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Interface Workspace

public interface Workspace

Represents a view of the WCM repository for a particular user. 'Live', 'Read', 'Edit' and 'Delete' access are deprecated. The levels 'User', 'Contributor', 'Editor' and 'Manager' should be used from 6.1.


Field Summary
          Item is marked for deletion and is pending delete.
          Pending workflow status for expired.
          Pending workflow status for none.
          Pending workflow status for published.
static int ROLE_APPROVER
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items.
static int ROLE_AUTHOR
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items.
static int ROLE_OWNER
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items.
          Deprecated. use Access.APPROVER instead
          Deprecated. use Access.CONTRIBUTOR instead
          Deprecated. Use manager access
          Deprecated. Use editor access
          Deprecated. use Access.EDITOR instead
          Deprecated. use Access.MANAGER instead
          Deprecated. Use contributor access
          Deprecated. use Access.USER instead
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_CREATION_DATE
          Content Search method sort key for creation date
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_DESCRIPTION
          Content Search method sort key for description
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_EXPIRY_DATE
          Content Search method sort key for expiry date
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_GENERAL_DATE_ONE
          Content Search method sort key for general date one
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_GENERAL_DATE_TWO
          Content Search method sort key for general date two
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_LASTMODIFIED_DATE
          Content Search method sort key for last modified date
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_NAME
          Content Search method sort key for name
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_NONE
          Content Search method sort key for no sorting
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_PUBLISH_DATE
          Content Search method sort key for publish date
static java.lang.String SORT_KEY_TITLE
          Content Search method sort key for title
static java.lang.String WCM_ERROR_KEY
          Key for the String error message in the page context.
static java.lang.String WCM_RENDERINGCONTEXT_KEY
          Key for the RenderingContext in the request.
static java.lang.String WCM_WORKSPACE_KEY
          Key for the Workspace in the page context.
          Workflow status for draft, published or expired.
          Workflow status for draft.
          Workflow status for expired.
          Workflow status for published.
Method Summary
 void clearReferences(Reference[] references)
          Clears all the references represented by the array of Reference instances.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords, boolean matchAllKeys)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords, boolean matchAllCategories, boolean includeAncestorCategories, boolean includeDescendentCategories, boolean includeAncestorSiteAreas, boolean includeDescendentSiteAreas, java.lang.String sortKey1, java.lang.String sortKey2, java.lang.String sortKey3, boolean sortAscending)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords, boolean matchAllCategories, boolean includeAncestorCategories, boolean includeDescendentCategories, boolean includeAncestorSiteAreas, boolean includeDescendentSiteAreas, java.lang.String sortKey1, java.lang.String sortKey2, java.lang.String sortKey3, boolean sortAscending, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords, boolean matchAllCategories, boolean includeAncestorSiteAreas, boolean includeDescendantSiteAreas, java.lang.String sortKey1, java.lang.String sortKey2, java.lang.String sortKey3, boolean sortAscending)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords, boolean matchAllKeys, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId, DocumentId[] siteAreaIds, DocumentId[] categoryIds, java.lang.String[] keywords, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Return an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.
<T extends Document>
copy(DocumentId<T> documentId, DocumentId newParentId)
          Copies a document and adds it under a new parent.
 Document copy(Placeable doc, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.PlacementLocation location, CopyOptions copyOptions)
          Copies the supplied Positionable document to the target location according to the rules specified by the copyOptions parameter.
<T extends Document>
copy(T doc, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.ParentLocation location, CopyOptions copyOptions)
          Copies the supplied document to the new parent according to the rules specified by the copyOptions parameter.
 Document copyCategory(DocumentId categoryId, DocumentId newParentId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.copy(Document, ParentLocation, CopyOptions) instead.
 Document copySiteFrameworkDocument(DocumentId docId, DocumentId newParentId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.copy(Placeable, PlacementLocation, CopyOptions) instead.
<T extends Document>
copyToLibrary(DocumentLibrary target, DocumentId<T> docId)
          This method copies non-hierarchical or root items to another library.
<T extends Document>
copyToLibrary(DocumentLibrary target, DocumentId<T> docId, CopyOptions copyOptions)
          This method copies non-hierarchical or root items to another library.
 AuthoringTemplate createAuthoringTemplate()
          Creates a new AuthoringTemplate.
 Category createCategory(DocumentId parentId)
          Creates a new Category under the given parent.
 Content createContent(DocumentId contentTemplateId)
          Deprecated. use createContent(contentTemplateId, parentSiteAreaId, siblingId, position) instead.
 Content createContent(DocumentId contentTemplateId, DocumentId parentSiteAreaId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Creates a new Content object, based on a AuthoringTemplate in the parent SiteArea.
 Content createContent(DocumentId parentSiteAreaId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Creates a new Content object, using the default AuthoringTemplate, in the given parent SiteArea.
 ContentLink createContentLink(DocumentId contentId, DocumentId parentSiteAreaId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Creates a new ContentLink object, linked to the given Content.
 ContentLink createContentLink(DocumentId contentId, DocumentId parentSiteAreaId, DocumentId siblingId, int position, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.LinkOptions linkOptions)
          Creates a new ContentLink object, linked to the given Content.
 LibraryDateComponent createDateComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryDateComponent.
<T extends Document>
createDocumentId(java.lang.String stringId)
          Creates a new DocumentId object from a String representation of the ID.
<T extends Document>
createDocumentIdIterator(DocumentId<T>[] documentIds)
          Create a new DocumentIdIterator from an array of given DocumentId.
 LibraryDocumentManagerComponent createDocumentManagerComponent()
          Deprecated. LibraryDocumentManagerComponent is deprecated since 7.0
 LibraryFileComponent createFileComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryFileComponent.
 Folder createFolder(DocumentId parentId)
          Create a folder object under the specified parent folder.
 Folder createFolder(Folder parent)
          Create a folder object under the specified parent folder.
 LibraryHTMLComponent createHTMLComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryHTMLComponent.
 LibraryImageComponent createImageComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryImageComponent.
 LibraryJSPComponent createJSPComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryJSPComponent.
 LibraryLinkComponent createLinkComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryLinkComponent.
 LibraryListPresentationComponent createListPresentationComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryListPresentationComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).
 LibraryMenuComponent createMenuComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryMenuComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).
 LibraryNavigatorComponent createNavigatorComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryNavigatorComponent.
 LibraryNumericComponent createNumericComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryNumericComponent.
 LibraryPersonalizationComponent createPersonalizationComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryPersonalizationComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).
 PresentationTemplate createPresentationTemplate()
          Creates a new PresentationTemplate.
 RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.util.Map requestParameters)
          Creates a new rendering context.
 RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.util.Map requestParameters, java.lang.String wcmWebAppPath, java.lang.String wcmServletPath)
          Creates a new rendering context.
 RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.util.Map requestParameters)
          Creates a new rendering context.
 RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletResponse response, java.util.Map requestParameters, java.lang.String wcmWebAppPath, java.lang.String wcmServletPath)
          Creates a new rendering context.
 LibraryRichTextComponent createRichTextComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryRichTextComponent.
 LibrarySearchComponent createSearchComponent()
          Creates a new LibrarySearchComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).
 Segment createSegment()
          Creates a new Segment.
 LibraryShortTextComponent createShortTextComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryShortTextComponent.
 Site createSite()
          Deprecated. use createSiteArea() instead.
 SiteArea createSiteArea()
          Creates a new top-level SiteArea.
 SiteArea createSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaTemplateId)
          Creates a new top-level SiteArea with the given existing site area template.
 SiteArea createSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaTemplateId, DocumentId parentId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Creates a new SiteArea under the given parent with a given existing site area template.
 SiteArea createSiteArea(DocumentId parentId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Creates a new SiteArea under the given parent.
 SiteAreaTemplate createSiteAreaTemplate()
          Creates a new SiteAreaTemplate.
 LibraryStyleSheetComponent createStyleSheetComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryStyleSheetComponent.
 Taxonomy createTaxonomy()
          Creates a new Taxonomy.
 LibraryTextComponent createTextComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryTextComponent.
 LibraryUserSelectionComponent createUserSelectionComponent()
          Creates a new LibraryUserSelectionComponent.
 Workflow createWorkflow()
          Creates a new Workflow.
 WorkflowStage createWorkflowStage()
          Creates a new WorkflowStage.
 java.lang.String[] delete(DocumentId id)
          Deletes an editable document from the WCM repository.
 boolean exists(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
          Tests the existence of an document in the repository.
 boolean exists(java.lang.String id)
          Return true if object with given ID exists.
 DocumentIdIterator findAllByPath(java.lang.String namePath, DocumentType documentType, int workflowStatusFilter, DocumentLibrary[] documentLibraries)
          Return a DocumentIdIterator for the items on the supplied relative name path in the supplied document libraries.
 DocumentIdIterator findByName(DocumentType type, java.lang.String name)
          Return an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type with the specified name.
 DocumentIdIterator findByName(DocumentType type, java.lang.String name, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Return an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type with the specified name that match the given workflow status filter.
<T extends Document>
findByPath(java.lang.String namePath, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.findAllByPath(path, DocumentTypes.Content, workflowStatusFilter, documentLibraries)
 DocumentIdIterator findByType(DocumentType type)
          Return an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type.
 DocumentIdIterator findByType(DocumentType type, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Return an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type that match the given workflow status filter.
 DocumentIdIterator findComponentByName(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(LibraryComponent.class).addSelector(Selectors.nameLike(name)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByAuthoringTemplate(DocumentId id)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(Selectors.authoringTemplateIn(id)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByAuthoringTemplate(DocumentId id, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(Selectors.authoringTemplateIn(id), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByCategory(DocumentId id)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(ProfileSelectors.categoriesContains(id)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByCategory(DocumentId id, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(ProfileSelectors.categoriesContains(id), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator<Content> findContentByPath(java.lang.String namePath)
          Return an iterator of IDs of Content with the given name path.
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByWorkflowStage(DocumentId id)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageEquals(id)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] ids)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageContains(ids)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] workflowStages, java.lang.String[] users, int userRoles)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); [for userRoles=ROLE_AUTHOR] Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.authorsContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_OWNER] Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.ownersContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_APPROVER] Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(Status.DRAFT), WorkflowSelectors.approversContains(users)); WorkflowSelectors.approversContains queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(modifiedDate)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelectors(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(modifiedDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] ids)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(ids)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] workflowStages, java.lang.String[] users, int userRoles)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); [for userRoles=ROLE_AUTHOR] Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.authorsContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_OWNER] Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.ownersContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_APPROVER] Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(Status.DRAFT), WorkflowSelectors.approversContains(users)); WorkflowSelectors.approversContains queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate)); queryService.execute(query);
 DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate, int workflowStatusFilter)
          Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);
<T extends Document>
findItemsDeletedBefore(java.util.Date deletedBeforeDate, DocumentType<T> documentType, DocumentId workflowStage)
          Return a DocumentIdIterator of deleted documents restricted by date, document type and workflow stage.
<T extends Document>
findItemsDeletedBetween(java.util.Date deletedStartDate, java.util.Date deletedEndDate, DocumentType<T> documentType, DocumentId workflowStage)
          Return a DocumentIdIterator of documents restricted by date, workflow stage and document type
<T extends Document>
findItemsDeletedSince(java.util.Date deletedSinceDate, DocumentType<T> documentType, DocumentId workflowStage)
          Return a DocumentIdIterator of documents restricted by date, workflow stage and document type
<T extends WCMApiObject>
fromString(java.lang.String typeName)
          Return the DocumentType for the specified API interface/class name.
 java.lang.String generateURL(RenderingContext context, ContentComponent component)
          Generate the URL to the given component, in the context of the path in the RenderingContext.
 java.lang.String generateURL(RenderingContext context, LibraryComponent component)
          Generate the URL to the given component, in the context of the path in the RenderingContext.
 Reference[] getBranchReferences(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Return an array of Reference instances that are references from items outside of the specified branch to the root of the branch or any of the items within the branch.
 Reference[] getBranchReferences(DocumentLibrary library)
          Return an array of Reference instances that are references from items outside of the specified DocumentLibrary to the DocumentLibrary or any of the items within the branch.
<T extends Document>
getById(DocumentId<T> id)
          Return object for the given Id.
<T extends Document>
getById(DocumentId<T> id, boolean asReference)
          Return object for the given Id.
<T extends Document>
getById(DocumentId<T> id, boolean asReference, boolean loadElements)
          Return object for the given Id.
<T extends Document>
getByIds(DocumentIdIterator<T> documentIdIterator, boolean asReference)
          Return the list of Document objects for the given DocumentIds as a DocumentIterator.
<T extends Document>
getByIds(DocumentIdIterator<T> documentIdIterator, boolean asReference, boolean loadElements)
          Return the list of Document objects for the given DocumentIds as a DocumentIterator.
 DocumentLibrary getCurrentDocumentLibrary()
          Return the current DocumentLibrary, which is being used for all operations except rendering.
 java.util.Iterator<DocumentLibrary> getDocumentLibraries()
          Return an iterator of all DocumentLibrary objects visible to the user of this Workspace.
 java.util.Iterator<DocumentLibrary> getDocumentLibraries(boolean includeDisabledLibraries)
          Return an iterator of all DocumentLibrary objects visible to the user of this Workspace.
 DocumentLibrary getDocumentLibrary(java.lang.String libraryName)
          Return the DocumentLibrary with the specified name or title, or null if a DocumentLibrary with that name or title does not exist or the caller does not have access Equivalent to getDocumentLibrary(libraryName, false)
 DocumentLibrary getDocumentLibrary(java.lang.String libraryName, boolean includeDisabledLibrary)
          Return the DocumentLibrary with the specified name or title, or null if a DocumentLibrary with that name or title does not exist or the caller does not have access
<T extends Document>
getDraftIdByPublishedId(DocumentId<T> id)
          Deprecated. Use getDraftIdsByPublishedId(com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId)
<T extends Document>
getDraftIdByPublishedId(DocumentId<T> id, DocumentId<Project> projectId)
          Return the DocumentId of the draft document associated with the supplied published/expired and project DocumentId.
<T extends Document>
getDraftIdsByPublishedId(DocumentId<T> id)
          Return the DocumentIdIterator of the draft documents associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId
 IdentityBuilder getIdentityBuilder()
          Get an identity builder, which allows conversion between DocumentId's and ReST URIs.
 java.lang.String[] getMemberNames()
          Deprecated. Use the PUMA API
 java.lang.String[] getMemberNames(java.lang.String filter)
          Deprecated. Use the PUMA API
 java.lang.String getPathById(DocumentId<? extends Document> id, boolean maintainCase, boolean decodeURL)
          Return the 'name' path of the document with the given id.
 DocumentId getProjectId()
          Return the DocumentId of the Project associated with this Workspace
<T extends Document>
getPublishedIdByDraftId(DocumentId<T> id)
          Return the DocumentId of the published or expired document associated with the supplied draft DocumentId
 QueryService getQueryService()
          Obtains an instance of QueryService which is associated with this workspace.
 Reference[] getReferences(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Return an array of Reference instances that represent all references to the specified DocumentId.
 Reference[] getReferencesFrom(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Return an array of Reference instances that represent all references from the specified DocumentId.
 java.lang.String getTitlePathById(DocumentId id, java.util.Locale locale)
          Return the 'Display Title' path of the document with the given id.
 UserProfile getUserProfile()
          Return the UserProfile for the user of this Workspace.
 VersioningService getVersioningService()
          Obtains an instance of VersioningService which is associated with this workspace.
 boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id, Access access)
          Check if the user of the Workspace has the specified access to specified document.
 boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id, int securityAccessType)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 use hasAccess(DocumentId, Access) instead
 boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id, UserProfile profile, Access access)
          Check if the UserProfile has the specified access to specified document.
 boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id, UserProfile user, int securityAccessType)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 hasAccess(DocumentId, UserProfile, Access) instead
 boolean hasContributorAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Check if user associated with the workspace has Contributor Acccess to the given DocumentId
 boolean hasDocumentLibrary(java.lang.String libraryName)
          Indicates if there is a DocumentLibrary with the specified name
 boolean hasDraftIdByPublishedId(DocumentId<? extends Document> id, DocumentId<Project> projectId)
          Returns true if a draft document associated with the supplied published/expired and project DocumentId exists.
 boolean hasDraftIdsByPublishedId(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
          Returns true if a draft document associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId exists
 boolean hasEditorAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Check if user associated with the workspace has Editor Acccess to the given DocumentId
 boolean hasManagerAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Check if user associated with the workspace has Manager Acccess to the given DocumentId
 boolean hasPublishedIdByDraftId(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
          Returns true if a published or expired document associated with the supplied draft DocumentId exists
 boolean hasUserAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
          Check if user associated with the workspace has User Acccess to the given DocumentId
 boolean isDistinguishedNamesUsed()
          Indicates whether this Workspace is set to use distinguished names for users Returns true if this Workspace is set to use distinguished names rather than their common names.
 boolean isLocked(DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
          Indicates whether the DocumentId provided is locked or not
 boolean isLoggedIntoWorkspace()
          Indicates whether this Workspace has been logged into on the current thread.
 boolean isMemberOfGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Indicates if the user of this Workspace is a member of the group with the specified name.
 boolean isSystemWorkspace()
          Returns true if this Workspace will act with system credentials Indicates this Workspace will perform operations with system credentials.
 void lock(DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
          Locks the document (draft or non-draft) provided by the DocumentId.
 void login()
          Performs a login at the Workspace level.
 void logout()
          Performs a logout at the Workspace level
 void move(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId, DocumentId<? extends Document> newParentId)
          Moves a document and adds it under a new parent.
 void move(Document doc, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.ParentLocation location, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.MoveOptions moveOptions)
          Moves the supplied document to the new parent according to the rules specified by the moveOptions parameter.
 void move(Placeable doc, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.PlacementLocation location, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.MoveOptions moveOptions)
          Moves the supplied Placeable document to the target location according to the rules specified by the moveOptions parameter.
 void moveCategory(DocumentId categoryId, DocumentId newParentId)
          Deprecated. Use Workspace.move instead
 void moveSiteFrameworkDocument(DocumentId docId, DocumentId newParentId, DocumentId siblingId, int position)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.move(Placeable, PlacementLocation, MoveOptions) instead.
 void moveToLibrary(DocumentLibrary target, DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
          This method moves non-hierarchical or root items to another library.
 java.lang.String[] purge(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
          Purges an item with the given DocumentId.
 java.lang.String render(RenderingContext renderingContext)
          Renders the content, according to the RenderingContext that is passed in.
 java.lang.String render(RenderingContext renderingContext, ContentComponent component)
          Renders the given WCM content component using the specified rendering context.
 java.lang.String render(RenderingContext renderingContext, LibraryComponent component)
          Renders the specified WCM LibraryComponent using the specified RenderingContext.
 void replaceReferences(Reference[] references, DocumentId<? extends Document> newRefereeId)
          Replaces all the references represented by the array of Reference instances with the new object represented by the specified DocumentId.
 java.lang.String[] save(Document object)
          Saves an editable document to the WCM repository.
 java.lang.String[] save(Document object, DocumentId parent, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.SaveOptions saveOptions)
          Save the given object with specific options.
 void setCurrentDocumentLibrary(DocumentLibrary library)
          Sets the current DocumentLibrary for this Workspace.
 void setProjectId(DocumentId projectId)
          Sets the Project associated with this Workspace from henceforth.
 void unlock(DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
          Unlocks the document (draft or non-draft) provided by the DocumentId.
 void useDistinguishedNames(boolean distinguishedNames)
          Sets the Workspace to use distinguished names users.
 void useLiveAccess(boolean liveAccess)
          Deprecated. use useUserAccess(boolean userAccess)
 void useUserAccess(boolean userAccess)
           Sets the Access context to use for the following methods.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String WCM_WORKSPACE_KEY
Key for the Workspace in the page context. For example: Workspace workspace = (Workspace) pageContext.getAttribute(Workspace.WCM_WORKSPACE_KEY);

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String WCM_RENDERINGCONTEXT_KEY
Key for the RenderingContext in the request. For example: RenderingContext renderingContext = (RenderingContext) request.getAttribute(Workspace.WCM_RENDERINGCONTEXT_KEY);

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String WCM_ERROR_KEY
Key for the String error message in the page context. This is set by WCM tags to indicate errors encountered during tag resolution. For example: String errorMessage = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(Workspace.WCM_ERROR_KEY);

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ROLE_OWNER
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items.
Constant for querying for Content Owner

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ROLE_AUTHOR
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items.
Constant for querying for Content Author

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ROLE_APPROVER
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items.
Constant for querying for Content Approver

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Workflow status for draft. These constants can be bit-OR'ed together.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Workflow status for published. These constants can be bit-OR'ed together.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Workflow status for expired. These constants can be bit-OR'ed together.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL
Workflow status for draft, published or expired. These constants can be bit-OR'ed together.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Pending workflow status for none.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Pending workflow status for published.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Pending workflow status for expired.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Item is marked for deletion and is pending delete.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SECURITY_READ_ACCESS
Deprecated. Use contributor access
Security read access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SECURITY_EDIT_ACCESS
Deprecated. Use editor access
Security edit access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Deprecated. Use manager access
Security delete access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SECURITY_USER_ACCESS
Deprecated. use Access.USER instead
Security USER access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Deprecated. use Access.CONTRIBUTOR instead
Security CONTRIBUTOR access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Deprecated. use Access.EDITOR instead
Security EDITOR access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Deprecated. use Access.MANAGER instead
Security MANAGER access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Deprecated. use Access.APPROVER instead
Security APPROVER access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_CREATION_DATE
Content Search method sort key for creation date

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_PUBLISH_DATE
Content Search method sort key for publish date

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_EXPIRY_DATE
Content Search method sort key for expiry date

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_GENERAL_DATE_ONE
Content Search method sort key for general date one

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_GENERAL_DATE_TWO
Content Search method sort key for general date two

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_LASTMODIFIED_DATE
Content Search method sort key for last modified date

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_NAME
Content Search method sort key for name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_TITLE
Content Search method sort key for title

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_DESCRIPTION
Content Search method sort key for description

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SORT_KEY_NONE
Content Search method sort key for no sorting

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


Content createContent(DocumentId contentTemplateId)
                      throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Deprecated. use createContent(contentTemplateId, parentSiteAreaId, siblingId, position) instead.

Creates a new Content object, based on an AuthoringTemplate. The template ID that is specified must be for a template that already exists in the WCM system. The content is then placed using the addContent and insertContent methods on SiteArea.

contentTemplateId - the content authoring template ID
a new Content object based on the specified template
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified DocumentId is null
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the template is not a AuthoringTemplate


Content createContent(DocumentId parentSiteAreaId,
                      DocumentId siblingId,
                      int position)
                      throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new Content object, using the default AuthoringTemplate, in the given parent SiteArea. Note: It is generally recommended to create content using an AuthoringTemplate. Creating content without a AuthoringTemplate should only be used when specifically required.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter will be ignored.

parentSiteAreaId - the parent site area ID
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (See ChildPosition)
a new Content object based on the default content template
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified DocumentId is null
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the parentSiteArea is not a SiteArea, or the sibling is not a Content or ContentLink.


Content createContent(DocumentId contentTemplateId,
                      DocumentId parentSiteAreaId,
                      DocumentId siblingId,
                      int position)
                      throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new Content object, based on a AuthoringTemplate in the parent SiteArea. The template ID that is specified must be for a template that already exists in the WCM system.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter will be ignored.

contentTemplateId - the content authoring template ID
parentSiteAreaId - the parent site area ID
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (See ChildPosition)
a new Content object based on the specified template
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified DocumentId is null
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if specified template is not a AuthoringTemplate or the parentSiteArea is not a SiteArea, or the sibling is not a Content or ContentLink.


ContentLink createContentLink(DocumentId contentId,
                              DocumentId parentSiteAreaId,
                              DocumentId siblingId,
                              int position)
                              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new ContentLink object, linked to the given Content. The Content must be saved before creating a link to it. The ContentLink is created immediately, and should not be saved.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter, if it is not null, will be ignored.

contentId - the linked Content's ID
parentSiteAreaId - the parent site area ID
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (See ChildPosition)
a new ContentLink object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the ContentLink can not be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if contentId is not a Content ID, or the parentSiteAreaId is not a SiteArea ID, or the siblingId is not a Content or ContentLink.


ContentLink createContentLink(DocumentId contentId,
                              DocumentId parentSiteAreaId,
                              DocumentId siblingId,
                              int position,
                              com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.LinkOptions linkOptions)
                              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new ContentLink object, linked to the given Content. The Content must be saved before creating a link to it. The ContentLink is created immediately, and should not be saved.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter, if it is not null, will be ignored.

contentId - the linked Content's ID
parentSiteAreaId - the parent site area ID
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (docId)
linkOptions - Specifies optional parameters for the link creation. Can be Null or an empty LinkOptions object
a new ContentLink object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the ContentLink can not be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if contentId is not a Content ID, or the parentSiteAreaId is not a SiteArea ID, or the siblingId is not a Content or ContentLink.


SiteArea createSiteArea()
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new top-level SiteArea. By default the object is positioned directly under the content folder when it is saved. The SiteArea may be positioned in the site framework by finding the desired parent object, and calling the insertSiteArea method on SiteFrameworkContainer, though this behaviour is deprecated and should be achieved using createSiteArea(parentId, siblingId, position) instead.

the new SiteArea object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


SiteArea createSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaTemplateId)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new top-level SiteArea with the given existing site area template. The object will be positioned directly under the content folder when it is saved. The ChildPosition must be either ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END, since no sibling can be specified using this method. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

siteAreaTemplateId - the site area authoring template ID
the new SiteArea object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified DocumentId is null
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the specified template is not a SiteAreaTemplate


SiteArea createSiteArea(DocumentId parentId,
                        DocumentId siblingId,
                        int position)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new SiteArea under the given parent. The parent can be a Site or a SiteArea. The default site area template will be used.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter will be ignored.

parentId - ID of the parent Site or SiteArea
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (See ChildPosition)
the new SiteArea object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the specified parent is not a Site or SiteArea


SiteArea createSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaTemplateId,
                        DocumentId parentId,
                        DocumentId siblingId,
                        int position)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new SiteArea under the given parent with a given existing site area template. The parent can be a Site or a SiteArea.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter, if it is not null, will be ignored.

siteAreaTemplateId - the site area authoring template ID
parentId - ID of the parent Site or SiteArea
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (See ChildPosition)
the new SiteArea object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified DocumentId is null
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the specified template is not a SiteAreaTemplate, or if the specified parent is not a Site or SiteArea


Site createSite()
                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Deprecated. use createSiteArea() instead.

Creates a new Site. The new Site is returned.

the new Site object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryFileComponent createFileComponent()
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryFileComponent. The file that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryFileComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryFileComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


Folder createFolder(Folder parent)
                    throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Create a folder object under the specified parent folder. If the parent folder is a preset folder, it must be the authoring templates, presentation templates, or component preset folder, since folder creation is only allowed under these types.

parent - parent folder id
created folder.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access permission
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the folder cannot be created


Folder createFolder(DocumentId parentId)
                    throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Create a folder object under the specified parent folder. If the parent folder is a preset folder, it must be the authoring templates, presentation templates, or component preset folder, since folder creation is only allowed under these types.

parentId - the parent folder id
created folder.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access permission
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the folder cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if parent Id is not a folder


LibraryImageComponent createImageComponent()
                                           throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryImageComponent. The image that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryImageComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryImageComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryDocumentManagerComponent createDocumentManagerComponent()
                                                               throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Deprecated. LibraryDocumentManagerComponent is deprecated since 7.0

Creates a new LibraryDocumentManagerComponent. The DocumentManager document that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryDocumentManagerComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryDocumentManagerComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryHTMLComponent createHTMLComponent()
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryHTMLComponent. The HTML fragment for this component is to be set on the component once it is created. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryHTMLComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryJSPComponent createJSPComponent()
                                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryJSPComponent. The JSP that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryJSPComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryJSPComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryLinkComponent createLinkComponent()
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryLinkComponent. The Link fragment that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryLinkComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryLinkComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryDateComponent createDateComponent()
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryDateComponent. The Date that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryDateComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryDateComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryNumericComponent createNumericComponent()
                                               throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryNumericComponent. The Number that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryNumericComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryNumericComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryNavigatorComponent createNavigatorComponent()
                                                   throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryNavigatorComponent. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryNavigatorComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryMenuComponent createMenuComponent()
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryMenuComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryMenuComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryListPresentationComponent createListPresentationComponent()
                                                                 throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryListPresentationComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryListPresentationComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibrarySearchComponent createSearchComponent()
                                             throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibrarySearchComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibrarySearchComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryPersonalizationComponent createPersonalizationComponent()
                                                               throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryPersonalizationComponent The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryPersonalizationComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryRichTextComponent createRichTextComponent()
                                                 throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryRichTextComponent. The rich text that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryRichTextComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryRichTextComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryShortTextComponent createShortTextComponent()
                                                   throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryShortTextComponent. The Short Text that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryShortTextComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryShortTextComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryStyleSheetComponent createStyleSheetComponent()
                                                     throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryStyleSheetComponent. The Style Sheet that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryStyleSheetComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryStyleSheetComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryTextComponent createTextComponent()
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryTextComponent. The Text that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryTextComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryTextComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


LibraryUserSelectionComponent createUserSelectionComponent()
                                                           throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new LibraryUserSelectionComponent. The Users that this library component refers to can then be set through the LibraryUserSelectionComponent itself. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new LibraryUserSelectionComponent object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


Workflow createWorkflow()
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new Workflow. The stages and other properties that the workflow refers to can then be set through the Workflow itself.

the new Workflow object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


WorkflowStage createWorkflowStage()
                                  throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new WorkflowStage. The actions and other properties that the workflowStage refers to can then be set through the WorkflowStage itself.

the new WorkflowStage object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


java.lang.String[] save(Document object)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentSaveException,
Saves an editable document to the WCM repository. Editable objects are those that implement the Editable interface, or the EditableLibraryComponent interface.

If errors are returned then the object did not pass validation and was not saved. The returned array will be empty if no errors occurred. null will never be returned.

object - the object to save
errors, if any - empty array if no errors
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentSaveException - if the object could not be saved, or is not an editable object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path


java.lang.String[] save(Document object,
                        DocumentId parent,
                        com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.SaveOptions saveOptions)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentSaveException,
Save the given object with specific options. These options are in SaveOptions class. SaveOptions are chainable. If errors are returned then the object did not pass validation and was not saved. Returned array will be empty if no errors occurred.

object - the object to save
parent - the id of the target parent. Null to fall back to the legacy behaviour.
saveOptions - Mandatory options used when overriding default save behaviour.
errors, if any - empty array if no errors
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentSaveException - if the object could not be saved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists
at the same path


java.lang.String[] delete(DocumentId id)
                          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentDeleteException,
Deletes an editable document from the WCM repository. Editable objects are those that implement the Editable interface, or the EditableLibraryComponent interface. If the item to be deleted is a draft then it will be purged from the system, and cannot be restored at a later date. Errors are returned in a String array, as a list of errors. These errors may be caused if, for example, the delete would break referential integrity if it were to occur. These errors are not caused by conditions that would raise exceptions, such as IOExceptions while deleting the item.

id - the ID of the object to delete
Array of errors
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentDeleteException - if the object could not be deleted, or is not an editable object. Note: if a referential integrity exception occurs, DocumentDeleteReferentialIntegrityException is thrown which is a subclass of this exception.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


boolean exists(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
Tests the existence of an document in the repository. Returns true if document with given ID exists, false otherwise.

id - the ID of the document
true if document exists


boolean exists(java.lang.String id)
Return true if object with given ID exists. The String can be a DocumentId.toString() or DocumentId.getId()

id - the ID of the object
true if object exists


boolean hasPublishedIdByDraftId(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Returns true if a published or expired document associated with the supplied draft DocumentId exists

id - The id of the draft document for which the existence of an equivalent draft made
true if a published or expired document associated with the supplied draft DocumentId exists
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if an non-draft document id is supplied


<T extends Document> DocumentId<T> getPublishedIdByDraftId(DocumentId<T> id)
                                                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Returns the DocumentId of the published or expired document associated with the supplied draft DocumentId

id - The id of the draft document whose published equivalent should be returned
the DocumentId of the published or expired document associated with the supplied draft DocumentId
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if an associated published document can't be located
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if an non-draft document id is supplied


boolean hasDraftIdsByPublishedId(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
                                 throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Returns true if a draft document associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId exists

id - The id of the published/expired document for which the existence of an equivalent draft made
true if a draft document associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId exists
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if a draft document id is supplied
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied id is null.


boolean hasDraftIdByPublishedId(DocumentId<? extends Document> id,
                                DocumentId<Project> projectId)
Returns true if a draft document associated with the supplied published/expired and project DocumentId exists. Even if the current workspace user does not have access to see the draft this check will return true if it exists.

id - The id of the published/expired document for which the existence of an equivalent draft made
projectId - the id of the project which the draft must be part of
true if a draft document associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId exists


<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator<T> getDraftIdsByPublishedId(DocumentId<T> id)
                                                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Returns the DocumentIdIterator of the draft documents associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId

id - The id of the published/expired document whose draft equivalent should be returned
the DocumentIdIterator of the draft documents associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if an associated draft document can't be located
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if a draft document id is supplied


<T extends Document> DocumentId<T> getDraftIdByPublishedId(DocumentId<T> id)
                                                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Deprecated. Use getDraftIdsByPublishedId(com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId)

Returns the DocumentId of the draft document associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId, in case that there is a single draft. If there are multiple drafts, use getDraftIdsByPublishedId(com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId)

id - The id of the published/expired document whose draft equivalent should be returned
the DocumentId of the draft document associated with the supplied published/expired DocumentId
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if an associated draft document can't be located
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if a draft document id is supplied


<T extends Document> DocumentId<T> getDraftIdByPublishedId(DocumentId<T> id,
                                                           DocumentId<Project> projectId)
                                                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Returns the DocumentId of the draft document associated with the supplied published/expired and project DocumentId. The current workspace user must have access to the target draft to be able to retrieve its DocumentId

id - The id of the published/expired document whose draft equivalent should be returned
projectId - the id of the project which the draft must be part of
the DocumentId of the draft document associated with the supplied published/expired and project DocumentId
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if an associated draft document can't be located
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if a draft document id is supplied


<T extends Document> T getById(DocumentId<T> id)
                           throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Return object for the given Id. This method is the same as calling getById(DocumentId, boolean) with asReference equal to false. If this object is to be used for read purposes only, then getById(DocumentId, boolean) should be used with asReference equal to true.

id - the ID of the object to retrieve
the object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the object cannot be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


<T extends Document> T getById(DocumentId<T> id,
                               boolean asReference)
                           throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Return object for the given Id. This method allows to optimise for performance when retrieving the item for rendering or read operations. Retrieving with asReference equal to true is faster and the object should not be modified by the client code. If client code needs to edit the Document then asReference should be false.

id - the ID of the object to retrieve
asReference - when true this will not clone the internal Document.
the object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the object cannot be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


<T extends Document> T getById(DocumentId<T> id,
                               boolean asReference,
                               boolean loadElements)
                           throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Return object for the given Id. This method allows to optimise for performance when retrieving the item for rendering or read operations. Retrieving with asReference equal to true is faster and the object should not be modified by the client code. If client code needs to edit the Document then asReference should be false. Retrieving with loadElements equal to false is faster only if the elements of the returned Document are not going to be accessed, for Document's that don't have elements, this parameter is unused.

id - the ID of the object to retrieve
asReference - when true this will not clone the internal Document.
loadElements - when true any elements on the Document will be auto-loaded. Non-loaded elements are still accessible, but its faster to auto-load (the default) if the elements will be used.
the object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the object cannot be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


<T extends Document> DocumentIterator<T> getByIds(DocumentIdIterator<T> documentIdIterator,
                                                  boolean asReference)
Return the list of Document objects for the given DocumentIds as a DocumentIterator. The IDs are passed in as a DocumentIdIterator. This may be the result from a call to one of the 'find' methods in Workspace or a new DocumentIdIterator may be created from an array of DocumentIds which the client of the API has collected in some manner. Any Documents whose ID is in the iterator, but the user of this Workspace does not have access to, will not be returned in the DocumentIterator. This method allows to optimise for performance when retrieving items for rendering or read operations. Retrieving with asReference equal to true is faster and the object should not be modified by the client code. If client code needs to edit the Documents then asReference should be false.

documentIdIterator - the iterator of IDs of the Documents to retrieve
asReference - when true this will not clone the internal Document.
the DocumentIterator of the requested Documents
See Also:
createDocumentIdIterator(DocumentId[]), getById(DocumentId, boolean)


<T extends Document> DocumentIterator<T> getByIds(DocumentIdIterator<T> documentIdIterator,
                                                  boolean asReference,
                                                  boolean loadElements)
Return the list of Document objects for the given DocumentIds as a DocumentIterator. The IDs are passed in as a DocumentIdIterator. This may be the result from a call to one of the 'find' methods in Workspace or a new DocumentIdIterator may be created from an array of DocumentIds which the client of the API has collected in some manner. Any Documents whose ID is in the iterator, but the user of this Workspace does not have access to, will not be returned in the DocumentIterator. This method allows to optimise for performance when retrieving items for rendering or read operations. Retrieving with asReference equal to true is faster and the object should not be modified by the client code. If client code needs to edit the Documents then asReference should be false. Retrieving with loadElements equal to false is faster only if the elements of the returned Document are not going to be accessed, for Document's that don't have elements, this parameter is unused.

documentIdIterator - the iterator of IDs of the Documents to retrieve
asReference - when true this will not clone the internal Document.
loadElements - when true any elements on the Document will be auto-loaded. Non-loaded elements are still accessible, but its faster to auto-load (the default) if the elements will be used.
the DocumentIterator of the requested Documents
See Also:
createDocumentIdIterator(DocumentId[]), getById(DocumentId, boolean)


DocumentIdIterator findByType(DocumentType type)
Returns an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type. The iterator contains only those IDs for documents the user has access to read. If the user does not have access, the ID will not appear. If the user has access to no documents, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned.

For library components, if one of the EditableLibraryComponent subclasses are specified, then only components of that type will be returned. If LibraryComponent is specified, all components of all types will be returned, including all editable component types.

For Site areas, the root level of siteareas will not be returned by this method to ensure backward compatibility with previous release. The API QueryService can be used to obtain results which include the root siteareas as well. Note: this query can also be accomplished using the QueryService. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(type); queryService.execute(query);

type - the type of object
an iterator of object IDs that are visible to the current user, of the specified type


DocumentIdIterator findByType(DocumentType type,
                              int workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type that match the given workflow status filter. The status workflow filter can be either publish, draft, or expired, or any combination of those. The iterator contains only those IDs for documents the user has access to read. If the user does not have access, the ID will not appear. If the user has access to no documents, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned.

For library components, if one of the EditableLibraryComponent subclasses are specified, then only components of that type will be returned. If LibraryComponent is specified, all components of all types will be returned, including all editable component types.

For Site areas, the root level of siteareas will not be returned by this method to ensure backward compatibility with previous release. The API QueryService can be used to obtain results which include the root siteareas as well. Note: this query can also be accomplished using the QueryService. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(type).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

type - the type of object
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of object IDs that are visible to the current user, of the specified type


DocumentIdIterator findByName(DocumentType type,
                              java.lang.String name)
Returns an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type with the specified name. The iterator contains only those IDs for documents the user has access to read. If the user does not have access to an item, the ID for that item will not appear in the iterator. If the user has access to no documents, or there are none with the specified name of the given type, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned. If type is SiteArea then all top level site areas are filtered out, i.e only non-top-level site areas are returned. Use the Site type to find top-level site areas. Note: this query can also be accomplished using the QueryService. For example: QueryService queryService = workspace.getQueryService(); Query query = queryService.createQuery(type); query.addSelector(Selectors.nameEquals(name)); queryService.execute(query); Note: This method doesn't support Folder type. If you need to find children in a folder, please refer to QueryService

type - the type of object
name - the name of the object to find
an iterator of object IDs with the given name of the specified type that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findByName(DocumentType type,
                              java.lang.String name,
                              int workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of IDs of all objects of the given type with the specified name that match the given workflow status filter. The status workflow filter can be either publish, draft, or expired, or any combination of those. The iterator contains only those IDs for documents the user has access to read. If the user does not have access to an item, the ID for that item will not appear in the iterator. If the user has access to no documents, or there are none with the specified name of the given type, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned. If type is SiteArea then all top level site areas are filtered out, i.e only non-top-level site areas are returned. Use the Site type to find top-level site areas. Note: this query can also be accomplished using the QueryService. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(type).addSelectors(Selectors.nameLike(name), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query); Note: This method doesn't support Folder type. If you need to find children in a folder, please refer to QueryService

type - the type of object
name - the name of the object to find
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of object IDs with the given name of the specified type that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findComponentByName(java.lang.String name)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(LibraryComponent.class).addSelector(Selectors.nameLike(name)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all library components with the specified name. The iterator contains only those IDs for components the user has access to read. If the user does not have access to any component, the ID for that component will not appear in the iterator. If the user has access to no components, or there are none with the specified name, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned.

name - the name of the library component to retrieve
an iterator of IDs for library components with this name that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(modifiedDate)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Content that have been modified since the specified date. The IDs returned will include those for Content that have been modified on the given date. If no content has been modified since this date, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

modifiedDate - the date with which to compare Content last modified date
an iterator over objects modified since the given date that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate,
                                                       int workflowStatusFilter)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelectors(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(modifiedDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Content that have been modified since the specified date that match the given workflow status filter. The status workflow filter can be either publish, draft, or expired, or any combination of those. The IDs returned will include those for Content that have been modified on the given date. If no content has been modified since this date, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

modifiedDate - the date with which to compare Content last modified date
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator over objects modified since the given date that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate,
                                                         java.util.Date endDate)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Content that have been modified between the specified start and end dates. The IDs returned will include those for Content that have been modified on the specified dates. If no content has been modified in this date range, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

startDate - the date at the beginning of the range
endDate - the data at the end of the range
an iterator over objects modified between the given dates that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findContentModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate,
                                                         java.util.Date endDate,
                                                         int workflowStatusFilter)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Content that have been modified between the specified start and end dates that match the given workflow status filter. The status workflow filter can be either publish, draft, or expired, or any combination of those. The IDs returned will include those for Content that have been modified on the specified dates. If no content has been modified in this date range, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

startDate - the date at the beginning of the range
endDate - the data at the end of the range
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator over objects modified between the given dates that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Documents that have been modified since the specified date. The IDs returned will include those for Documents that have been modified on the given date. If no document has been modified since this date, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

modifiedDate - the date with which to compare Document last modified date
an iterator over documents modified since the given date that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate,
                                                           java.util.Date endDate)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Documents that have been modified between the specified start and end dates. The IDs returned will include those for Documents that have been modified on the specified dates. If no document has been modified in this date range, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

startDate - the date at the beginning of the range
endDate - the data at the end of the range
an iterator over documents modified between the given dates that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedSince(java.util.Date modifiedDate,
                                                         int workflowStatusFilter)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Documents that have been modified since the specified date. The IDs returned will include those for Documents that have been modified on the given date. If no document has been modified since this date, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

modifiedDate - the date with which to compare Document last modified date
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator over documents modified since the given date that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsModifiedBetween(java.util.Date startDate,
                                                           java.util.Date endDate,
                                                           int workflowStatusFilter)
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(HistorySelectors.modifiedSince(startDate), HistorySelectors.modifiedBefore(endDate), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Documents that have been modified between the specified start and end dates. The IDs returned will include those for Documents that have been modified on the specified dates. If no document has been modified in this date range, or the user has access to no documents in this set, then the iterator will not return any elements. null will never be returned.

startDate - the date at the beginning of the range
endDate - the data at the end of the range
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator over documents modified between the given dates that are visible to the current user


java.lang.String[] getMemberNames()
Deprecated. Use the PUMA API

Returns a list of names of all users and groups available to WCM. If there are no members available, then an empty array is returned. null will never be returned.

a String array of names of users and groups


java.lang.String[] getMemberNames(java.lang.String filter)
Deprecated. Use the PUMA API

Returns a list of names of all users and groups available to WCM. If there are no members available, then an empty array is returned. null will never be returned.

filter - the filter for searching users and groups
a String array of names of users and groups


java.lang.String getPathById(DocumentId<? extends Document> id,
                             boolean maintainCase,
                             boolean decodeURL)
                             throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException,
Returns the 'name' path of the document with the given id.

This method can return the path for a Sites, SiteAreas, Content, ContentLinks, Components, Taxonomies, Categories, PresentationTemplates, AuthoringTemplates or Folders.

id - The document whose path should be returned
maintainCase - Specifies whether the case of the path should be maintained
decodeURL - Specifies whether the returned URL should be decoded

Note: Maintaining the case is slower and isn't required for use in WCM Rendering, however it is required for searching for 'Draft' items by path OR generating URLs to prerendered content on unix platforms, due to the case sensitivity of that platform

The path to the specified document, or null if not found
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if a document with the given id can't be located
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if specified id is not a site, a site area, a content, a content link, a component, a taxonomy, a category, a presentation template, an authoring template or a folder.


java.lang.String getTitlePathById(DocumentId id,
                                  java.util.Locale locale)
Returns the 'Display Title' path of the document with the given id.

This method can return the path for a Sites, SiteAreas, Content, ContentLinks, Components, Taxonomies, Categories, PresentationTemplates, AuthoringTemplates or Folders.

If any of the items on the path have Text Providers, then they will be utilized to generate the returned path

This path is the same path that is normally shown within the Authoring UI

id - The document whose path should be returned
locale - The locale to use when generating the path
The Display-Title path to the specified document, never null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if id or locale is null


<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator<T> findByPath(java.lang.String namePath,
                                                                 int workflowStatusFilter)
Deprecated. use Workspace.findAllByPath(path, DocumentTypes.Content, workflowStatusFilter, documentLibraries)

Returns an iterator of DocumentId for a given name path and workflow status.

This method can return DocumentIds for Sites, SiteAreas, Content or ContentLinks.

This method supports searching for draft (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_DRAFT), published (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED) or expired (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED) items or all items regardless of their workflow status (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL). A combination of workflow status can be specified using a bitwise OR. For example Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED | Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED.

This method supports 'name' paths only, not 'Display Title' paths.

namePath - the name path to the content, site or site area. The path should not be URL encoded. The format of the path is library/site OR library/site/site area(s) OR library/site/site area(s)/content. When searching for draft items, the path is case sensitive.
workflowStatusFilter - this parameter must be a valid workflow status or some combination using a bitwise OR.
an iterator of DocumentId objects with the specified workflow status for the given path
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if path is null.


DocumentIdIterator<Content> findContentByPath(java.lang.String namePath)
Returns an iterator of IDs of Content with the given name path. If the name path specified is to a site or site area, returns an ID iterator of the default content for that site or site area if one has been set. The path should not be encoded (URL encoded).

If the user has access to no documents, or there are none on the specified path, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned.

namePath - the name path to the content, site or site area.
an ID iterator of the content with the given path, or the default content for the specified site or site area that are visible to the current user


DocumentIdIterator findContentByAuthoringTemplate(DocumentId id)
                                                  throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(Selectors.authoringTemplateIn(id)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of TemplatedDocuments which have been created using the specified authoring template. If the user does not have access to the specified AuthoringTemplate, or any of the TemplatedDocuments based on the specified template, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned. Since 8.0, this method can be used to find TemplatedDocuments, not just Content.

id - the ID of the AbstractAuthoringTemplate (either a AuthoringTemplate or a SiteAreaTemplate)
an iterator of IDs of TemplatedDocuments based on the specified AbstractAuthoringTemplate that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the ID is not of type Authoring Template.


DocumentIdIterator findContentByAuthoringTemplate(DocumentId id,
                                                             int workflowStatusFilter)
                                                  throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(Selectors.authoringTemplateIn(id), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of TemplatedDocument which has been created using the specified authoring template that match the given workflow status filter. The status workflow filter can be either publish, draft, or expired, or any combination of those. If the user does not have access to the specified AbstractAuthoringTemplate, or any of the TemplatedDocument based on the specified template, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned. Since 8.0, this method can be used to find TemplatedDocuments, not just Content.

id - the ID of the AbstractAuthoringTemplate (either a AuthoringTemplate or a SiteAreaTemplate)
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of IDs of TemplatedDocument based on the specified AbstractAuthoringTemplate that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the ID is not of type Authoring Template.


DocumentIdIterator findContentByWorkflowStage(DocumentId id)
                                              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageEquals(id)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of Content in a specified WorkflowStage. This will return documents in that stage, for all workflows that the stage appears in. That is, it does not restrict results to the specified stage in a certain workflow.

If the user does not have access to the specified WorkflowStage, or any of the Content in the specified stage, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned.

id - the ID of the WorkflowStage
an iterator of IDs of Content items in the given stage that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the ID is not of type Workflow Stage.


DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] ids)
                                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(ids)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of all Documents in the given workflow stages.

ids - the list of IDs of the workflow stages
an iterator of IDs of documents in the given stage
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if incorrect document id type is passed


DocumentIdIterator findDocumentsByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] workflowStages,
                                                           java.lang.String[] users,
                                                           int userRoles)
                                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); [for userRoles=ROLE_AUTHOR] Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.authorsContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_OWNER] Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.ownersContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_APPROVER] Query query = createQuery().addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(Status.DRAFT), WorkflowSelectors.approversContains(users)); WorkflowSelectors.approversContains queryService.execute(query);

Find Documents by workflow stage for users in particular roles. When calling this method with userRoles set to ROLE_APPROVER, only drafts are searched.

workflowStages - The WorkflowStages that we want to find documents in
users - The usernames that we want to find documents for. These are the full name of the user, as returned by methods such as UserProfile.getUsername(), and not the short name.
userRoles - The roles that the specified users are in. Valid values are ROLE_AUTHOR, ROLE_APPROVER and ROLE_OWNER. When ROLE_APPROVER is used, only drafts are searched.
an iterator of Ids of Documents items in the given workflow stage that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the IDs are not of type Workflow Stage
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the workflow stage or user parameters are empty, if any of the workflow stage or user parameter values within the arrays are null, or if userRoles are not valid


DocumentIdIterator findContentByCategory(DocumentId id)
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(ProfileSelectors.categoriesContains(id)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Content that has the given Category in its profile. If there is no Content with that Category in its profile, or the user does not have access to any of the Content, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned. Note that this method will not return SiteAreas. To find site areas by category, use the QueryService. Note that this method will return items from ALL libraries. To restrict to items for a given library, use the QueryService.

id - the ID of the Category
an iterator of IDs of TemplatedDocuments with this category that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the ID is not of type Category.


DocumentIdIterator findContentByCategory(DocumentId id,
                                                    int workflowStatusFilter)
                                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(ProfileSelectors.categoriesContains(id), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(workflowStatus)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of IDs of all Content that has the given Category in its profile that match the given workflow status filter. The status workflow filter can be either publish, draft, or expired, or any combination of those. If there is no Content with that Category in its profile, or the user does not have access to any of the Content, then the iterator will contain no elements. null will never be returned. Note that this method will not return SiteAreas. To find site areas by category, use the QueryService. Note that this method will return items from ALL libraries. To restrict to items for a given library, use the QueryService.

id - the ID of the Category
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of IDs of TemplatedDocuments with this category that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the ID is not of type Category.


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria. This performs an "or" search, not an "and" search. This means that a search for two different Categories and a Content Template will return Content profiled with at least one of each profile type (one Category and one Template), not just Content that matches all of the parameters. Content that matches only one criteria type (Template only) will not be returned.

All published and draft Content documents that meet the specified search criteria will be returned. To only return documents of a certain workflow status, see the expanded form of this method

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

If site areas have been specified, all ancestor and descendant site areas are also included in the search.

The order of results is not guaranteed. All parameters are optional.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords,
                                          int workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria. This performs an "or" search, not an "and" search. This means that a search for two different Categories and a Content Template will return Content profiled with at least one of each profile type (one Category and one Template), not just Content that matches all of the parameters. Content that matches only one criteria type (Template only) will not be returned.

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

If site areas have been specified, all ancestor and descendant site areas are also included in the search.

The order of results is not guaranteed. All parameters are optional.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords,
                                          boolean matchAllKeys)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria. This search can run in "and" or "or" mode by changing the matchAllKeys parameter. If true, then a search for two different Categories and a Content Template will return content that is profiled with both Categories and the Content Template. If false, then a search for two different Categories and a Content Template will return Content profiled with at least one of each profile type (one Category and one Template). In either mode, Content that matches only one criteria type (Template only) will not be returned

All published and draft Content documents that meet the specified search criteria will be returned. To only return documents of a certain workflow status, see the expanded form of this method

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

If site areas have been specified, all ancestor and descendant site areas are also included in the search.

The order of results is not guaranteed. All parameters except matchAllKeys are optional.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
matchAllKeys - indicates whether the search is an "and" search. True for "and", false for "or".
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords,
                                          boolean matchAllKeys,
                                          int workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria. This search can run in "and" or "or" mode by changing the matchAllKeys parameter. If true, then a search for two different Categories and a Content Template will return content that is profiled with both Categories and the Content Template. If false, then a search for two different Categories and a Content Template will return Content profiled with at least one of each profile type (one Category and one Template). In either mode, Content that matches only one criteria type (Template only) will not be returned

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

If site areas have been specified, all ancestor and descendant site areas are also included in the search.

The order of results is not guaranteed. All parameters except matchAllKeys are optional.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
matchAllKeys - indicates whether the search is an "and" search. True for "and", false for "or".
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords,
                                          boolean matchAllCategories,
                                          boolean includeAncestorSiteAreas,
                                          boolean includeDescendantSiteAreas,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey1,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey2,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey3,
                                          boolean sortAscending)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.

All published and draft Content documents that meet the specified search criteria will be returned. To only return documents of a certain workflow status, see the expanded form of this method

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

When searching site areas, specifying includeAncestorSiteAreas and includeDescendentSiteAreas both as false will restrict the search to only the specified site areas.

Results can be sorted by up to three keys. The fields available to sort by are:

  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_NAME
  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_TITLE
  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_NONE
If less than three sort keys are required, specify Workspace.SORT_KEY_NONE for those not required.

The results can be sorted in ascending or descending order, according to the sortAscending parameter. The default order, as used in the other contentSearch methods, is ascending.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
matchAllCategories - indicates whether the content returned should match all categories (true) or any category (false)
includeAncestorSiteAreas - indicates whether to include ancestor site areas
includeDescendantSiteAreas - indicates whether to include descendant site areas
sortKey1 - Specify one of sort keys as first sort priority
sortKey2 - Specify one of sort keys as second sort priority
sortKey3 - Specify one of sort keys as third sort priority
sortAscending - Specify true for ascending order and false for descending order
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords,
                                          boolean matchAllCategories,
                                          boolean includeAncestorCategories,
                                          boolean includeDescendentCategories,
                                          boolean includeAncestorSiteAreas,
                                          boolean includeDescendentSiteAreas,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey1,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey2,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey3,
                                          boolean sortAscending)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.

All published and draft Content documents that meet the specified search criteria will be returned. To only return documents of a certain workflow status, see the expanded form of this method

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

When searching site areas, specifying includeAncestorSiteAreas and includeDescendentSiteAreas both as false will restrict the search to only the specified site areas.

Results can be sorted by up to three keys. The fields available to sort by are:

  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_NAME
  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_TITLE
  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_NONE
If less than three sort keys are required, specify Workspace.SORT_KEY_NONE for those not required.

The results can be sorted in ascending or descending order, according to the sortAscending parameter. The default order, as used in the other contentSearch methods, is ascending.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
matchAllCategories - indicates whether the content returned should match all categories (true) or any category (false)
includeAncestorCategories - indicates whether the content returned should include category ancestors (true) or (false)
includeDescendentCategories - indicates whether the content returned should include category descendants (true) or (false)
includeAncestorSiteAreas - indicates whether the content returned should include site area ancestors (true) or (false)
includeDescendentSiteAreas - indicates whether the content returned should include site area descendants (true) or (false)
sortKey1 - Specify one of sort keys as first sort priority
sortKey2 - Specify one of sort keys as second sort priority
sortKey3 - Specify one of sort keys as third sort priority
sortAscending - Specify true for ascending order and false for descending order
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


DocumentIdIterator<Content> contentSearch(DocumentId templateId,
                                          DocumentId[] siteAreaIds,
                                          DocumentId[] categoryIds,
                                          java.lang.String[] keywords,
                                          boolean matchAllCategories,
                                          boolean includeAncestorCategories,
                                          boolean includeDescendentCategories,
                                          boolean includeAncestorSiteAreas,
                                          boolean includeDescendentSiteAreas,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey1,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey2,
                                          java.lang.String sortKey3,
                                          boolean sortAscending,
                                          int workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of IDs of objects that match the given search criteria.

The content search behaves in a manner similar to the Menu Component.

When searching site areas, specifying includeAncestorSiteAreas and includeDescendentSiteAreas both as false will restrict the search to only the specified site areas.

Results can be sorted by up to three keys. The fields available to sort by are:

  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_NAME
  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_TITLE
  • Workspace.SORT_KEY_NONE
If less than three sort keys are required, specify Workspace.SORT_KEY_NONE for those not required.

The results can be sorted in ascending or descending order, according to the sortAscending parameter. The default order, as used in the other contentSearch methods, is ascending.

templateId - the ID of the template to match
siteAreaIds - the IDs of the site areas to find content in
categoryIds - the IDs of categories for content to have in their profile
keywords - the IDs of keywords for content to have in its profile
matchAllCategories - indicates whether the content returned should match all categories (true) or any category (false)
includeAncestorCategories - indicates whether the content returned should include category ancestors (true) or (false)
includeDescendentCategories - indicates whether the content returned should include category descendants (true) or (false)
includeAncestorSiteAreas - indicates whether the content returned should include site area ancestors (true) or (false)
includeDescendentSiteAreas - indicates whether the content returned should include site area descendants (true) or (false)
sortKey1 - Specify one of sort keys as first sort priority
sortKey2 - Specify one of sort keys as second sort priority
sortKey3 - Specify one of sort keys as third sort priority
sortAscending - Specify true for ascending order and false for descending order
workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of IDs of content that meet the search criteria


java.lang.String render(RenderingContext renderingContext)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.ServiceNotAvailableException
Renders the content, according to the RenderingContext that is passed in. The RenderingContext should contain enough information to render a desired page, and can be created using the factory methods createRenderingContext() in the Workspace interface.

The rendered content is returned as a String, encoded according to the users locale.

renderingContext - the context to render
the rendered context as a String
See Also:
createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map), createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


java.lang.String render(RenderingContext renderingContext,
                        ContentComponent component)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.ServiceNotAvailableException
Renders the given WCM content component using the specified rendering context. It is not enough to just specify the ContentComponent to be rendered, but the path to the item containing the ContentComponent must be specified in the RenderingContext.

For example, to render the ContentComponent named 'test' that resides on the SiteArea named 'AAA', the following code could be used:

    SiteArea siteArea = (SiteArea) myWorkspace.getById(
    ((DocumentId) myWorkspace.findByName(DocumentTypes.SiteArea,
    Content content = (Content) myWorkspace.getById(
    ((DocumentId) myWorkspace.findByName(DocumentTypes.Content,
    ContentComponent component = content.getComponent("test");
    Map parametermap = new HashMap();
    RenderingContext context = myWorkspace.createRenderingContext(servletRequest,
    context.setRenderedContent(content, siteArea);
    System.out.println(myWorkspace.render(context, component));

The rendered content is returned as a String, encoded according to the users locale.

renderingContext - the RenderingContext to use
component - the WCM content component to render
the rendered component as a String
See Also:
createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map), createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


java.lang.String render(RenderingContext renderingContext,
                        LibraryComponent component)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.ServiceNotAvailableException
Renders the specified WCM LibraryComponent using the specified RenderingContext.

The rendered content is returned as a String, encoded according to the users locale.

renderingContext - the RenderingContext to use
component - the component to render
the rendered component as a String
See Also:
createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map), createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


java.lang.String generateURL(RenderingContext context,
                             ContentComponent component)
Generate the URL to the given component, in the context of the path in the RenderingContext. This URL is the full URL, suitable for inclusion in a link.

The RenderingContext should contain enough information to refer to the page that contains the ContentComponent. The URL will contain the path to the content, and any parameters required to render the component.

context - the RenderingContext to be used
component - the component
the URL to the requested object
See Also:
createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map), createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


java.lang.String generateURL(RenderingContext context,
                             LibraryComponent component)
Generate the URL to the given component, in the context of the path in the RenderingContext. This URL is the full URL, suitable for inclusion in a link. While a LibraryComponent can be rendered on its own, any information contained in the RenderingContext will be used while rendering the component.

context - the RenderingContext to be used
component - the component
the URL to the requested object
See Also:
createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map), createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


<T extends Document> DocumentId<T> createDocumentId(java.lang.String stringId)
                                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentIdCreationException
Creates a new DocumentId object from a String representation of the ID. This can be used in conjunction with DocumentId.toString() as a form of a serialize/deserialize pair.

One example of a use of this might be to recreate IDs that are used in list selections on an HTML form, say, to select an AuthoringTemplate. The DocumentId.toString() can be used to populate the value attribute for a field that will be sent back to the server. Once this value is received, this method can be called to reconstruct the appropriate DocumentId object from the field value.

Alternatively, this method can be used to create a DocumentId simply by passing in the value of DocumentId.getId(), rather than the full DocumentId.toString() serialization of the DocumentId. This way of creating a DocumentId will often be simpler, though it will perform slower, since the other properties of the DocumentId have to be retrieved when the DocumentId is created.

stringId - the String representation of the required DocumentId, either the full serialization, or the simple id.
a new DocumentId object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentIdCreationException - if the ID could not be created
DocumentNotFoundIdCreationException - if the item targeted by the unique id (from DocumentId.getId()) could not be found.
See Also:
DocumentId.toString(), DocumentId.getId()


<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator<T> createDocumentIdIterator(DocumentId<T>[] documentIds)
Create a new DocumentIdIterator from an array of given DocumentId. An example of its use is:
   // Get ID strings from request
   String[] selectedIds = request.getParameterValues("selected_ids");
   DocumentId[] ids = new DocumentId[selectedIds.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < selectedIds.length; i++)
      ids[i] = workspace.createDocumentId(selectedIds[i]);

   DocumentIdIterator iterator = workspace.createDocumentIdIterator(ids);
   DocumentIterator documents = workspace.getDocuments(iterator);

   // Work with returned documents

documentIds - an array of DocumentId.
a new DocumentIdIterator
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the ID array contains a null.


RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
                                        javax.servlet.ServletResponse response,
                                        java.util.Map requestParameters)
                                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Creates a new rendering context. The request parameters to be used by this RenderingContext while rendering should be a map of name=single-value parameters. The keys must be Strings, the values can be any object, but will typically be Strings too. The parameters of this Map will replace the existing parameters of the request. This Map can contain parameters that are acted upon by Web Content Manager as well as additional custom parameters that are acted upon by the rendered content. The following request parameters are used by Web Content Manager to generate the rendering context, and so are reserved:
  • wcmitemid - The UUID of the item to render
  • wcmitemversion - the version of the item to render
  • wcmitemisdeleted - must be true in order to render a deleted item
  • presentationtemplate - the name path of the presentation template to render
  • presentationtemplateid - The UUID of the presentation template to render
  • rendermode - the name of the render mode to render with

request - the ServletRequest object
response - the ServletResponse object
requestParameters - the request parameters
a new RenderingContext
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - If the RenderingContext cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - If the user does not have access to the Rendering Context.


RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
                                        javax.servlet.ServletResponse response,
                                        java.util.Map requestParameters,
                                        java.lang.String wcmWebAppPath,
                                        java.lang.String wcmServletPath)
                                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Creates a new rendering context. The request parameters to be used by this RenderingContext while rendering should be a map of name=single-value parameters. The keys must be Strings, the values can be any object, but will typically be Strings too. The parameters of this Map will replace the existing parameters of the request. This Map can contain parameters that are acted upon by Web Content Manager as well as additional custom parameters that are acted upon by the rendered content. The following request parameters are used by Web Content Manager to generate the rendering context, and so are reserved:
  • wcmitemid - The UUID of the item to render
  • wcmitemversion - the version of the item to render
  • wcmitemisdeleted - must be true in order to render a deleted item
  • presentationtemplate - the name path of the presentation template to render
  • presentationtemplateid - The UUID of the presentation template to render
  • rendermode - the name of the render mode to render with

request - the ServletRequest object
response - the ServletResponse object
requestParameters - the request parameters
wcmWebAppPath - the URL up to the web application (ie. up to and including the context path)
wcmServletPath - the servlet path
a new RenderingContext
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - If the RenderingContext cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - If the user does not have access to the Rendering Context.


RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                                        javax.portlet.PortletResponse response,
                                        java.util.Map requestParameters)
                                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Creates a new rendering context. The request parameters to be used by this RenderingContext while rendering should be a map of name=single-value parameters. The keys must be Strings, the values can be any object, but will typically be Strings too. The parameters of this Map will replace the existing parameters of the request. This Map can contain parameters that are acted upon by Web Content Manager as well as additional custom parameters that are acted upon by the rendered content. The following request parameters are used by Web Content Manager to generate the rendering context, and so are reserved:
  • wcmitemid - The UUID of the item to render
  • wcmitemversion - the version of the item to render
  • wcmitemisdeleted - must be true in order to render a deleted item
  • presentationtemplate - the name path of the presentation template to render
  • presentationtemplateid - The UUID of the presentation template to render
  • rendermode - the name of the render mode to render with

request - the PortletRequest object
response - the PortletResponse object
requestParameters - the request parameters
a new RenderingContext
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - If the RenderingContext cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - If the user does not have access to the Rendering Context.


RenderingContext createRenderingContext(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                                        javax.portlet.PortletResponse response,
                                        java.util.Map requestParameters,
                                        java.lang.String wcmWebAppPath,
                                        java.lang.String wcmServletPath)
                                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Creates a new rendering context. The request parameters to be used by this RenderingContext while rendering should be a map of name=single-value parameters. The keys must be Strings, the values can be any object, but will typically be Strings too. The parameters of this Map will replace the existing parameters of the request. This Map can contain parameters that are acted upon by Web Content Manager as well as additional custom parameters that are acted upon by the rendered content. The following request parameters are used by Web Content Manager to generate the rendering context, and so are reserved:
  • wcmitemid - The UUID of the item to render
  • wcmitemversion - the version of the item to render
  • wcmitemisdeleted - must be true in order to render a deleted item
  • presentationtemplate - the name path of the presentation template to render
  • presentationtemplateid - The UUID of the presentation template to render
  • rendermode - the name of the render mode to render with

request - the PortletRequest object
response - the PortletResponse object
requestParameters - the request parameters for the request
wcmWebAppPath - the URL up to the web application (ie. up to and including the context path)
wcmServletPath - the servlet path
a new RenderingContext
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - If the RenderingContext cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - If the user does not have access to the Rendering Context.


<T extends WCMApiObject> DocumentType<T> fromString(java.lang.String typeName)
                                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Returns the DocumentType for the specified API interface/class name. The interface/class name specified must be the fully qualified Java interface name as a String.

typeName - the API interface/class name
the DocumentType for the given interface/class name


Reference[] getReferences(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Returns an array of Reference instances that represent all references to the specified DocumentId.

documentId - should not be null
array of Reference instances
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if there was an error creating the array of Reference instances for the specified DocumentId.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to the object specified by the DocumentId or data required to create the array of Reference instances.


Reference[] getBranchReferences(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Returns an array of Reference instances that are references from items outside of the specified branch to the root of the branch or any of the items within the branch.

documentId - should not be null
array of Reference instances
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if there was an error creating the array of Reference instances for the specified DocumentId.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to the object specified by the DocumentId or data required to create the array of Reference instances.


Reference[] getBranchReferences(DocumentLibrary library)
                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Returns an array of Reference instances that are references from items outside of the specified DocumentLibrary to the DocumentLibrary or any of the items within the branch.

library - should not be null
array of Reference instances
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if there was an error creating the array of Reference instances for the specified DocumentId.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to the object specified by the DocumentId or data required to create the array of Reference instances.


Reference[] getReferencesFrom(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Returns an array of Reference instances that represent all references from the specified DocumentId.

documentId - should not be null
array of Reference instances
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if there was an error creating the array of Reference instances for the specified DocumentId.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to the object specified by the DocumentId or data required to create the array of Reference instances.


void clearReferences(Reference[] references)
                     throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Clears all the references represented by the array of Reference instances.

references - an array of Reference instances obtained by calling getReferences(...).
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if there was an error clearing a Reference.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to the referring object so the reference can be cleared.


void replaceReferences(Reference[] references,
                       DocumentId<? extends Document> newRefereeId)
                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException,
Replaces all the references represented by the array of Reference instances with the new object represented by the specified DocumentId.

references - an array of Reference instances obtained by calling getReferences(...).
newRefereeId - the DocumentId of the object that is to be come the new referee.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if there was an error replacing a Reference.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to the referring object so the reference can be replaced.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalTypeChangeException - if the type of the Document represented by the specified DocumentId is not of the appropriate type for the Reference.


boolean isMemberOfGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
Indicates if the user of this Workspace is a member of the group with the specified name. This method also checks nested groups.

groupName - the name of the group to check membership
true if this user is a member of the group, false if not


UserProfile getUserProfile()
Returns the UserProfile for the user of this Workspace. The UserProfile allows clients to retrieve the users categories and keywords.

the UserProfile for the user of this Workspace


DocumentLibrary getCurrentDocumentLibrary()
Returns the current DocumentLibrary, which is being used for all operations except rendering.

If the current DocumentLibrary has not been set, the default configured DocumentLibrary is returned. If the default configured DocumentLibrary cannot be found or if this Workspace does not have access to it, null is returned.

the current DocumentLibrary being used by this Workspace


void setCurrentDocumentLibrary(DocumentLibrary library)
Sets the current DocumentLibrary for this Workspace. This is the Library that will be used for all operations, until it is set to a different Library.

The Library set by this method will not be used for calls to render objects. The Library specified in the path to be rendered will be used for rendering.

library - the DocumentLibrary to use


java.util.Iterator<DocumentLibrary> getDocumentLibraries()
Returns an iterator of all DocumentLibrary objects visible to the user of this Workspace. Equivalent to getDocumentLibraries(false)

an iterator of DocumentLibrary objects


java.util.Iterator<DocumentLibrary> getDocumentLibraries(boolean includeDisabledLibraries)
Returns an iterator of all DocumentLibrary objects visible to the user of this Workspace.

includeDisabledLibraries - if true then will also return libraries that have DocumentLibrary.isEnabled() set to false
an iterator of DocumentLibrary objects
8.5 CF09


DocumentLibrary getDocumentLibrary(java.lang.String libraryName)
Returns the DocumentLibrary with the specified name or title, or null if a DocumentLibrary with that name or title does not exist or the caller does not have access Equivalent to getDocumentLibrary(libraryName, false)

libraryName - the name or title of the DocumentLibrary to retrieve
a DocumentLibrary object representing the library with the given name or title, or null if it does not exist.


DocumentLibrary getDocumentLibrary(java.lang.String libraryName,
                                   boolean includeDisabledLibrary)
Returns the DocumentLibrary with the specified name or title, or null if a DocumentLibrary with that name or title does not exist or the caller does not have access

libraryName - the name or title of the DocumentLibrary to retrieve
includeDisabledLibraries - if true then will also still return a library that has DocumentLibrary.isEnabled() set to false
a DocumentLibrary object representing the library with the given name or title, or null if it does not exist.
8.5 CF09


boolean hasDocumentLibrary(java.lang.String libraryName)
Indicates if there is a DocumentLibrary with the specified name

libraryName - the name of the DocumentLibrary to search for
true if there is a DocumentLibrary with the specified name, false otherwise


void useLiveAccess(boolean liveAccess)
Deprecated. use useUserAccess(boolean userAccess)

Sets the Access context to use for the following methods.

  • Category.getAllChildren (...)
  • Category.getChildren (...)
  • Category.getParent (...)
  • Content.getAuthoringTemplateID (...)
  • Content.getCategoriesIds (...)
  • Content.getParents (...)
  • Document.getOwners (...)
  • EditableLibraryComponent.getAuthors (...)
  • EditableLibraryComponent.getOwners (...)
  • FileComponentDelegate.getFile (...)
  • FileComponentDelegate.getFileName (...)
  • ImageComponent.getImageFileName (...)
  • ImageComponentDelegate.getImage (...)
  • LibraryComponent.getAuthors (...)
  • LibraryComponent.getOwners (...)
  • LibraryImageComponent.getImageFileName (...)
  • Reference.clear(...)
  • Reference.replace(...)
  • SiteArea.getDefaultContent (...)
  • SiteArea.getParent (...)
  • Site.getDefaultContent (...)
  • SiteFrameworkContainer.getAllChildren (...)
  • SiteFrameworkContainer.getChildren (...)
  • SiteFrameworkContainer.getTemplateMapping (...)
  • Taxonomy.getChildren (...)
  • UserProfile.getCategories (...)
  • Workspace.ContentSearch(...)
  • Workspace.exists(...)
  • Workspace.findByIdInIndex (...)
  • Workspace.findByName(...)
  • Workspace.findByType (...)
  • Workspace.findComponentByName (...)
  • Workspace.findContentByAuthoringTemplate (...)
  • Workspace.findContentByCategory(...)
  • Workspace.findContentByPath (...)
  • Workspace.findContentByWorkflowStage (...)
  • Workspace.findContentModifiedBetween (...)
  • Workspace.findContentModifiedSince (...)
  • Workspace.isInName2IdIndex (...)
  • Workspace.getById (...)
  • Workspace.isMemberOfgroup (...)
  • Workspace.Taxonomy.getAllChildren (...)
  • Workspace.clearReferences(...)
  • Workspace.getReferences (...)
  • Workspace.replaceReferences(...)

The Access context is either execute or read, determined by the boolean specified.

if the value is true the system will set the access context to execute(live) access
else it will use read access.

Note: The Access context used in the API can be set at any time, after the creation of the workspace.

liveAccess - boolean true/false to use execute(live) access/read access respectively


void useUserAccess(boolean userAccess)

Sets the Access context to use for the following methods.

  • Category.getAllChildren (...)
  • Category.getChildren (...)
  • Category.getParent (...)
  • Content.getAuthoringTemplateID (...)
  • Content.getCategoriesIds (...)
  • Content.getParents (...)
  • Document.getOwners (...)
  • EditableLibraryComponent.getAuthors (...)
  • EditableLibraryComponent.getOwners (...)
  • FileComponentDelegate.getFile (...)
  • FileComponentDelegate.getFileName (...)
  • ImageComponent.getImageFileName (...)
  • ImageComponentDelegate.getImage (...)
  • LibraryComponent.getAuthors (...)
  • LibraryComponent.getOwners (...)
  • LibraryImageComponent.getImageFileName (...)
  • Reference.clear(...)
  • Reference.replace(...)
  • SiteArea.getDefaultContent (...)
  • SiteArea.getParent (...)
  • Site.getDefaultContent (...)
  • SiteFrameworkContainer.getAllChildren (...)
  • SiteFrameworkContainer.getChildren (...)
  • SiteFrameworkContainer.getTemplateMapping (...)
  • Taxonomy.getChildren (...)
  • UserProfile.getCategories (...)
  • Workspace.ContentSearch(...)
  • Workspace.createDocumentId(...)
  • Workspace.exists(...)
  • Workspace.findByIdInIndex (...)
  • Workspace.findByName(...)
  • Workspace.findByType (...)
  • Workspace.findComponentByName (...)
  • Workspace.findContentByAuthoringTemplate (...)
  • Workspace.findContentByCategory(...)
  • Workspace.findContentByPath (...)
  • Workspace.findContentByWorkflowStage (...)
  • Workspace.findContentModifiedBetween (...)
  • Workspace.findContentModifiedSince (...)
  • Workspace.isInName2IdIndex (...)
  • Workspace.getById (...)
  • Workspace.isMemberOfgroup (...)
  • Workspace.Taxonomy.getAllChildren (...)
  • Workspace.clearReferences(...)
  • Workspace.getReferences (...)
  • Workspace.replaceReferences(...)

The Access context is either User or Contributor, determined by the boolean specified.

if the value is true the system will set the access context to User access
else it will use Contributor access.

Note: The Access context used in the API can be set at any time, after the creation of the workspace.

userAccess - boolean true/false to use User access/Contributor access respectively


void move(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId,
          DocumentId<? extends Document> newParentId)
          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Moves a document and adds it under a new parent. This method can be used for moving documents within or between libraries.

The following document types are supported:

  • Content
  • Site Areas
  • Categories
  • Folders
  • Presentation Templates
  • Authoring Templates
  • Library Components

documentId - the DocumentId of the document to be moved
newParentId - the DocumentId of the parent to move the document to
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if documentId and parentId aren't valid
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation on the document or parent.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if documentId can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path


void move(Placeable doc,
          com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.PlacementLocation location,
          com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.MoveOptions moveOptions)
          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Moves the supplied Placeable document to the target location according to the rules specified by the moveOptions parameter.

doc - the Placeable document to be moved.
location - the PlacementLocation for the moved document.
moveOptions - Specifies optional parameters for the move.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if doc or location aren't valid
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the target location.


void move(Document doc,
          com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.ParentLocation location,
          com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.MoveOptions moveOptions)
          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Moves the supplied document to the new parent according to the rules specified by the moveOptions parameter.

doc - the document to be moved.
location - the ParentLocation for the moved document.
moveOptions - Specifies optional parameters for the move.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if doc isn't valid
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path


void moveToLibrary(DocumentLibrary target,
                   DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
                   throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException,
This method moves non-hierarchical or root items to another library. If the item is hierarchical, an IllegalDocumentTypeException will be thrown.

target - the DocumentLibrary that the document will be moved to
docId - the DocumentId of the document to be moved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if docId Document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path


void moveSiteFrameworkDocument(DocumentId docId,
                                          DocumentId newParentId,
                                          DocumentId siblingId,
                                          int position)
                               throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Deprecated. use Workspace.move(Placeable, PlacementLocation, MoveOptions) instead.

This method moves hierarchical items (SiteArea, Content, or ContentLink to another library. If the item is not hierarchical, an IllegalDocumentTypeException will be thrown.

If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.BEFORE or ChildPosition.AFTER, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the ChildPosition is ChildPosition.START or ChildPosition.END then the siblingId parameter, if it is not null, will be ignored.

docId - the DocumentId of the document to be moved
newParentId - the DocumentId of the parent for the moved document
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (docId)
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if docId is not the ID of a Content or SiteArea.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if docId Document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path


void moveCategory(DocumentId categoryId,
                             DocumentId newParentId)
                  throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Deprecated. Use Workspace.move instead

Moves a category and adds it under a new parent. This method can be used for moving categories within or between libraries.

categoryId - the DocumentId of the category to be copied
newParentId - the DocumentId of the parent for the new copy of the category
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if categoryId is not the ID of a Category, or the newParentId is not the ID of a Category or Taxonomy
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation on the category or parent.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if categoryId Document can not be retrieved
See Also:
move(com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId)


<T extends Document> T copy(DocumentId<T> documentId,
                            DocumentId newParentId)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Copies a document and adds it under a new parent. This method can be used for copying documents within or between libraries.

The following document types are supported:

  • Content
  • Site Areas
  • Categories
  • Folders
  • Presentation Templates
  • Authoring Templates
  • Library Components

documentId - the DocumentId of the document to be copied
newParentId - the DocumentId of the parent for the new copy
the new copied document as a Document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if documentId and parentId aren't valid
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation on the document or parent.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if documentId can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path


Document copy(Placeable doc,
              com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.PlacementLocation location,
              CopyOptions copyOptions)
              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Copies the supplied Positionable document to the target location according to the rules specified by the copyOptions parameter.

doc - the Positionable document to be copied.
location - the PlacementLocation for the new copy.
copyOptions - Specifies optional parameters for the copy. If no options are specified this method will copy the supplied document only.
the new copied document as a Document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if doc or target aren't valid
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the target location.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the new document could not be created for other reasons.


<T extends Document> T copy(T doc,
                            com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.ParentLocation location,
                            CopyOptions copyOptions)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Copies the supplied document to the new parent according to the rules specified by the copyOptions parameter.

doc - the document to be copied.
location - the ParentLocation for the new copy.
copyOptions - Specifies optional parameters for the copy. If no options are specified this method will copy the supplied document only.
the new copied document as a Document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if doc isn't valid
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if the document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the new document could not be created for other reasons


<T extends Document> Document copyToLibrary(DocumentLibrary target,
                                            DocumentId<T> docId)
                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException,
This method copies non-hierarchical or root items to another library. If the item is hierarchical, an IllegalDocumentTypeException will be thrown.

target - the DocumentLibrary that the document will be copied to
docId - the DocumentId of the document to be copied
The copied document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if docId Document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the new document could not be created for other reasons


<T extends Document> Document copyToLibrary(DocumentLibrary target,
                                            DocumentId<T> docId,
                                            CopyOptions copyOptions)
                       throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException,
This method copies non-hierarchical or root items to another library. If the item is hierarchical, an IllegalDocumentTypeException will be thrown.

target - the DocumentLibrary that the document will be copied to
docId - the DocumentId of the document to be copied
copyOptions - Specifies optional parameters for the copy. If no options are specified this method will copy the supplied document only. Example for the CopyOptions that go with non hierarchical items are RenameCopyOption and CopyIntoProjectOption
The copied document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if docId Document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the new document could not be created for other reasons


Document copySiteFrameworkDocument(DocumentId docId,
                                              DocumentId newParentId,
                                              DocumentId siblingId,
                                              int position)
                                   throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Deprecated. use Workspace.copy(Placeable, PlacementLocation, CopyOptions) instead.

This method copies hierarchical items (SiteArea, Content, or ContentLink to another library. If the item is not hierarchical, an IllegalDocumentTypeException will be thrown.

If the position is BEFORE (position = 2) or AFTER (position = 3, then the siblingId parameter must be specified. If it is not, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the position is ChildPosition.START - (position = 0) or ChildPosition.END (position = 1) then the siblingId parameter, if it is not null, will be ignored.

docId - the DocumentId of the document to be copied
newParentId - the DocumentId of the parent for the new copy
siblingId - the DocumentId of the sibling document, if any. May be null, according to the rules stated
position - the position of the child (docId)
The copied document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if docId is not the ID of a Content or SiteArea.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if docId Document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the new document could not be created for other reasons


Document copyCategory(DocumentId categoryId,
                                 DocumentId newParentId)
                      throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException,
Deprecated. use Workspace.copy(Document, ParentLocation, CopyOptions) instead.

Copies a category and adds it under a new parent. This method can be used for copying categories within or between libraries.

categoryId - the DocumentId of the category to be copied
newParentId - the DocumentId of the parent for the new copy of the category
The copied document
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if categoryId is not the ID of a Category, or the newParentId is not the ID of a Category or Taxonomy
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to perform this operation on the category or parent.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentRetrievalException - if categoryId Document can not be retrieved
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DuplicateChildException - if a document with the same name already exists at the same path
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the new document could not be created for other reasons
See Also:
copy(com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId, com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.DocumentId)


void lock(DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Locks the document (draft or non-draft) provided by the DocumentId.

docId - Document to be locked


void unlock(DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
            throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Unlocks the document (draft or non-draft) provided by the DocumentId.

docId - Document to be unlocked


boolean isLocked(DocumentId<? extends Document> docId)
                 throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Indicates whether the DocumentId provided is locked or not

docId - Document to check whether it is locked
true if locked, false otherwise


boolean isSystemWorkspace()
Returns true if this Workspace will act with system credentials Indicates this Workspace will perform operations with system credentials.

true if this Workspace will act with system credentials, otherwise false.


Taxonomy createTaxonomy()
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new Taxonomy. The new Taxonomy is returned.

the new Taxonomy object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


Category createCategory(DocumentId parentId)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new Category under the given parent. The parent can be a Taxonomy or a Category.

parentId - ID of the parent Taxonomy or Category
the new Category object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the specified parent is not a Taxonomy or Category


PresentationTemplate createPresentationTemplate()
                                                throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new PresentationTemplate. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new PresentationTemplate object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


AuthoringTemplate createAuthoringTemplate()
                                          throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new AuthoringTemplate. Note that an AuthoringTemplate is referred to as a "Content Template" since 8.0 in the Authoring UI. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new AuthoringTemplate object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


SiteAreaTemplate createSiteAreaTemplate()
                                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new SiteAreaTemplate. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new SiteAreaTemplate object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


Segment createSegment()
                      throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException,
Creates a new Segment. The parent folder can be set using Folder.addDocument(Document, boolean).

the new Segment object
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentCreationException - if the object cannot be created
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access


boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id,
                  Access access)
Checks if the user of the Workspace has the specified access to specified document.

id - the document to perform the access check on
access - the access role to check
true if the user has the specified access, otherwise false


boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id,
                  UserProfile profile,
                  Access access)
Checks if the UserProfile has the specified access to specified document.

id - the document to perform the access check on
profile - the user profile to perform the access check for
access - the access role to check
true if the user has the specified access, otherwise false


boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id,
                             int securityAccessType)
Deprecated. since 8.5 use hasAccess(DocumentId, Access) instead

Checks if the user of the Workspace has the specified access to specified document.

This method supports the following access types:

  • User (Workspace.SECURITY_USER_ACCESS)
      Contributor (Workspace.SECURITY_CONTRIBUTOR_ACCESS)
    • Editor (Workspace.SECURITY_EDITOR_ACCESS)
    • Manager (Workspace.SECURITY_MANAGER_ACCESS)

    id - the document to perform the access check on
    securityAccessType - the access type to check
    true if the user has the specified access to the specified document, false if not


boolean hasAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> id,
                             UserProfile user,
                             int securityAccessType)
Deprecated. since 8.5 hasAccess(DocumentId, UserProfile, Access) instead

Checks if the UserProfile has the specified access to specified document.

This method supports the following access types:

  • User (Workspace.SECURITY_USER_ACCESS)
      Contributor (Workspace.SECURITY_CONTRIBUTOR_ACCESS)
    • Editor (Workspace.SECURITY_EDITOR_ACCESS)
    • Manager (Workspace.SECURITY_MANAGER_ACCESS)

    id - the document to perform the access check on
    user - the UserProfile to perform the access check for
    securityAccessType - the access type to check
    true if the user has the specified access to the specified document, false if not


DocumentIdIterator findContentByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] workflowStages,
                                                         java.lang.String[] users,
                                                         int userRoles)
                                              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); [for userRoles=ROLE_AUTHOR] Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.authorsContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_OWNER] Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), Selectors.ownersContain(users)); [for userRoles=ROLE_APPROVER] Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageIn(workflowStages), WorkflowSelectors.statusEquals(Status.DRAFT), WorkflowSelectors.approversContains(users)); WorkflowSelectors.approversContains queryService.execute(query);

Find content by workflow stage for users in particular roles. When calling this method with userRoles set to ROLE_APPROVER, only drafts are searched.

workflowStages - The WorkflowStages that we want to find content in
users - The usernames that we want to find content for. These are the full name of the user, as returned by methods such as UserProfile.getUsername(), and not the short name.
userRoles - The roles that the specified users are in. Valid values are ROLE_AUTHOR, ROLE_APPROVER and ROLE_OWNER. When ROLE_APPROVER is used, only drafts are searched.
an iterator of Ids of Content items in the given workflow stage that are visible to the current user
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the IDs are not of type Workflow Stage
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the workflow stage or user parameters are empty, if any of the workflow stage or user parameter values within the arrays are null, or if userRoles are not valid


DocumentIdIterator findContentByWorkflowStage(DocumentId[] ids)
                                              throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Deprecated. From 8.0 onwards, use the QueryService to query for items. For example: QueryService queryService = getQueryService(); Query query = createQuery(Content.class).addSelector(WorkflowSelectors.stageContains(ids)); queryService.execute(query);

Returns an iterator of all content in the given workflow stages.

ids - the list of IDs of the workflow stages
an iterator of IDs of content items in the given stage


void login()
Performs a login at the Workspace level.

This method allows the caller to perform a single high-level login to the underlying WCM Repository before executing a set of WCM API method calls that form part of a request. This improves the performance of all WCM API method calls made within that request.

When using this method it is essential to ensure that the 'logout' method is called once the work is complete (and before the 'Repository.endWorkspace()' method is called if applicable as per the endWorkspace method's JavaDoc). The required way to use this method to ensure that this condition is met, is as follows:

   // Perform Login

   // Call WCM API method cals for current request
   // Perform logout

WCM_API.getRepository().endWorkspace(); // if appropriate

Note 1: For multi-threaded applications, the login/logout will need to be done per thread.

Note 2: For long running applications, you will need to periodically re-login (before the session expires) to obtain optimum performance.


void logout()
Performs a logout at the Workspace level

This method should be used in conjunction with Workspace.login, see the Workspace.login() method for usage information

See Also:


boolean isLoggedIntoWorkspace()
Indicates whether this Workspace has been logged into on the current thread.

true if Workspace.login has been called on this Workspace on the current thread.


boolean hasUserAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                      throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Checks if user associated with the workspace has User Acccess to the given DocumentId

documentId - DocumentID to perform the access check for
true if this user has User access, false if not
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if error occured when accessing repository


boolean hasContributorAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                             throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Checks if user associated with the workspace has Contributor Acccess to the given DocumentId

documentId - DocumentID to perform the access check for
true if this user has Contributor access, false if not
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if error occured when accessing repository


boolean hasEditorAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                        throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Checks if user associated with the workspace has Editor Acccess to the given DocumentId

documentId - DocumentID to perform the access check for
true if this user has Editor access, false if not
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if error occured when accessing repository


boolean hasManagerAccess(DocumentId<? extends Document> documentId)
                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException
Checks if user associated with the workspace has Manager Acccess to the given DocumentId

documentId - DocumentID to perform the access check for
true if this user has Manager access, false if not
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.OperationFailedException - if error occured when accessing repository


void useDistinguishedNames(boolean distinguishedNames)
Sets the Workspace to use distinguished names users. Setting to true indicates to the Workspace that users will be passed in and returned using their distinguished names rather than their common names.

distinguishedNames - true for distinguished names, false for common names


boolean isDistinguishedNamesUsed()
Indicates whether this Workspace is set to use distinguished names for users Returns true if this Workspace is set to use distinguished names rather than their common names.

true if this Workspace is set to use Distinguished Names, otherwise false


<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator<T> findItemsDeletedBefore(java.util.Date deletedBeforeDate,
                                                                  DocumentType<T> documentType,
                                                                  DocumentId workflowStage)
Returns a DocumentIdIterator of deleted documents restricted by date, document type and workflow stage.

deletedBeforeDate - limits the results to documents deleted before the given date.
A null parameter will default to the current system date and time.
workflowStage - constrains the results set to documents deleted while in the given workflow stage.
A null will default to all workflow stages.
documentType - limits the results set by document type.
A null will default to all document types.
DocumentIdIterator of deleted documents match specified criteria.


<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator<T> findItemsDeletedSince(java.util.Date deletedSinceDate,
                                                                 DocumentType<T> documentType,
                                                                 DocumentId workflowStage)
Returns a DocumentIdIterator of documents restricted by date, workflow stage and document type

deletedSinceDate - limits the result to documents deleted since the given date.
A null parameter will default to the current system date and time.
documentType - limits the result set by document type.
A null will default to all document types.
workflowStage - constrains the result set to documents deleted while in the given workflow stage.
A null will default to all workflow stages.
DocumentIdIterator of documentID matches criteria.


<T extends Document> DocumentIdIterator<T> findItemsDeletedBetween(java.util.Date deletedStartDate,
                                                                   java.util.Date deletedEndDate,
                                                                   DocumentType<T> documentType,
                                                                   DocumentId workflowStage)
Returns a DocumentIdIterator of documents restricted by date, workflow stage and document type

deletedStartDate - limits the result to documents deleted since the given date.
A null parameter will default to the current system date and time.
deletedEndDate - limits the result to documents deleted before the given date.
A null parameter will default to the current system date and time.
documentType - limits the result set by document type.
A null will default to all document types.
workflowStage - constrains the result set to documents deleted while in the given workflow stage.
A null will default to all workflow stages.
DocumentIdIterator of documentID matches criteria.


java.lang.String[] purge(DocumentId<? extends Document> id)
                         throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentPurgeException,
Purges an item with the given DocumentId.

id - document id to purge
Array of error messages. If purge successful, then empty array will return.
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.DocumentPurgeException - due to any reason item not able to deleted in repository,
such as item is referenced, item has children, item has draft copy...
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.AuthorizationException - in case current API user is not authorized to purge the given document


DocumentIdIterator findAllByPath(java.lang.String namePath,
                                 DocumentType documentType,
                                 int workflowStatusFilter,
                                 DocumentLibrary[] documentLibraries)
Returns a DocumentIdIterator for the items on the supplied relative name path in the supplied document libraries.

Note: When querying for draft items, the name of the actual item being searched for (within the path) is case-sensitive

Only returns DocumentIds that the current user has 'USER' access to.

namePath - The relative name path to the items to return. For hierarchical items such as Content, SiteAreas, Categorys, Folders PresentationTemplates, AuthoringTemplates, and LibraryComponents, this is full path of names to the item excluding the DocumentLibrary, whereas for non-hierarchical items such as Sites, Taxonomys, Workflows, WorkflowStagess and WorkflowActions, this is the name of the item. Preset Folders should not be included in the path.
documentType - The DocumentType of the item(s) being returned
workflowStatusFilter - The workflow status filter to use
documentLibraries - The DocumentLibrarys to query.
a DocumentIdIterator for the items on the supplied relative path in the supplied document libraries.


IdentityBuilder getIdentityBuilder()
Get an identity builder, which allows conversion between DocumentId's and ReST URIs.

an identity builder


QueryService getQueryService()
Obtains an instance of QueryService which is associated with this workspace.

the QueryService instance


VersioningService getVersioningService()
Obtains an instance of VersioningService which is associated with this workspace.

the VersioningService instance


DocumentId getProjectId()
Returns the DocumentId of the Project associated with this Workspace

the DocumentId of the Project associated with this Workspace OR NULL if one is not set


void setProjectId(DocumentId projectId)
                  throws com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException
Sets the Project associated with this Workspace from henceforth.

Effects the following methods only when Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_DRAFT items are selected, and causes only drafts associated with the specified Project to be returned

  • Workspace.findAllByPath
  • Workspace.findByName
  • Workspace.findByPath
  • Workspace.findByType
  • Workspace.findContentByAuthoringTemplate
  • Workspace.findContentByCategory
  • Workspace.findContentByWorkflowStage
  • Workspace.findContentModifiedBetween
  • Workspace.findContentModifiedSince
  • Workspace.findDocumentsModifiedBetween
  • Workspace.findDocumentsModifiedSince
Setting the projectId as null will mean that no Project will be associated with this Workspace from henceforth.

projectId - the DocumentId of the Project to associate with this Workspace, or null to remove the Project association
com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the supplied DocumentId is not a project