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Interface EngineActionAccessorFactory

All Superinterfaces:
public interface EngineActionAccessorFactory
extends AccessorFactory

Factory that provides controllers for including engine actions into the state holder. Applying such a controller upon the state holder of a EngineURL causes the engine action to be encoded into the URL.
Note that this factory only supports engine actions that have been specified in the config/services/LoaderService.properties file.
For each engine action that should be included into any given state holder, a separate EngineActionAccessorController must be requested via this factory. NOTE: This API may only be used in the scope of an HTTP request in WebSphere Portal, i.e. within a theme. The API can not be invoked directly by a custom servlet.


Method Summary
 EngineActionAccessorController getActionAccessorController(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String actionType, StateHolderController state)
          Return a controller which allows for including a engine action of the given actionType into the given state holder.
 EngineActionAccessorController getActionAccessorController(Node action, DocumentController controller)
          Return a controller which allows for modifying the engine action (in particular its action parameters) represented by the given node action.
This controller should be used in case that no servlet request is available, e.g.
 EngineActionAccessorController getActionAccessorController(java.lang.String actionType, StateHolderController state)
          Return a controller which allows for including a engine action of the given actionType into the given state holder.
 EngineActionAccessorController getActionController(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.lang.String actionType, StateHolderController state)
          Deprecated. since 6.0, use the method getActionAccessorController(String, StateHolderController) instead
 EngineActionAccessorController getActionController(Node action, DocumentController controller)
          Deprecated. since 6.0, use the method getActionAccessorController(String, StateHolderController) instead
 EngineActionAccessorController getActionController(java.lang.String actionType, StateHolderController state)
          Deprecated. since 6.0, use method getActionAccessorController(String, StateHolderController) instead
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.state.accessors.AccessorFactory

Method Detail


EngineActionAccessorController getActionAccessorController(java.lang.String actionType,
                                                           StateHolderController state)
Returns a controller which allows for including a engine action of the given actionType into the given state holder.
The transmitted actionType must correspond to the abbreviated name of the engine action as configured in the config/services/LoaderService.properties file.
This controller should be used in case that no servlet request is available, e.g. when generating a URL from within an EJB. Otherwise a controller should be requested via getActionController(HttpServletRequest, String, StateHolderController).

actionType - The type of the engine action which equals to the abbreviated engine action name. Must not be null.
state - Read-write interface to state. Must not be null.
An EngineActionAccessorController which allows for setting action parameters. Not null.


EngineActionAccessorController getActionAccessorController(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                           java.lang.String actionType,
                                                           StateHolderController state)
Returns a controller which allows for including a engine action of the given actionType into the given state holder.
The transmitted actionType must correspond to the abbreviated name of the engine action as configured in the config/services/LoaderService.properties file.

request - The current servlet request. Must not be null.
actionType - The type of the engine action which equals to the abbreviated engine action name. Must not be null.
state - Read-write interface to state. Must not be null.
An EngineActionAccessorController which allows for setting action parameters. Not null.


EngineActionAccessorController getActionAccessorController(Node action,
                                                           DocumentController controller)
Returns a controller which allows for modifying the engine action (in particular its action parameters) represented by the given node action.
This controller should be used in case that no servlet request is available, e.g. when generating a URL from within an EJB. Otherwise a controller should be requested via getActionController(HttpServletRequest, String, StateHolderController).

action - Node representing a particular engine action. Must not be null.
controller - Read-write interface to state (must not be null). The state document this controller operates on must contain the given action node.
An EngineActionAccessorController which allows for setting action parameters. Not null.


EngineActionAccessorController getActionController(java.lang.String actionType,
                                                   StateHolderController state)
Deprecated. since 6.0, use method getActionAccessorController(String, StateHolderController) instead

Returns a controller which allows for including a engine action of the given actionType into the given state holder.
The transmitted actionType must correspond to the abbreviated name of the engine action as configured in the config/services/LoaderService.properties file.
This controller should be used in case that no servlet request is available, e.g. when generating a URL from within an EJB. Otherwise a controller should be requested via getActionController(HttpServletRequest, String, StateHolderController).

actionType - The type of the engine action which equals to the abbreviated engine action name. Must not be null.
state - Read-write interface to state. Must not be null.
An EngineActionAccessorController which allows for setting action parameters. Not null.


EngineActionAccessorController getActionController(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                   java.lang.String actionType,
                                                   StateHolderController state)
Deprecated. since 6.0, use the method getActionAccessorController(String, StateHolderController) instead

Returns a controller which allows for including a engine action of the given actionType into the given state holder.
The transmitted actionType must correspond to the abbreviated name of the engine action as configured in the config/services/LoaderService.properties file.

request - The current servlet request. Must not be null.
actionType - The type of the engine action which equals to the abbreviated engine action name. Must not be null.
state - Read-write interface to state. Must not be null.
An EngineActionAccessorController which allows for setting action parameters. Not null.


EngineActionAccessorController getActionController(Node action,
                                                   DocumentController controller)
Deprecated. since 6.0, use the method getActionAccessorController(String, StateHolderController) instead

Returns a controller which allows for modifying the engine action (in particular its action parameters) represented by the given node action.
This controller should be used in case that no servlet request is available, e.g. when generating a URL from within an EJB. Otherwise a controller should be requested via getActionController(HttpServletRequest, String, StateHolderController).

action - Node representing a particular engine action. Must not be null.
controller - Read-write interface to state (must not be null). The state document this controller operates on must contain the given action node.
An EngineActionAccessorController which allows for setting action parameters. Not null.