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Interface ContentMappingInfoHome

public interface ContentMappingInfoHome

This interface is the home of all APIs providing access to content mapping information. Content mapping information in this context refers to portal resources being mapped to instances of a content store where resources can be identified via unique IDs (e.g. JCR GUIDs) and/or content paths. Home interface lookup:

      Context ctx = new InitialContext();
      ContentMappingInfoHome myHome = (ContentMappingInfoHome) ctx.lookup(ContentMappingInfoHome.JNDI_NAME);

See Also:
ContentMapping, ContentMappingInfo

Field Summary
static java.lang.String JNDI_NAME
          The JNDI name used to bind the ContentMappingInfoHome singleton.
Method Summary
 ContentMappingDelegationService getContentMappingDelegationService(ContentMappingInfo contentMappingInfo)
          Return the ContentMappingDelegationService for the given ContentMappingInfo object.
 ContentMappingInfo getContentMappingInfo(Identifiable resource)
          Return the ContentMappingInfo object for the given portal resource giving access to all content mappings assigened to that resource.
 java.util.List<? extends ContentMappingInfo> getContentMappingInfo(java.util.List<ObjectID> resources)
          Return the list of ContentMappingInfo objects for the given list of portal resource IDs.
 ContentMappingInfoController getContentMappingInfoController()
          Return a ContentMappingInfoController object that can be used to create modifiable versions of ContentMappingInfo objects and to commit modifications done to corresponding ModifiableContentMappingInfo objects.
 ContentMappingLocator getContentMappingLocator()
          Return the ContentMappingLocator that can be used to search for specific content mappings in the default scope.
 ContentMappingLocator getContentMappingLocator(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
          Return the ContentMappingLocator that can be used to search for specific content mappings in the set of scopes handled by a specific scope provider.
 GlobalContentMappingDelegationService getGlobalContentMappingDelegationService()
          Return the global ContentMappingDelegationService for the default scope.
 GlobalContentMappingDelegationService getGlobalContentMappingDelegationService(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
          Return the global ContentMappingDelegationService for the scopes handled by a specific scope provider.
 ContentMappingInfoController getPropagatingContentMappingInfoController(ContentModel<ContentNode> model, java.lang.String[] scopes, int numberThreshold, int nestingDepth)
          Return a ContentMappingInfoController object that can be used to create modifiable versions of ContentMappingInfo objects and to commit modifications done to corresponding ModifiableContentMappingInfo objects.
 ResourceLocator getResourceLocator()
          Return the ResourceLocator interface that can be used to search for specific portal resources based on content mapping information in the default scope.
 ResourceLocator getResourceLocator(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
          Return the ResourceLocator interface that can be used to search for specific portal resources based on content mapping information in the set of scopes handled by a specific scope provider.
 ScopeProvider getScopeProvider(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
          Return the scope provider for a given scope provider name.
 IterableListModel<ScopeProvider> getScopeProviders()
          Return the list of available content mapping scope providers.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String JNDI_NAME
The JNDI name used to bind the ContentMappingInfoHome singleton.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


ContentMappingInfo getContentMappingInfo(Identifiable resource)
                                         throws ContentMappingDataBackendException
Returns the ContentMappingInfo object for the given portal resource giving access to all content mappings assigened to that resource. The returned ContentMappingInfo is a one time copy read from the database. The object may become stale if cached. This method never returns null.

resource - Identifies the portal resource


java.util.List<? extends ContentMappingInfo> getContentMappingInfo(java.util.List<ObjectID> resources)
                                                                   throws ContentMappingDataBackendException
Returns the list of ContentMappingInfo objects for the given list of portal resource IDs. The sequence of objects in the result matches the sequence of ObjectID objects passed in via the resources parameter.
Important:All resource IDs passed in need to be of the same ObjectType.

resources - Identifies the portal resources and the defines the result sequence ordering.
See Also:


ResourceLocator getResourceLocator()
Returns the ResourceLocator interface that can be used to search for specific portal resources based on content mapping information in the default scope. The locator returned by this method is thread safe and can be cached.


ResourceLocator getResourceLocator(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
Returns the ResourceLocator interface that can be used to search for specific portal resources based on content mapping information in the set of scopes handled by a specific scope provider. The locator returned by this method is thread safe and can be cached.

scopeProviderName - The name of relevant scopeProvider
See Also:


ContentMappingLocator getContentMappingLocator()
Returns the ContentMappingLocator that can be used to search for specific content mappings in the default scope. The locator returned by this method is thread safe and can be cached.


ContentMappingLocator getContentMappingLocator(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
Returns the ContentMappingLocator that can be used to search for specific content mappings in the set of scopes handled by a specific scope provider. The locator returned by this method is thread safe and can be cached.

scopeProviderName - The name of relevant scopeProvider
See Also:


ContentMappingDelegationService getContentMappingDelegationService(ContentMappingInfo contentMappingInfo)
Returns the ContentMappingDelegationService for the given ContentMappingInfo object.


GlobalContentMappingDelegationService getGlobalContentMappingDelegationService()
Returns the global ContentMappingDelegationService for the default scope. This service instance does not have a dedicated connection to a portal resource. The services returned by this method is thread safe and can be cached.


GlobalContentMappingDelegationService getGlobalContentMappingDelegationService(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
Returns the global ContentMappingDelegationService for the scopes handled by a specific scope provider. This service instance does not have a dedicated connection to a portal resource. The services returned by this method is thread safe and can be cached.

scopeProviderName - The name of relevant scopeProvider
See Also:


ContentMappingInfoController getContentMappingInfoController()
Returns a ContentMappingInfoController object that can be used to create modifiable versions of ContentMappingInfo objects and to commit modifications done to corresponding ModifiableContentMappingInfo objects.

See Also:


ContentMappingInfoController getPropagatingContentMappingInfoController(ContentModel<ContentNode> model,
                                                                        java.lang.String[] scopes,
                                                                        int numberThreshold,
                                                                        int nestingDepth)
Returns a ContentMappingInfoController object that can be used to create modifiable versions of ContentMappingInfo objects and to commit modifications done to corresponding ModifiableContentMappingInfo objects. Modifications are propagated down to descendant resources during commit.

model - The content model providing the resource hierarchy used for propagation.
scopes - Lists all scopes for which propagation shall be enabled (must not be null).
numberThreshold - The maximum numbers of child pages to be updated during propagation.
nestingDepth - The maximum number of nesting levels to consider during propagation. Deeper nested resources are ignored. Setting the levels parameter to 1 means, that updates are only propagated to the direct child resources.
See Also:


IterableListModel<ScopeProvider> getScopeProviders()
Returns the list of available content mapping scope providers.



ScopeProvider getScopeProvider(java.lang.String scopeProviderName)
Returns the scope provider for a given scope provider name.

The scope provider with the given name. If no matching scope providers is available, null is returned.