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Interface ContentMappingDelegationService

public interface ContentMappingDelegationService

Individual content mappings can be flagged to activate access control delegation. Access control delegation in this context means, that view access privileges on the portal resource shall imply view access privileges on mapped content resources.

This service can be obtained via the ContentMappingInfoHome interface in context of a specific portal resource. It is used for checking if access control delegation mode is activated for mapped content resources and to check if the current user is allowed to activate/deactive the access control delegation flag for individual content mappings tied to the given portal resource.

The privilege to activate/deactivate the delegation flag on a specific resource, requires the global privilege to to be allowed to modify the access control delegation flag in general (controlled via a corresponding virtual resource in the Portal Access Control component), view access to the portal resource, and administrator access to a so-called content proxy resource guarding the specific content resource space containing the mapped content resource. In Lotus Web Content Management, the content proxy resource is defined to be the library root node of the specific library containing the given content resource.

The GlobalContentMappingDelegationService interface allows access to access control delegation functions outside the context of a specific portal resource.

See Also:
ContentMappingInfoHome, ContentMapping, GlobalContentMappingDelegationService

Method Summary
 boolean isAllowedToChangeDelegationFlag(ObjectID contentProxyResource)
          Returns true if and only if the current user has been granted the global privilege to modify access control delegation flags in general and administrator privileges on the the given content proxy resource.
 boolean isAllowedToChangeDelegationFlagForContentWithID(java.lang.String contentID)
          Returns true if and only if the current user has been granted enough privileges to modify the delegation flag for the given portal resource and a provided content resource identified by it's content ID.
 boolean isAllowedToChangeDelegationFlagForContentWithPath(java.lang.String contentPath)
          Returns true if and only if the current user has been granted enough privileges to modify the delegation flag for the given portal resource and a provided content resource identified by it's content path.
 boolean isDelegating()
          Convenience method, returning true if and only if there is at least one content mapping for the given portal resource that is flagged for using access control delegation.
 boolean isDelegationEnabled(java.util.List<java.lang.String> contentPathElementIDs)
 boolean isDelegationEnabled(java.lang.String contentPath, java.util.List<java.lang.String> contentPathElementIDs)
          Returns true if and only if there is a content mapping assigned to the given portal resource that matches a given content resource and this content mapping is enabled for delegation (i.e.

Method Detail


boolean isDelegationEnabled(java.lang.String contentPath,
                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> contentPathElementIDs)
Returns true if and only if there is a content mapping assigned to the given portal resource that matches a given content resource and this content mapping is enabled for delegation (i.e. has it's isDelegating flag set to true.

contentPath - the content path to a given content resource. This value must not be null.
contentPathElementIDs - the ordered list of content IDs for the content resources contained in the path of resources leading from the content root resource to the given resource. This value must not be null.


boolean isDelegationEnabled(java.util.List<java.lang.String> contentPathElementIDs)


boolean isDelegating()
Convenience method, returning true if and only if there is at least one content mapping for the given portal resource that is flagged for using access control delegation.


boolean isAllowedToChangeDelegationFlag(ObjectID contentProxyResource)
                                        throws ContentMappingException
Returns true if and only if the current user has been granted the global privilege to modify access control delegation flags in general and administrator privileges on the the given content proxy resource. In Lotus Web Content Management, the content proxy resource is defined to be the library root node of the specific library containing the given content resource.



boolean isAllowedToChangeDelegationFlagForContentWithID(java.lang.String contentID)
                                                        throws ContentMappingException
Returns true if and only if the current user has been granted enough privileges to modify the delegation flag for the given portal resource and a provided content resource identified by it's content ID.

contentID - The ID of the content resource. This parameter must not be null.


boolean isAllowedToChangeDelegationFlagForContentWithPath(java.lang.String contentPath)
                                                          throws ContentMappingException
Returns true if and only if the current user has been granted enough privileges to modify the delegation flag for the given portal resource and a provided content resource identified by it's content path.

contentPath - The path to the content resource. This parameter must not be null.