWSER_DEFAULT proxyUserID Specifies the user ID that the Host On-Demand session provides to authenticate with the HTTP or socks proxy server. proxyUserPassword Specifies the password that the Host On-Demand session provides to authenticate with the HTTP or socks proxy server. roundTrip Specifies whether the roundTrip is in on or off mode. This method applies to bidirectional hosts only. ON or OFF ON RTLUnicodeOverride Enables or disables the RTL Unicode Override option. This applies to BIDI 5250 Hosts only. RTLUNICODEON or RTLUNICODEOFF RTLUNICODEOFF SecurityProtocol Specifies whether to use the TLS v1.0 protocol, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, or the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for providing security. If set to TLS (default), and if the server is TLS-enabled, then a TLS v1.0 connection is provided. If the server is not TLS-enabled, then the server negotiates the connection down to SSL protocol.
Constant Value Description SESSION_PROTOCOL_TLS TLS Use TLS v1.0 protocol (default) SESSION_PROTOCOL_SSL SSL only Use SSL v3.0 protocol to provide security SESSION_PROTOCOL_SSH SSH Use SSH protocol v2.0 SESSION_PROTOCOL_TLS, SESSION_PROTOCOL_SSL, SESSION_PROTOCOL_SSH SESSION_PROTOCOL_TLS separateFiles Specifies whether print files are stored in separate files. This property applies to Host On-Demand VT sessions only, 3270 printer, and 5250 printer sessions. When true, saves print jobs in separate files and false, saves print jobs in a single file. true or false false serviceMgrHost Specifies the name for the Host On-Demand server. SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_BASIC Sets the authentication to basic when the connection goes through an HTTP proxy. This is not used when the proxyType is set to BROWSER_DEFAULT. SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_BASIC SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_CLEAR_TEXT Sets the authentication to clear text when the connection goes through a SOCKS V5 proxy. This is not used when the proxyType is set to BROWSER_DEFAULT. SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_CLEAR_TEXT SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_NONE Specifies that the session does not use a proxy server. This is not used when the proxyType is set to BROWSER_DEFAULT. SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_NONE SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_BROWSER_DEFAULT Specifies that the session uses the proxy settings of the Web browser. This is not used when the proxyType is set to SESSION_PROXY_BROWSER_DEFAULT. SESSION_PROXY_BROWSER_DEFAULT SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_HTTP Specifies that the session connects only through an HTTP proxy server, overriding the proxy settings defined in the Web browser. This is not used when the proxyType is set to SESSION_PROXY_HTTP. SESSION_PROXY_HTTP SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_SOCKS_V4 Specifies that the session connects through a SOCKS v4 proxy server only, overriding the proxy settings defined in the Web browser. Socks version 4 proxy server connects to a host system on behalf of a Host On-Demand client and transmits data between the client and the host system. This is not used when the proxyType is set to SESSION_PROXY_SOCKS_V4. SESSION_PROXY_SOCKS_V4 SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_SOCKS_V5 Specifies that the session connects through a SOCKS v5 proxy server only, overriding the proxy settings defined in the Web browser. SOCKS v5 includes the complete functionality of SOCKS v 4 and in addition, it supports authentication to the proxy server, IP version 6 addressing, domain names, and other networking features. This is not used when the proxyType is set to SESSION_PROXY_SOCKS_V5. SESSION_PROXY_SOCKS_V5 SESSION_PROXY_AUTHEN_SOCKS_V5_THEN_V4 Specifies that the session first attempts to connect using SOCKS v5. However, if the proxy server does not support SOCKS v5, the session connects using SOCKS v4. In either case, the session overrides the proxy settings defined in the Web browser. Proxy Server Name and Proxy Server Port are unavailable if you select Use Default Browser Setting as the Proxy Type. This is not used when the proxyType is set to SESSION_PROXY_SOCKS_V5_THEN_V4. SESSION_PROXY_SOCKS_V5_THEN_V4 sessionID The short name that you want to assign to this session (displayed in the OIA). It must be unique to this configuration. Appears as "Session ID" on property panels. Applies to all session types. This is not used when the proxyType is set to BROWSER_DEFAULT. sessionName Specifies the name of the session. showTextAttributesEnabled Specifies the Show Text Attributes property. This property applies to logical BIDI VT sessions only. true SLPAS400Name Connects a session to a specific iSeries server. Displayed as "AS/400® Name (SLP)" on property panels. Applies to 5250 Display and 5250 Printer session types. Use the fully-qualified SNA CP name (for example, USIBMNM.RAS400B). SLPEnabled Specifies whether a Service Location Protocol is used or not. When true, uses SLP. When false, does not use SLP. true or false false SLPMaxWaitTime SLPMaxWaitTime in milliseconds to wait for service response. This property is only valid when the SLPEnabled property is true. 200 SLPScope Service Location Protocol (SLP) Scope is displayed as Scope under SLP Options on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display, 3270 Printer, 5250 Display, and 5250 Printer session types. SLPThisScopeOnly Session is established only to a server that supports the provided scope. This property is valid only when the SLPEnabled property is true and there is a SLPScope provided. true or false false smartOrdering Specifies whether a segment of characters with different text attributes is ordered separately. This property applies BIDI Logical VT sessions only. SMART_ORDERING_OFF and SMART_ORDERING_ON SMART_ORDERING_OFF SSHPublicKeyAlias Specifies the SSHPublicKeyAlias. mykey SSHPublicKeyAliasPassword Specifies the password to read the public key information from the keystore. SSL Specifies whether to use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) feature. When true, enables SSL. When false, disables SSL. true or false false SSLBrowserKeyringAdded Specifies the SSLBrowserKeyringAdded property of the session. When true, adds the session to the Host On-Demand client keyring. When false, does not add the session to the Host On-Demand keyring. true or false false SSLCertificateHash Specifies the SSLCertificateHash. SSLCertificateName Specifies the SSLCertificateName. SSLCertificatePassword Specifies the SSLCertificatePassword. SSLCertificatePromptBeforeConnect Specifies whether the client is prompted before connecting to the server. When true, prompts the client. When false, does not prompt the client. true or false false SSLCertificatePromptHowOften Specifies how often the client is prompted. SESSION_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PROMPT_EACH_CONNECT, SESSION_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PROMPT_FIRST_CONNECT, SESSION_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PROMPT_ONLY_ONCE SESSION_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PROMPT_FIRST_CONNECT SSLCertificateProvided Specifies whether the client has a certificate. The value is true if the client has a certificate and false if the client does not have a certificate. true or false false SSLCertificateSource The certificate can be kept in the client's browser or dedicated security device, such as a smart card, local or network-accessed file. Displayed as Certificate Source on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display, 3270 Printer, 5250 Display, 5250 Printer, and VT Display session types.
- SSL_CERTIFICATE_IN_CSP: For certificate in browser or security device
- SSL_CERTIFICATE_IN_URL: For certificate in URL or file
SESSION_SSL_CERTIFICATE_IN_URL SSLCertificateURL Specifies the default location of the client certificate. Displayed as the URL or Path and Filename in property panels. Applies to 3270 Display, 3270 Printer, 5250 Display, 5250 Printer, and VT Display session types. The URL protocols that you can use depend on the capabilities of your browser. Most browsers support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS. SSLServerAuthentication Specifies whether SSL server authentication is enabled. true or false false SSLTelnetNegotiated Specifies whether SSL will be negotiated on the Telnet connection. Set this property to true only if you connect to a Telnet server that supports IETF Internet-Draft TLS-based Telnet Security. This Internet-Draft defines the protocol for doing the SSL Handshake over a Telnet connection. Set the SSL property to true also. false ssoCMServer Specifies the sso_CMServer property. Address strings of back-end servers and applications that respond to single sign-on (SSO) queries. ssoEnabled Specifies that the session is SSO enabled. When true, enables SSO for the session. When false, disables SSO. true or false false ssoUseKerberosPassticket Specifies whether the SSO layer uses the client side Kerberos support to acquire a Kerberos passticket for login. When true, instructs the SSO layer to use the client side Kerberos support. When false, instructs the SSO layer to not use the client side Kerberos support. true or false false ssoUseLocalIdentity Specifies whether the SSO layer uses the local operating system userID in the SSO process. When true, instructs the client to use the local operating system user ID in the SSO process. When false, instructs the client not to use the local operating system user ID in the SSO process. true or false false symmetricSwapEnabled Specifies whether symmetric swapping is enabled. This property applies to Arabic 3270 sessions only. When true, enables symmetric swapping. When false, disables symmetric swapping. true or false true textOrientation Specifies whether the test orientation is left to right or right to left. This property applies to bidirectional Sessions only. LEFTTORIGHT or RIGHTTOLEFT LEFTTORIGHT textType Specifies whether the textType is visual or logical. This property applies to bidirectional sessions only. VISUAL or LOGICAL VISUAL textTypeDisp Determines whether a session works in the logical or visual mode. This property applies BIDI VT sessions only. LOGICAL_DISP and VISUAL_DISP LOGICAL_DISP ThaiDisplayMode This method applies to Thai host machines only.
Value Description 1 Non-composed mode 2 Composed mode 3 Composed mode with space alignment 4 Composed mode with EOF alignment 5 Composed mode with space and EOF alignment Integers 1 through 5 5 timeout Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the client waits for data. If no data is received for the specified amount of time, the session is disconnected. A value of 0 specifies that system will not time out. 0 timeoutNoDataAtInitialization Specifies whether to time out if no data is received at the session initialization. true or false false trimRectRemainAfterEdit Specifies whether trim rec remains after a cut, copy, or paste action. When true, sets trim rec to remain after a cut, copy, or paste action. When false, does not set trim rec to remain after a cut, copy, or paste action. true or false false trimRectSizingHandles Specifies whether trim rec is sizeable or not. When true, trim rec is sizeable. When false, trim rec is not sizeable. true or false true unicodeDataStreamEnabled Specifies whether the session can receive Unicode data fields that are sent by a host. When true, the session can receive Unicode data field that is sent by a host. When false, the session cannot receive Unicode data field that is sent by a host. true or false false userID Specifies the user ID that is used in the SSH authentication process is either by public-key or password. Valid user ID userPassword Specifies the user password that is used in the SSH authentication process. Valid user password useSSHPublicKeyAuthentication Specifies whether the SSH public key authentication is enabled. When true, enables the SSH public key authentication. When false, disables SSH public key authentication. true or false false VTAnswerBackMsg A string that is returned to the remote VT server in response to an ENQ command (0x05). This string can be empty ("") or a user-defined value. none VTasciiConvert false VTAutowrap Sets the VTAutowrap property. This property applies to VT sessions only. When true, enables autowrap and false disables autowrap. true or false false VTBackspace Sets the VTBackspace property. This property applies to VT sessions only. When true, sets normal backspace behavior and false deletes the character at the cursor. true or false false VTCursor Sets the VTCursor property. This property applies to VT sessions only. When true, establishes application-controlled cursor behavior and false establishes normal cursor behavior. true or false false VTID This ID is used to determine how the emulator identifies itself to the host. This field tells the UNIX host the type of VT terminal that you want to emulate for your session. VT420 VTKeypad Sets the VTKeypad property. This property applies to VT sessions only. When true, sets application keypad control and false sets normal keypad behavior. true or false false VTLocalEcho Local-echo mode. This property applies to VT sessions only. If true, turns local echo on. If false, turns local echo off. true or false false VTNewLine New-line operation. This property applies to VT sessions only. If true, interprets a carriage return as CR only. If false, interprets carriage return as CR and LF. true or false true VTReverseScreen Sets the VTReverseScreen property. This property applies to VT sessions only. When true, sets reverse video and false sets normal video. true or false false VTTerminalType The terminal-type required by the server to which the session will connect to. This property applies to VT sessions only.
Value Description 1 VT220_7_BIT 2 VT220_8_BIT 3 VT100 4 VT52 Integers from 1 to 5 1 Related tasks