Enable the SAP server

After you enable the SAP GUI client, enable the SAP server for testing by setting up scripting temporarily from the SAP client.

To enable scripting temporarily from the SAP client, perform the following procedure. The value that you set with this procedure is lost when the server is restarted.

If the server administrator edits the application server profile of the SAP system to include sapgui/user_scripting = TRUE, scripting is enabled by default when the server is restarted.


  1. Start the SAP Logon and log in to the SAP server.

  2. Start a RZ11 transaction.

  3. Type sapgui/user_scripting in the Maintain Profile Parameters window.

  4. Click Display.

  5. Click Change value in the Display Profile Parameter Attributes window.

  6. Type TRUE in the New value field.

  7. Save the settings and log off the SAP GUI.

  8. Exit the SAP Logon program.

    Tip: In SAP you can change the network connection mode to any server. The two connection modes are: High Speed Connection (LAN) and Low Speed Connection (Reduced Network Traffic). Although, functional testing works in both the modes, a script recorded using High Speed Connection plays back only in that mode. This is also true for the Low Speed Connection mode. You must play back your SAP script in the same network connection mode at which you recorded. High Speed Connection mode provides the best results, because it provides the most valid recognition properties.


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