Class DefaultWebdavTreeModel<T><T>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Disposable, WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- DefaultWebdavTreeModelController
public class DefaultWebdavTreeModel<T>- extends java.lang.Object
- implements WebdavTreeModel<T>
Convenience base class for WebdavTreeModel implementations
- Since:
- 6.1.5
- Note:
This interface is designed to be implemented by clients.
Constructor Summary DefaultWebdavTreeModel()
Method Summary DataSource createDataSource(T item)
Creates a new DataSource for the given item.void dispose()
Indicate that the object will no longer be accessedT getItem( uri)
Return an existing item that corresponds to the URI.Localized getLocalized(T item)
Returns an object that provides the localizations for an arbitrary item out of those items available in the WebdavTreeModel.getTreeModel().java.lang.String getName(T item)
Returns the "friendly" name for for an arbitrary item out of those items available in the WebdavTreeModel.getTreeModel().TreeModel<T> getTreeModel()
Return the TreeModel that describes the namespace hierarchy of items.boolean isCollection(T item)
Checks if any item is a collection or a 'file'.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail DefaultWebdavTreeModel
public DefaultWebdavTreeModel()
Method Detail createDataSource
public DataSource createDataSource(T item) throws
- Description copied from interface: WebdavTreeModel
Creates a new DataSource for the given item. This information is used to download a particular resource. The method may also return null to indicate that the item does not have a representation. The data source can implement the ContentDispositionDataSource or ContentLengthDataSource to indicate the size of the data.
Clients of this method must make sure that they call Disposable.dispose() on the created data source when it is no longer needed.
The DataSource is also used to compute the following WebDAV properties:
- creationdate
- Records the time and date the resource was created.
- getcontentlength
- Contains the Content-Length header returned by a GET without accept headers. Requires that the DataSource implements the ContentDispositionDataSource or ContentLengthDataSource interface.
- getcontenttype
- Contains the Content-Type header returned by a GET without accept headers.
- getetag
- Contains the ETag header returned by a GET without accept headers. Requires that the DataSource implements the DataSourceChecksum interface.
- getlastmodified
- Contains the Last-Modified header returned by a GET method without accept headers.
- Specified by:
- createDataSource in interface WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Parameters:
- item - item, not null
- Returns:
- the data source or null
- Throws:
public void dispose()
- Description copied from interface: Disposable
- Indicate that the object will no longer be accessed
- Specified by:
- dispose in interface Disposable
public T getItem( uri) throws
- Description copied from interface: WebdavTreeModel
- Returns an existing item that corresponds to the URI. If the item cannot be found, then this method MUST return null.
- Specified by:
- getItem in interface WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Parameters:
- uri - the URI of the item, not null
- Returns:
- the corresponding item or null
- Throws:
public Localized getLocalized(T item)
- Description copied from interface: WebdavTreeModel
Returns an object that provides the localizations for an arbitrary item out of those items available in the WebdavTreeModel.getTreeModel(). If there are not localizations available the method MAY return null.
The Localized object us used to compute the following WebDAV properties:
- displayname
- Provides a name for the resource that is suitable for presentation to a user.
- getcontentlanguage
- Contains the Content-Language header returned by a GET without accept headers
- Specified by:
- getLocalized in interface WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Parameters:
- item - item, not null
- Returns:
- localizations or null
public java.lang.String getName(T item)
- Description copied from interface: WebdavTreeModel
Returns the "friendly" name for for an arbitrary item out of those items available in the WebdavTreeModel.getTreeModel(). This name should not contain path separator characters. The final URL path is build from the hierarchy of these names. The WebdavTreeModel.getItem(URI) must be prepared to locate the addressed item based on the path constructed from these names. The name may contain all unicode characters and does not need to be URL encoded, i.e. a name "a b" is perfectly valid and does not need to be encoded to be "a%20b".
- Specified by:
- getName in interface WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Parameters:
- item - item, not null
- Returns:
- the name, must not be null nor the empty string
public TreeModel<T> getTreeModel()
- Description copied from interface: WebdavTreeModel
- Returns the TreeModel that describes the namespace hierarchy of items.
- Specified by:
- getTreeModel in interface WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Returns:
- the tree model, must not be null
public boolean isCollection(T item)
- Description copied from interface: WebdavTreeModel
Checks if any item is a collection or a 'file'. Collections may contain children whereas non-collection resources cannot. This information is not redundant to TreeModel.hasChildren(Object) because the tree model checks if a node actually contains children, whereas WebdavTreeModel.isCollection(Object) checks if a node MAY contain children.
This information is used to compute the following WebDAV properties:
- resourcetype
- Specifies the nature of the resource.
- Specified by:
- isCollection in interface WebdavTreeModel<T>
- Parameters:
- item - the item, not null
- Returns:
- true if the item may contain children, else false