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Class MemoryMenuTreePortlet

  extended by javax.servlet.GenericServlet
      extended by javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
          extended by com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.cache.CacheablePortlet
              extended by org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet
                  extended by org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter
                      extended by com.ibm.wps.portlets.menu.MemoryMenuTreePortlet
All Implemented Interfaces:
com.ibm.websphere.servlet.cache.CacheableServlet, MenuProvider, java.io.Serializable, javax.servlet.Servlet, javax.servlet.ServletConfig, org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletSessionListener
Deprecated. since 6.0. Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.

public abstract class MemoryMenuTreePortlet
extends org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter
implements MenuProvider

MemoryMenuTreePortlet is a convenience implementation of a portlet that exposes a dynamic (memory based) portlet menu. Custom subclasses of MemoryMenuTreePortlet need to make sure that the menu is filled with appropriate dynamic information.

The MemoryMenuTreePortlet is a default implementation for the Portlet interface. If a portlet uses an an in-memory menu tree, it is recommended that it derives from MemoryMenuTreePortlet. The controller interface MenuTreeTopologyCtrl enables adding or removing tree nodes. The controller interface MenuTreeInfoCtrl can be used to set title and description of the node and to add an URI action and one or more parameters to the node.

The following example shows how MenuProvider#getMenuTree can be extended to create a menu tree with two nodes and two subnodes of the first node. Title and description are set in two different locales. To avoid that the memory tree is created at each request, it is recommended to store the tree instance, e.g., as a session attribute.

Portlet source code:

 import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.*;
 import com.ibm.wps.portlet.menu.*;
 import com.ibm.wps.portlets.menu.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.*;
 public class MemoryTestPortlet extends MemoryMenuTreePortlet
 implements MenuProvider, ActionListener
 {      public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
     throws PortletException, IOException
     {          // Invoke the JSP to render
         getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/View.jsp", request, response);
     // action event handling
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException
     {          if (event != null)
         {              String actionString = event.getActionString();
             PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
             if (actionString != null)
             {                  request.setAttribute("ActionString", actionString);
     // overwrites implementation of MemoryMenuTreePortlet
     public MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuContext menuContext) throws PortletException
     {          // session stores menu tree
         PortletSession session = menuContext.getPortletRequest().getPortletSession();
         MenuTree menuTree = (MenuTree) session.getAttribute("menu-tree");
         if ( menuTree == null )
         {              // use method implementation of MemoryMenuTreePortlet
             menuTree = super.createEmptyMenuTree(menuContext);
             // get the controllers
             MenuTreeInfoCtrl    ctrlInfo      = (MenuTreeInfoCtrl) menuTree;
             MenuTreeTopologyCtrl ctrlTopology  = (MenuTreeTopologyCtrl) menuTree;
             {                  // get the root
                 MenuNode rootNode = menuTree.getRoot();
                 // set scope
                 // add root node title and description
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.ENGLISH,"Memory Tree","Memory Tree",rootNode);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.FRENCH,"Memory Tree","Memory Tree",rootNode);
                 // add two new nodes with title and description
                 MenuNode node1 = ctrlTopology.addNode("id1",rootNode);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.ENGLISH,"Node 1","Node 1",node1);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.FRENCH,"Noeud 1","Noeud 1",node1);
                 MenuNode node2 = ctrlTopology.addNode("id2",rootNode);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.ENGLISH,"Node 2","Node 2",node2);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.FRENCH,"Noeud 2","Noeud 2",node2);
                 MenuNode node3 = ctrlTopology.addNode("id3",rootNode);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.ENGLISH,"Node 3","Node 3",node3);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.FRENCH,"Noeud 3","Noeud 3",node3);
                 // add two subnodes to node1 with title and description
                 MenuNode node1_1 = ctrlTopology.addNode("id1_1",node1);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.ENGLISH,"Node 1.1","Node 1.1",node1_1);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.FRENCH,"Noeud 1.1","Noeud 1.1",node1_1);
                 MenuNode node1_2 = ctrlTopology.addNode("id1_2",node1);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.ENGLISH,"Node 1.2","Node 1.2",node1_2);
                 ctrlInfo.setInformation(Locale.FRENCH,"Noeud 1.2","Noeud 1.2",node1_2);
                 // set action and add parameter-value pairs to node1
                 // set action and add parameter-value pairs to node2
                 // set url to node3
             catch ( MenuTreeException ex )
             {                  throw new PortletException("Exception creating tree", ex);
             session.setAttribute("menu-tree", menuTree);
         return menuTree;

with /jsp/View.jsp

 <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
 <H3>Test of MemoryMenuTree</H3>
  <LI>Expand root node and <CITE>Node 1</CITE>.<BR><BR>
  <LI>Click <CITE>Node 1</CITE> and <CITE>Node 2</CITE>. Check if action string and request parameters are displayed.
      <TABLE BORDER="0">
  <LI>Click <CITE>Node 3</CITE>. Check if external html page is displayed and return to portal page.

See Also:
PortletAdapter, MenuProvider, MenuTreeTopologyCtrl, MenuTreeInfoCtrl, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet.Mode, org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet.ModeModifier
Constructor Summary
protected MemoryMenuTreePortlet()
          Deprecated. Constructor.
Method Summary
protected  MenuTree createEmptyMenuTree(MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Return a memory menu tree with only one unnamed root node, do not overwrite, but call this method from the derived class.
 MenuTree getMenu(MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Return a memory menu tree with only one unnamed root node for a specified context, overwrite with the custom portlet implementation.
protected  MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Return a memory menu tree with only one unnamed root node for a specified context, overwrite with the custom portlet implementation.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter
destroy, destroyConcrete, doConfigure, doEdit, doHelp, doView, getLastModified, getPortletConfig, getPortletLog, getVariable, init, initConcrete, login, logout, removeVariable, service, setVariable
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet
destroy, doGet, doPost, doPut, getId, getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getLastModified, getPortletSettings, getServletContext, getServletInfo, init, service
Methods inherited from class com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.cache.CacheablePortlet
getSharingPolicy, service
Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
doDelete, doHead, doOptions, doTrace
Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.GenericServlet
getServletConfig, getServletName, init, log, log
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected MemoryMenuTreePortlet()

Method Detail


public MenuTree getMenu(MenuContext menuContext)
                 throws org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletException
Returns a memory menu tree with only one unnamed root node for a specified context, overwrite with the custom portlet implementation. As of release 5.0, this method can be implemented as well as getMenuTree().

Specified by:
getMenu in interface MenuProvider
menuContext - menu context contains the current request ID and response ID.
the memory menu tree with only the root node which has the node ID RootId. To get this ID, apply menuTree.getRoot().getId() to the returned menuTree.
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletException - if service not found or unavailable
See Also:


protected MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuContext menuContext)
                        throws org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletException
Returns a memory menu tree with only one unnamed root node for a specified context, overwrite with the custom portlet implementation. As of release 5.0, this method can be implemented as well as getMenu().

menuContext - contains the current request ID and response ID.
the memory menu tree with only the root node which has the node ID RootId. To get this ID, apply menuTree.getRoot().getId() to the returned menuTree.
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletException - if service not found or unavailable


protected MenuTree createEmptyMenuTree(MenuContext menuContext)
                                throws org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletException
Returns a memory menu tree with only one unnamed root node, do not overwrite, but call this method from the derived class.

menuContext - contains the current request ID and response ID.
the memory menu tree with only the root node which has the node ID RootId. To get this ID, apply menuTree.getRoot().getId() to the returned menuTree.
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletException - if service not found or unavailable