Variable Name page of the Verification Point and Action wizard

The Variable Name page is the fourth page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard when you choose Get a Specific Property Value as your action. On the Variable Name page, you can name the variable that holds the property value, and choose whether to declare the variable in your script.

You can open the Verification Point and Action Wizard with the Insert Verification Point or Action Command button on the Recording toolbar. You can use the wizard to select objects to test in your application, and to select the types of tests to perform on them. The Select an Object page is the first step. After you select an object and click Next, the Select an Action page appears. On the Select an Action page, you choose an action to perform on the test object. Two of the actions are verification points (Properties or Data) and two of the actions, get a specific property value and wait for an object, are scripted actions against the object. If you choose Get a Specific Property Value, Functional Tester displays the Insert getProperty Command page. The Variable Name page will be the fourth page when you click Next.

This page contains the following fields:

Object - Displays the name of the object for which you are getting a property.

Property - Displays the single property you chose to get.

Data Type - Displays the data type you are testing. This depends on the specific property you chose.

Variable Name - Accept the default suggestion listed in this box, or type a new name. The default name is based on the name of the object and the property you chose to test. After you accept or edit the name, click Finish.

Declare the variable in the script - This is selected by default. You need to declare a variable the first time you use the variable name. If you use the same variable name again in the same script, clear this option after the initial instance.

For more information, see Get a Property Value.

Related tasks

Get a property value


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