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Interface ContentMappingInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:
public interface ContentMappingInfo

This interface provides access to all content mappings assigned to a specific portal resource. The ObjectID of this portlet resource can be obtained via the the getResourceOID() method. An instance of this interface for a specific portal resource can be obtained using the ContentMappingInfoHome interface.

See Also:

Method Summary
 java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings()
          Return the list of all individual content mappings assigned to this resource.
 java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings(boolean sortByPath)
          Return the list of all individual content mappings assigned to this resource.
 java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings(java.lang.String scope)
          Return the individual content mappings assigned to this resource for a given content mapping scope.
 java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings(java.lang.String scope, boolean sortByPath)
          Return the individual content mappings assigned to this resource for a given content mapping scope.
 ContentMapping getDefaultContentMapping()
          Return the default content mapping for the default scope.
 ContentMapping getDefaultContentMapping(java.lang.String scope)
          Return the default content mapping for a given scope.
 ObjectID getResourceOID()
          Return the portal resource ObjectID for this ContentMappingInfo object.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getScopes()
          Return an unmodifiable set of scopes used by this ContentMappingInfo object.
 ContentMapping getSystemContentMapping()
          Return the system mapping for the default scope.
 ContentMapping getSystemContentMapping(java.lang.String scope)
          Return the system mapping for a given scope.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if and only if there are no content mappings assigned to the given portal resource.

Method Detail


ObjectID getResourceOID()
Returns the portal resource ObjectID for this ContentMappingInfo object.


java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings()
Returns the list of all individual content mappings assigned to this resource. The list is unmodifiable and does not include duplicate entries. This method never returns null. If there are no content mappings, an empty list is returned.


java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings(boolean sortByPath)
Returns the list of all individual content mappings assigned to this resource. The list is unmodifiable and does not include duplicate entries. If the parameter sortByPath is set to true, the list is sorted by the content mappings path, otherwise the list is unsorted. This method never returns null. If there are no content mappings, an empty list is returned.

sortByPath - if set to true, the list is sorted by the content mappings path, otherwise the list is unsorted.


java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings(java.lang.String scope)
Returns the individual content mappings assigned to this resource for a given content mapping scope. The list is unmodifiable and does not include duplicate entries. This method never returns null. If there are no content mappings in the given scope, an empty list is returned.

scope - The scope


java.util.List<ContentMapping> getContentMappings(java.lang.String scope,
                                                  boolean sortByPath)
Returns the individual content mappings assigned to this resource for a given content mapping scope. The list is unmodifiable and does not include duplicate entries. If the parameter sortByPath is set to true, the list is sorted by the content mappings path, otherwise the list is unsorted. This method never returns null. If there are no content mappings in the given scope, an empty list is returned.

scope - The scope
sortByPath - if set to true, the list is sorted by the content mappings path, otherwise the list is unsorted.


ContentMapping getDefaultContentMapping()
Returns the default content mapping for the default scope. This method returns null if no such mapping exists.


ContentMapping getSystemContentMapping()
Returns the system mapping for the default scope. This method returns null if no such mapping exists.


ContentMapping getDefaultContentMapping(java.lang.String scope)
Returns the default content mapping for a given scope. This method returns null if no such mapping exists.

scope - The scope


ContentMapping getSystemContentMapping(java.lang.String scope)
Returns the system mapping for a given scope. This method returns null if no such mapping exists.

scope - The scope


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getScopes()
Returns an unmodifiable set of scopes used by this ContentMappingInfo object. This method never returns null. If there are no scopes defined, an empty set is returned.


boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if and only if there are no content mappings assigned to the given portal resource.
