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Interface DefaultOpenSearchContentHandler

All Superinterfaces:
Constants, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler, DefaultContentHandler, OpenSearchContentHandler, ResettableContentHandler, ResettableOpenSearchContentHandler
public interface DefaultOpenSearchContentHandler
extends ResettableOpenSearchContentHandler, DefaultContentHandler, Constants

Extension of the AtomThreadingContentHandler interface that provides convenience methods to more easily generate ATOM threading events.

The atomXXX methods generate complete ATOM tags, consisting of the start tag, an optional body and an end tag.

The startXXX methods are provided for convenience for those cases when no extra attributes are required for a starting element.

The dateTime methods write a date string in RFC3339 date format into a text() element.

The uri methods serialize URIs into a text() element.

The text methods serialize text() elements.


Nested Class Summary
static class DefaultOpenSearchContentHandler.SYNDICATION_RIGHT
          The syndication right enum
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.opensearch.Constants
Method Summary
 void osAdultContent(boolean rBoolean)
           Contains a boolean value that should be set to true if the search results may contain material intended only for adults.
 void osAdultContent(java.lang.String rBoolean)
           Contains a boolean value that should be set to true if the search results may contain material intended only for adults.
 void osAttribution(java.lang.String rText)
          ontains a list of all sources or entities that should be credited for the content contained in the search feed.
 void osContact(java.lang.String rMail)
           Contains an email address at which the maintainer of the description document can be reached.
 void osContact(java.net.URI rMail)
           Contains an email address at which the maintainer of the description document can be reached.
 void osDescription(java.lang.String rText)
           Contains a human-readable text description of the search engine.
 void osDeveloper(java.lang.String rText)
           Contains the human-readable name or identifier of the creator or maintainer of the description document.
 void osImage(int oWidth, int oHeight, java.lang.String oType, java.lang.String rURL)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void osImage(int oWidth, int oHeight, java.lang.String oType, java.net.URL rURL)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void osImage(java.lang.String rURL)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void osImage(java.lang.String oWidth, java.lang.String oHeight, java.lang.String oType, java.lang.String rURL)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void osImage(java.lang.String oWidth, java.lang.String oHeight, java.lang.String oType, java.net.URL rURL)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void osImage(java.net.URL rURL)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void osInputEncoding(java.nio.charset.Charset rEncoding)
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search requests encoded with the specified character encoding.
 void osInputEncoding(java.lang.String rEncoding)
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search requests encoded with the specified character encoding.
 void osItemsPerPage(int rItems)
           The number of search results returned per page.
 void osItemsPerPage(java.lang.String rItems)
           The number of search results returned per page.
 void osLanguage(java.util.Locale rLanguage)
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search results in the specified language.
 void osLanguage(java.lang.String rLanguage)
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search results in the specified language.
 void osLongName(java.lang.String rLongName)
           Contains an extended human-readable title that identifies this search engine.
 void osOutputEncoding(java.nio.charset.Charset rEncoding)
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search responses encoded with the specified character encoding.
 void osOutputEncoding(java.lang.String rEncoding)
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search responses encoded with the specified character encoding.
 void osQuery(java.lang.String rRole, java.lang.String oSearchTerms)
           Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.
 void osQuery(java.lang.String rRole, java.lang.String oTitle, java.lang.String oTotalResults, java.lang.String oSearchTerms, java.lang.String oCount, java.lang.String oStartIndex, java.lang.String oStartPage, java.lang.String oLanguage, java.lang.String oInputEncoding, java.lang.String oOutputEncoding)
           Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.
 void osShortName(java.lang.String rShortName)
           Contains a brief human-readable title that identifies this search engine.
 void osStartIndex(int rStartIndex)
           The index of the first search result in the current set of search results.
 void osStartIndex(java.lang.String rStartIndex)
           The index of the first search result in the current set of search results.
 void osSyndicationRight(DefaultOpenSearchContentHandler.SYNDICATION_RIGHT rRight)
           Contains a value that indicates the degree to which the search results provided by this search engine can be queried, displayed, and redistributed.
 void osSyndicationRight(java.lang.String rRight)
           Contains a value that indicates the degree to which the search results provided by this search engine can be queried, displayed, and redistributed.
 void osTags(java.lang.String rText)
           Contains a set of words that are used as keywords to identify and categorize this search content.
 void osTotalResults(int rResults)
           The number of search results available for the current search.
 void osTotalResults(java.lang.String rResults)
           The number of search results available for the current search.
 void osUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate, java.lang.String rType)
           Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.
 void startAdultContent()
           Contains a boolean value that should be set to true if the search results may contain material intended only for adults.
 void startAttribution()
          ontains a list of all sources or entities that should be credited for the content contained in the search feed.
 void startContact()
           Contains an email address at which the maintainer of the description document can be reached.
 void startDescription()
           Contains a human-readable text description of the search engine.
 void startDeveloper()
           Contains the human-readable name or identifier of the creator or maintainer of the description document.
 void startImage()
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void startImage(int oWidth, int oHeight, java.lang.String oType)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void startImage(java.lang.String oWidth, java.lang.String oHeight, java.lang.String oType)
           Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.
 void startInputEncoding()
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search requests encoded with the specified character encoding.
 void startItemsPerPage()
           The number of search results returned per page.
 void startLanguage()
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search results in the specified language.
 void startLongName()
           Contains an extended human-readable title that identifies this search engine.
 void startOpenSearchDescription()
          The root node of the OpenSearch description document.
 void startOutputEncoding()
           Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search responses encoded with the specified character encoding.
 void startQuery(java.lang.String rRole, java.lang.String oSearchTerms)
           Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.
 void startQuery(java.lang.String rRole, java.lang.String oTitle, java.lang.String oTotalResults, java.lang.String oSearchTerms, java.lang.String oCount, java.lang.String oStartIndex, java.lang.String oStartPage, java.lang.String oLanguage, java.lang.String oInputEncoding, java.lang.String oOutputEncoding)
           Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.
 void startShortName()
           Contains a brief human-readable title that identifies this search engine.
 void startStartIndex()
           The index of the first search result in the current set of search results.
 void startSyndicationRight()
           Contains a value that indicates the degree to which the search results provided by this search engine can be queried, displayed, and redistributed.
 void startTags()
           Contains a set of words that are used as keywords to identify and categorize this search content.
 void startTotalResults()
           The number of search results available for the current search.
 void startUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate, java.lang.String rType)
           Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.
 void startUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate, java.lang.String rType, java.lang.String oIndexOffset, java.lang.String oPageOffset)
           Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.
 void startUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate, java.lang.String rType, java.lang.String oIndexOffset, java.lang.String oPageOffset, org.xml.sax.Attributes attrs)
           Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.opensearch.ResettableOpenSearchContentHandler
getOpenSearchContentHandler, setOpenSearchContentHandler
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.opensearch.OpenSearchContentHandler
endAdultContent, endAttribution, endContact, endDescription, endDeveloper, endImage, endInputEncoding, endItemsPerPage, endLanguage, endLongName, endOpenSearchDescription, endOutputEncoding, endQuery, endShortName, endStartIndex, endSyndicationRight, endTags, endTotalResults, endUrl, startAdultContent, startAttribution, startContact, startDescription, startDeveloper, startImage, startInputEncoding, startItemsPerPage, startLanguage, startLongName, startOpenSearchDescription, startOutputEncoding, startQuery, startShortName, startStartIndex, startSyndicationRight, startTags, startTotalResults
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.xml.DefaultContentHandler
dateTime, dateTime, getInnerContentHandler, getResult, getWriter, number, number, text, text, transform, uri, uri, uri, uri

Method Detail


void osAdultContent(boolean rBoolean)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a boolean value that should be set to true if the search results may contain material intended only for adults.

As there are no universally applicable guidelines as to what constitutes "adult" content, the search engine should make a good faith effort to indicate when there is a possibility that search results may contain material inappropriate for all audiences.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
The values "false", "FALSE", "0", "no", and "NO" will be considered boolean FALSE; all other strings will be considered boolean TRUE.
Default: "false"
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osAdultContent(java.lang.String rBoolean)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a boolean value that should be set to true if the search results may contain material intended only for adults.

As there are no universally applicable guidelines as to what constitutes "adult" content, the search engine should make a good faith effort to indicate when there is a possibility that search results may contain material inappropriate for all audiences.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
The values "false", "FALSE", "0", "no", and "NO" will be considered boolean FALSE; all other strings will be considered boolean TRUE.
Default: "false"
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osAttribution(java.lang.String rText)
                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
ontains a list of all sources or entities that should be credited for the content contained in the search feed.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osContact(java.lang.String rMail)
               throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains an email address at which the maintainer of the description document can be reached.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the requirements of Section 3.4.1 "Addr-spec specification" in RFC 2822.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osContact(java.net.URI rMail)
               throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains an email address at which the maintainer of the description document can be reached.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the requirements of Section 3.4.1 "Addr-spec specification" in RFC 2822.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osDescription(java.lang.String rText)
                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a human-readable text description of the search engine.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 1024 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element must appear exactly once.

attrs -


void osDeveloper(java.lang.String rText)
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains the human-readable name or identifier of the creator or maintainer of the description document.

The developer is the person or entity that created the description document, and may or may not be the owner, author, or copyright holder of the source of the content itself.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 64 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osImage(int oWidth,
             int oHeight,
             java.lang.String oType,
             java.lang.String rURL)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void osImage(int oWidth,
             int oHeight,
             java.lang.String oType,
             java.net.URL rURL)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void osImage(java.lang.String rURL)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void osImage(java.lang.String oWidth,
             java.lang.String oHeight,
             java.lang.String oType,
             java.lang.String rURL)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void osImage(java.lang.String oWidth,
             java.lang.String oHeight,
             java.lang.String oType,
             java.net.URL rURL)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void osImage(java.net.URL rURL)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void osInputEncoding(java.nio.charset.Charset rEncoding)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search requests encoded with the specified character encoding.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "InputEncoding" element for each character encoding that can be used to encode search requests. The "inputEncoding" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to require the search client to identify which encoding is being used to encode the current search request.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Character Encodings, as specified by the IANA Character Set Assignments.
Default: "UTF-8".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void osInputEncoding(java.lang.String rEncoding)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search requests encoded with the specified character encoding.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "InputEncoding" element for each character encoding that can be used to encode search requests. The "inputEncoding" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to require the search client to identify which encoding is being used to encode the current search request.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Character Encodings, as specified by the IANA Character Set Assignments.
Default: "UTF-8".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void osItemsPerPage(int rItems)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The number of search results returned per page.

If the itemsPerPage element does not appear on the page then the search client should use the number of items of the current page as the default page size.

Restrictions: The value must a non-negative integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the number of search results on the current page.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osItemsPerPage(java.lang.String rItems)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The number of search results returned per page.

If the itemsPerPage element does not appear on the page then the search client should use the number of items of the current page as the default page size.

Restrictions: The value must a non-negative integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the number of search results on the current page.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osLanguage(java.util.Locale rLanguage)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search results in the specified language.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "Language" element for each language that the search engine supports. If the search engine also supports queries for any arbitrary language then the OpenSearch description document should include a Language element with a value of "*". The "language" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to allow the search client to choose among the available languages.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Language Identification, as specified by RFC 3066. In addition, the value of "*" will signify that the search engine does not restrict search results to any particular language.
Default: "*".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void osLanguage(java.lang.String rLanguage)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search results in the specified language.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "Language" element for each language that the search engine supports. If the search engine also supports queries for any arbitrary language then the OpenSearch description document should include a Language element with a value of "*". The "language" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to allow the search client to choose among the available languages.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Language Identification, as specified by RFC 3066. In addition, the value of "*" will signify that the search engine does not restrict search results to any particular language.
Default: "*".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void osLongName(java.lang.String rLongName)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains an extended human-readable title that identifies this search engine.

Search clients should use the value of the ShortName element if this element is not available.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 48 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osOutputEncoding(java.nio.charset.Charset rEncoding)
                      throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search responses encoded with the specified character encoding.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "OutputEncoding" element for each character encoding that can be used to encode search responses. The "outputEncoding" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to allow the search client to choose a character encoding in the search response.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Character Encodings, as specified by the IANA Character Set Assignments.
Default: "UTF-8".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void osOutputEncoding(java.lang.String rEncoding)
                      throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search responses encoded with the specified character encoding.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "OutputEncoding" element for each character encoding that can be used to encode search responses. The "outputEncoding" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to allow the search client to choose a character encoding in the search response.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Character Encodings, as specified by the IANA Character Set Assignments.
Default: "UTF-8".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void osQuery(java.lang.String rRole,
             java.lang.String oSearchTerms)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.

role - Contains a string identifying how the search client should interpret the search request defined by this Query element.
Restrictions: See the role values specification for allowed role values.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
title - Contains a human-readable plain text string describing the search request.
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
totalResults - Contains the expected number of results to be found if the search request were made.
Restrictions: The value is a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
searchTerms - Contains the value representing the "searchTerms" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "searchTerms" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
count - Contains the value representing the "count" as a OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "count" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startIndex - Contains the value representing the "startIndex" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startIndex" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startPage - Contains the value representing the "startPage" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startPage" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
language - Contains the value representing the "language" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "language" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
inputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "inputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "inputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
outputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "outputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "outputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.



void osQuery(java.lang.String rRole,
             java.lang.String oTitle,
             java.lang.String oTotalResults,
             java.lang.String oSearchTerms,
             java.lang.String oCount,
             java.lang.String oStartIndex,
             java.lang.String oStartPage,
             java.lang.String oLanguage,
             java.lang.String oInputEncoding,
             java.lang.String oOutputEncoding)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.

role - Contains a string identifying how the search client should interpret the search request defined by this Query element.
Restrictions: See the role values specification for allowed role values.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
title - Contains a human-readable plain text string describing the search request.
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
totalResults - Contains the expected number of results to be found if the search request were made.
Restrictions: The value is a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
searchTerms - Contains the value representing the "searchTerms" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "searchTerms" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
count - Contains the value representing the "count" as a OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "count" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startIndex - Contains the value representing the "startIndex" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startIndex" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startPage - Contains the value representing the "startPage" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startPage" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
language - Contains the value representing the "language" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "language" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
inputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "inputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "inputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
outputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "outputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "outputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.



void osShortName(java.lang.String rShortName)
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a brief human-readable title that identifies this search engine.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 16 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element must appear exactly once.

attrs -


void osStartIndex(int rStartIndex)
                  throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The index of the first search result in the current set of search results.

If the startIndex element does not appear on the page then the search client should consider the current page to be the first page of search results.

Restrictions: The value must an integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the value of the "indexOffset" attribute of the "Url" element" in the OpenSearch description document.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osStartIndex(java.lang.String rStartIndex)
                  throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The index of the first search result in the current set of search results.

If the startIndex element does not appear on the page then the search client should consider the current page to be the first page of search results.

Restrictions: The value must an integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the value of the "indexOffset" attribute of the "Url" element" in the OpenSearch description document.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osSyndicationRight(java.lang.String rRight)
                        throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a value that indicates the degree to which the search results provided by this search engine can be queried, displayed, and redistributed.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Values: The value must be one of the following strings (case insensitive):
"open" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may display the search results to end users.
The search client may send the search results to other search clients.
"limited" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may display the search results to end users.
The search client may not send the search results to other search clients.
"private" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may not display the search results to end users.
The search client may not send the search results to other search clients.
"closed" -
The search client may not request search results.
Default: "open"
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osSyndicationRight(DefaultOpenSearchContentHandler.SYNDICATION_RIGHT rRight)
                        throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a value that indicates the degree to which the search results provided by this search engine can be queried, displayed, and redistributed.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Values: The value must be one of the following strings (case insensitive):
"open" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may display the search results to end users.
The search client may send the search results to other search clients.
"limited" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may display the search results to end users.
The search client may not send the search results to other search clients.
"private" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may not display the search results to end users.
The search client may not send the search results to other search clients.
"closed" -
The search client may not request search results.
Default: "open"
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void osTags(java.lang.String rText)
            throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a set of words that are used as keywords to identify and categorize this search content. Tags must be a single word and are delimited by the space character (' ').

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osTotalResults(int rResults)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The number of search results available for the current search.

If the totalResults element does not appear on the page then the search client should consider the current page to be the last page of search results.

Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the offset index of the last search result on the current page.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osTotalResults(java.lang.String rResults)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The number of search results available for the current search.

If the totalResults element does not appear on the page then the search client should consider the current page to be the last page of search results.

Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the offset index of the last search result on the current page.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void osUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate,
           java.lang.String rType)
           throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.

OpenSearch provides support for both index-based and page-based search engines. By default, both the first search result and the first page of search results are numbered "1". Search engines can use the "indexOffset" and "pageOffset" attributes to inform search clients of different starting values.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
template - Contains the search URL template to be processed according to the OpenSearch URL template syntax.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
type - Contains the MIME type of the search result format.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
indexOffset - Contains the index number of the first search result.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1"
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
pageOffset - Contains the page number of the first set of search results.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1".
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Requirements: This element must appear one or more times.

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve search results over RSS:

  <Url type="application/rss+xml"
         template="http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}&amp;pw={startPage?}" />

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve 0-based search results over XHTML:

  <Url type="application/xhtml+xml"
         template="http://example.com/search?q={searchTerms}&amp;start={startIndex?}" />        

attrs -


void startAdultContent()
                       throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a boolean value that should be set to true if the search results may contain material intended only for adults.

As there are no universally applicable guidelines as to what constitutes "adult" content, the search engine should make a good faith effort to indicate when there is a possibility that search results may contain material inappropriate for all audiences.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
The values "false", "FALSE", "0", "no", and "NO" will be considered boolean FALSE; all other strings will be considered boolean TRUE.
Default: "false"
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void startAttribution()
                      throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
ontains a list of all sources or entities that should be credited for the content contained in the search feed.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void startContact()
                  throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains an email address at which the maintainer of the description document can be reached.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the requirements of Section 3.4.1 "Addr-spec specification" in RFC 2822.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void startDescription()
                      throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a human-readable text description of the search engine.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 1024 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element must appear exactly once.

attrs -


void startDeveloper()
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains the human-readable name or identifier of the creator or maintainer of the description document.

The developer is the person or entity that created the description document, and may or may not be the owner, author, or copyright holder of the source of the content itself.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 64 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void startImage()
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void startImage(int oWidth,
                int oHeight,
                java.lang.String oType)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void startImage(java.lang.String oWidth,
                java.lang.String oHeight,
                java.lang.String oType)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a URL that identifies the location of an image that can be used in association with this search content.

Image sizes are offered as a hint to the search client. The search client will chose the most appropriate image for the available space and should give preference to those listed first in the OpenSearch description document. Square aspect ratios are recommended. When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICON format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
height – Contains the height, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
width – Contains the width, in pixels, of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
type – Contains the the MIME type of this image.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Restrictions: The value must be a URI.
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times. *

attrs -
See Also:


void startInputEncoding()
                        throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search requests encoded with the specified character encoding.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "InputEncoding" element for each character encoding that can be used to encode search requests. The "inputEncoding" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to require the search client to identify which encoding is being used to encode the current search request.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Character Encodings, as specified by the IANA Character Set Assignments.
Default: "UTF-8".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void startItemsPerPage()
                       throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The number of search results returned per page.

If the itemsPerPage element does not appear on the page then the search client should use the number of items of the current page as the default page size.

Restrictions: The value must a non-negative integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the number of search results on the current page.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void startLanguage()
                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search results in the specified language.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "Language" element for each language that the search engine supports. If the search engine also supports queries for any arbitrary language then the OpenSearch description document should include a Language element with a value of "*". The "language" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to allow the search client to choose among the available languages.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Language Identification, as specified by RFC 3066. In addition, the value of "*" will signify that the search engine does not restrict search results to any particular language.
Default: "*".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void startLongName()
                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains an extended human-readable title that identifies this search engine.

Search clients should use the value of the ShortName element if this element is not available.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 48 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void startOpenSearchDescription()
                                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
The root node of the OpenSearch description document.

attrs -


void startOutputEncoding()
                         throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a string that indicates that the search engine supports search responses encoded with the specified character encoding.

An OpenSearch description document should include one "OutputEncoding" element for each character encoding that can be used to encode search responses. The "outputEncoding" template parameter in the OpenSearch URL template can be used to allow the search client to choose a character encoding in the search response.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must conform to the XML 1.0 Character Encodings, as specified by the IANA Character Set Assignments.
Default: "UTF-8".
Requirements: This element may appear zero, one, or more times.

attrs -


void startQuery(java.lang.String rRole,
                java.lang.String oSearchTerms)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.

role - Contains a string identifying how the search client should interpret the search request defined by this Query element.
Restrictions: See the role values specification for allowed role values.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
title - Contains a human-readable plain text string describing the search request.
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
totalResults - Contains the expected number of results to be found if the search request were made.
Restrictions: The value is a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
searchTerms - Contains the value representing the "searchTerms" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "searchTerms" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
count - Contains the value representing the "count" as a OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "count" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startIndex - Contains the value representing the "startIndex" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startIndex" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startPage - Contains the value representing the "startPage" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startPage" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
language - Contains the value representing the "language" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "language" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
inputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "inputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "inputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
outputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "outputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "outputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.



void startQuery(java.lang.String rRole,
                java.lang.String oTitle,
                java.lang.String oTotalResults,
                java.lang.String oSearchTerms,
                java.lang.String oCount,
                java.lang.String oStartIndex,
                java.lang.String oStartPage,
                java.lang.String oLanguage,
                java.lang.String oInputEncoding,
                java.lang.String oOutputEncoding)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes a specific search request that can be made by the search client.

role - Contains a string identifying how the search client should interpret the search request defined by this Query element.
Restrictions: See the role values specification for allowed role values.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
title - Contains a human-readable plain text string describing the search request.
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
totalResults - Contains the expected number of results to be found if the search request were made.
Restrictions: The value is a non-negative integer.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
searchTerms - Contains the value representing the "searchTerms" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "searchTerms" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
count - Contains the value representing the "count" as a OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "count" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startIndex - Contains the value representing the "startIndex" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startIndex" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
startPage - Contains the value representing the "startPage" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "startPage" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
language - Contains the value representing the "language" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "language" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
inputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "inputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "inputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
outputEncoding - Contains the value representing the "outputEncoding" as an OpenSearch 1.1 parameter.
Restrictions: See the "outputEncoding" parameter.
Requirements: This attribute is optional.



void startShortName()
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a brief human-readable title that identifies this search engine.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 16 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element must appear exactly once.

attrs -


void startStartIndex()
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The index of the first search result in the current set of search results.

If the startIndex element does not appear on the page then the search client should consider the current page to be the first page of search results.

Restrictions: The value must an integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the value of the "indexOffset" attribute of the "Url" element" in the OpenSearch description document.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void startSyndicationRight()
                           throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a value that indicates the degree to which the search results provided by this search engine can be queried, displayed, and redistributed.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Values: The value must be one of the following strings (case insensitive):
"open" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may display the search results to end users.
The search client may send the search results to other search clients.
"limited" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may display the search results to end users.
The search client may not send the search results to other search clients.
"private" –
The search client may request search results.
The search client may not display the search results to end users.
The search client may not send the search results to other search clients.
"closed" -
The search client may not request search results.
Default: "open"
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time.

attrs -


void startTags()
               throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Contains a set of words that are used as keywords to identify and categorize this search content. Tags must be a single word and are delimited by the space character (' ').

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
Restrictions: The value must contain 256 or fewer characters of plain text. The value must not contain HTML or other markup.
Requirements: This element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void startTotalResults()
                       throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

The number of search results available for the current search.

If the totalResults element does not appear on the page then the search client should consider the current page to be the last page of search results.

Restrictions: The value must be a non-negative integer.
Default: The default value is equal to the offset index of the last search result on the current page.
Requirements: The element may appear zero or one time. *

attrs -


void startUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate,
              java.lang.String rType)
              throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.

OpenSearch provides support for both index-based and page-based search engines. By default, both the first search result and the first page of search results are numbered "1". Search engines can use the "indexOffset" and "pageOffset" attributes to inform search clients of different starting values.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
template - Contains the search URL template to be processed according to the OpenSearch URL template syntax.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
type - Contains the MIME type of the search result format.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
indexOffset - Contains the index number of the first search result.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1"
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
pageOffset - Contains the page number of the first set of search results.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1".
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Requirements: This element must appear one or more times.

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve search results over RSS:

  <Url type="application/rss+xml"
         template="http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}&amp;pw={startPage?}" />

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve 0-based search results over XHTML:

  <Url type="application/xhtml+xml"
         template="http://example.com/search?q={searchTerms}&amp;start={startIndex?}" />        

attrs -


void startUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate,
              java.lang.String rType,
              java.lang.String oIndexOffset,
              java.lang.String oPageOffset)
              throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.

OpenSearch provides support for both index-based and page-based search engines. By default, both the first search result and the first page of search results are numbered "1". Search engines can use the "indexOffset" and "pageOffset" attributes to inform search clients of different starting values.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
template - Contains the search URL template to be processed according to the OpenSearch URL template syntax.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
type - Contains the MIME type of the search result format.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
indexOffset - Contains the index number of the first search result.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1"
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
pageOffset - Contains the page number of the first set of search results.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1".
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Requirements: This element must appear one or more times.

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve search results over RSS:

  <Url type="application/rss+xml"
         template="http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}&amp;pw={startPage?}" />

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve 0-based search results over XHTML:

  <Url type="application/xhtml+xml"
         template="http://example.com/search?q={searchTerms}&amp;start={startIndex?}" />        

attrs -


void startUrl(java.lang.String rTemplate,
              java.lang.String rType,
              java.lang.String oIndexOffset,
              java.lang.String oPageOffset,
              org.xml.sax.Attributes attrs)
              throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Describes an interface by which a search client can make search requests of the search engine.

OpenSearch provides support for both index-based and page-based search engines. By default, both the first search result and the first page of search results are numbered "1". Search engines can use the "indexOffset" and "pageOffset" attributes to inform search clients of different starting values.

Parent: OpenSearchDescription
template - Contains the search URL template to be processed according to the OpenSearch URL template syntax.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
type - Contains the MIME type of the search result format.
Restrictions: The value must be a valid MIME type.
Requirements: This attribute is required.
indexOffset - Contains the index number of the first search result.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1"
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
pageOffset - Contains the page number of the first set of search results.
Restrictions: The value must be an integer.
Default: "1".
Requirements: This attribute is optional.
Requirements: This element must appear one or more times.

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve search results over RSS:

  <Url type="application/rss+xml"
         template="http://example.com/?q={searchTerms}&amp;pw={startPage?}" />

Example of a Url element describing the interface used to retrieve 0-based search results over XHTML:

  <Url type="application/xhtml+xml"
         template="http://example.com/search?q={searchTerms}&amp;start={startIndex?}" />        

Specified by:
startUrl in interface OpenSearchContentHandler
attrs -