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Interface AtomXMLReader

All Superinterfaces:
org.xml.sax.XMLFilter, org.xml.sax.XMLReader
public interface AtomXMLReader
extends org.xml.sax.XMLFilter

Data source for an XML stream in ATOM format (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287). The reader can be used the same way as any other JAXP-XML reader.

All XML events that are read from the source XMLReader are interpreted and the events in the ATOM namespace are mapped to the named methods on the attached AtomContentHandler whereas the plain SAX events are dispatched to the default SAX methods on the ContentHandler superclass.


Method Summary
 void setAtomContentHandler(AtomContentHandler aHandler)
          Allow an application to register an ATOM content event handler.
 void setContentHandler(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler aHandler)
          Allow an application to register a default ContentHandler that receives the ATOM events in the form of standard SAX events.
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.XMLFilter
getParent, setParent
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
getContentHandler, getDTDHandler, getEntityResolver, getErrorHandler, getFeature, getProperty, parse, parse, setDTDHandler, setEntityResolver, setErrorHandler, setFeature, setProperty

Method Detail


void setAtomContentHandler(AtomContentHandler aHandler)
Allow an application to register an ATOM content event handler. This handler will receive ATOM events by calls to the ATOM specific method instead of the generic SAX methods. All non-ATOM events are passed through the SAX methods. This handler will be overridden by calls to setContentHandler(ContentHandler).

If the application does not register a content handler, all content events reported by the reader will be silently ignored.

Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

aHandler - The content handler.


void setContentHandler(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler aHandler)
Allow an application to register a default ContentHandler that receives the ATOM events in the form of standard SAX events. This handler will be overridden by calls to setAtomContentHandler(AtomContentHandler).

If the application does not register a content handler, all content events reported by the parser will be silently ignored.

Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

Specified by:
setContentHandler in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
aHandler - The content handler.