Group verification points

You can create verification points for all the controls of an application visual using the Group Verification Point feature.

From an application visual, you can select the controls individually and insert the data or image verification points. Using the group verification point feature in the Application view, you can insert verification points for all the controls in the application visual. By default, group verification points can be inserted for the following type of controls in the application visual:

If you want to insert group verification points for any other type of controls such as a tree control, add it to the control list in the defaultGroupVp.rftssvp file.

To insert a control that is not listed as the default control for group verification points:

  1. Close Rational Functional Tester .

  2. Open the defaultGroupVp.rftssvp file available at Functional Tester installation directory\FunctionalTester\bin location using the notepad editor.

  3. Add the control to the file in the format <role roleName="control name"/>. For example: To add a tree control to the default group verification point list, add the line <role roleName="Tree"/>.

  4. Save the file and then open IBM Rational Functional Tester.

You can refer to the control names in the defaultVPType.rftssvp file that is also available at <Functional Tester installation directory>\FunctionalTester\bin location.

Related tasks

Create group verification points


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