Interface VanityURLModelController<E extends VanityURLNode,M extends ModifiableVanityURLNode>
- All Superinterfaces:
- Committable, Controller, Disposable, Invalidatable, ListModel<E>, ListModelController<E,M>, LocatorProvider<E>, ModelController<E,M>, SearchableListModel<E>, SearchableListModelController<E,M>, VanityURLModel<E>
public interface VanityURLModelController<E extends VanityURLNode,M extends ModifiableVanityURLNode>
- extends VanityURLModel<E>, SearchableListModelController<E,M>, Committable
This interface allows the creation, modification and deletion of vanity URLs. Instances can be obtained from
VanityURLModelControllerProvider instances. Make sure to invoke the dispose() method
at the end of using instances of this class.
- Since:
- 8.5
boolean confirmCreate(Identifiable node)
throws ObjectNotFoundException
- Indicates if the current user can create a VanityURL on the given node
- Parameters:
- node - the content node the check shall be performed for
- Returns:
- true if the user is able to create a VanityURL
false otherwise
- Throws:
- ObjectNotFoundException - The node is null or does not exist.
boolean confirmModify(Identifiable node)
throws ObjectNotFoundException
- Indicates if the current user can modify a VanityURL on the given node
- Parameters:
- node - the content node the check shall be performed for
- Returns:
- true if the user is able to create a VanityURL
false otherwise
- Throws:
- ObjectNotFoundException - The node is null or does not exist.