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Interface PublicRenderParameters

public interface PublicRenderParameters

Defines the local and global names of the supported toolbar-specific portal render parameters.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID
          Default bucket for toolbar-specific public render parameters.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
          Default value for the font size in pixels in case the public render parameters is missing
static java.lang.String NAME_CONTEXT
          Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the context content node.
static java.lang.String NAME_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
          Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the pixel ratio on the device, the the ratio between a logical CSS pixel and a real device pixel.
static java.lang.String NAME_FONT_SIZE
          Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the default font size (in pixels).
static java.lang.String NAME_ID
          Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar tab ID.
static java.lang.String NAME_PRIMARY_TAB_URI
          Local name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the primary toolbar frame.
static java.lang.String NAME_SECONDARY_TAB_URI
          Local name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the secondary toolbar frame.
static java.lang.String NAME_SELECTION
          Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the page selection.
static java.lang.String NAME_TARGET_ID
          Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar target ID ("primary" vs.
static java.lang.String NAME_TOOLBAR_MODE
          Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the toolbar mode.
static java.lang.String NAME_VIEWPORT
          Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the size of the viewport of the toolbar.
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_URI
          Namespace for all toolbar-specific public render parameters
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_CONTEXT
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the page selection.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the pixel ratio.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_FONT_SIZE
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the default size of the font as configured in the browser (in pixels).
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_ID
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar tab ID.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_PRIMARY_TAB_URI
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the primary toolbar frame.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_SECONDARY_TAB_URI
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the secondary toolbar frame.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_SELECTION
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the page selection.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_TARGET_ID
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar target ID ("primary" vs.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_TOOLBAR_MODE
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the toolbar mode.
static javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_VIEWPORT
          Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the size of the viewport of the toolbar.
static java.lang.String TOOLBAR_MODE_ADVANCED
          Value identifying the toolbar mode "Advanced View".

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_URI
Namespace for all toolbar-specific public render parameters

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NAME_SELECTION
Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the page selection.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_SELECTION
Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the page selection.


static final java.lang.String NAME_ID
Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar tab ID.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_ID
Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar tab ID.


static final java.lang.String NAME_PRIMARY_TAB_URI
Local name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the primary toolbar frame.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_PRIMARY_TAB_URI
Qualified name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the primary toolbar frame.


static final java.lang.String NAME_SECONDARY_TAB_URI
Local name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the secondary toolbar frame.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_SECONDARY_TAB_URI
Qualified name of the public render parameter that addresses the toolbar tab that is to be displayed in the secondary toolbar frame.


static final java.lang.String NAME_TARGET_ID
Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar target ID ("primary" vs. "secondary").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_TARGET_ID
Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the toolbar target ID ("primary" vs. "secondary").


static final java.lang.String NAME_VIEWPORT
Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the size of the viewport of the toolbar. The values are positive integer numbers.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_VIEWPORT
Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the size of the viewport of the toolbar. The value of this parameter is a String array which contains two Strings. The first one specifies the maximum width of the view port, the second one the maximum height (both in pixels). The values are positive integer numbers.


static final java.lang.String NAME_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the pixel ratio on the device, the the ratio between a logical CSS pixel and a real device pixel. This is typically 1 but is larger for retina displays. The value is a positive floating point number that contains the ratio.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO
Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the pixel ratio. The value is a positive floating point number that contains the ratio.


static final java.lang.String NAME_FONT_SIZE
Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the default font size (in pixels). The value is a positive floating point number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_FONT_SIZE
Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the default size of the font as configured in the browser (in pixels). Per default this is DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE. The value is a positive floating point number.


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
Default value for the font size in pixels in case the public render parameters is missing

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NAME_TOOLBAR_MODE
Local name of the public render parameter that specifies the toolbar mode.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_TOOLBAR_MODE
Qualified name of the public render parameter that specifies the toolbar mode.


static final java.lang.String TOOLBAR_MODE_ADVANCED
Value identifying the toolbar mode "Advanced View".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID
Default bucket for toolbar-specific public render parameters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NAME_CONTEXT
Local name of the public render parameter that encodes the context content node. Toolbar portlets should render in context of that node - and use the navigation selection as fallback

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_CONTEXT
Qualified name of the public render parameter that encodes the page selection.
