Proxy development environment
Functional Tester proxies can be developed either in Java or C# programming languages based on the UI framework of the application under test (AUT).
You must use Java for developing proxies for the following UI frameworks under Java and HTML domains:
- Swing
- Applet
You must use C# for developing proxies for UI frameworks under the following domains:
- .Net
- Win32
Software requirements
You must have the following software in you computer to develop proxies using the proxy SDK
- Rational Functional Tester 7.0 or later.
- Eclipse 3.2 or later, or any other JDK for developing proxies in Java
- Microsoft Visual Studio.Net for developing proxies in C#. For developing ProxyObjects, use one of the following integrated development environment:
- Visual Studio .Net 2003 for .Net 1.x controls
- Visual Studio .Net 2005 for .Net 2.0 controls
ProxyObject is exposed to the scripting side of Functional Tester as either .Net or Java TestObject, depending on the test scripting choice.
Related concepts
Current level of proxy support that Functional Tester provides
Developing proxies using the Proxy SDK wizard
Related tasks