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Interface PocURLFactory

All Superinterfaces:
PocServerContextProvider, ServerContextProvider
All Known Subinterfaces:
public interface PocURLFactory
extends PocServerContextProvider

Factory to create POC URLs. Depending on the factory method, the URL will directly point to the portal servlet, if it represents a view that keeps the navigational state of the current interaction with portal. Refer to the method documentation for more detail. The following pattern helps to classify the URL generation methods.

Note that the PocURL objects that are returned by the factory methods need to be disposed if they are no longer used. Prefer the writeDispose method on the PocURL to stream and dispose the URLs in one single step.


Field Summary
static java.lang.Boolean EARLY_BINDING
          Identifies early binding
static java.lang.Boolean LATE_BINDING
          Identifies late binding
static java.lang.Boolean RESOLUTION_BINDING
          Identifies the portal binding
static java.lang.Boolean UNDEFINED_BINDING
          Identifies an undefined binding
Method Summary
 PocServerContext getServerContext()
          Returns information about the URL configuration in the scope of the current request.
 ServerContext getServerContext(java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Returns information about the URL configuration in the scope of the current request.
 PocURL newURL(java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Generates a URL that points to the POC servlet and that does not contain navigational state.
 PocURL newURL(Constants.Clone type, java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on the navigational state of the current request.
 PocURL newURL(DataSource ds)
           Constructs a URL that points to the POC servlet and that does not contain navigational state.
 PocURL newURL(StateHolder state, Constants.Clone type, java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on navigational state explicitly.
 PocURL newURL(StateHolder state, URLContext allowedContext, Constants.Clone type, java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on navigational state explicitly.
 DisposableURL newURL(java.lang.String aPublicID, java.lang.String aSystemID)
          Constructs a URL object that tries to resolve the public and system identifier via the entity resolver to a local representation of the resource.
 PocURL newURL(URLContext allowedContext, java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Generates a URL that points to the POC servlet and that does not contain navigational state.
 PocURL newURL(URLContext allowedContext, Constants.Clone type, java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
          Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on the navigational state of the current request.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.Boolean EARLY_BINDING
Identifies early binding



static final java.lang.Boolean LATE_BINDING
Identifies late binding



static final java.lang.Boolean RESOLUTION_BINDING
Identifies the portal binding



static final java.lang.Boolean UNDEFINED_BINDING
Identifies an undefined binding

Method Detail


PocServerContext getServerContext()
Returns information about the URL configuration in the scope of the current request. The server context points to the poc servlet, i.e. to the late binding servlet of the POC framework.

Specified by:
getServerContext in interface PocServerContextProvider
Specified by:
getServerContext in interface ServerContextProvider
the server context of the request, not null


ServerContext getServerContext(java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
Returns information about the URL configuration in the scope of the current request. The parameter identifies if the context is for late binding (LATE_BINDING) or for early binding ( EARLY_BINDING). If left RESOLUTION_BINDING the method returns the server context of the portal servlet.

the server context of the request, not null


PocURL newURL(java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
              throws java.io.IOException
Generates a URL that points to the POC servlet and that does not contain navigational state.

bLateBinding - Specifies if the POC URL uses late binding or early binding to the actual resource. In case of early binding there will be a call to the LookupService before the URL is serialized. In case of late binding the call to the LookupService will be done when the URL is invoked. Note that in case you need to generate URLs that can be posted to, this parameter must be set to FALSE to void redirects. If left null the parameter defaults to TRUE.
A new PocURL object. Not null.
StateException - - if the URL could not be created


PocURL newURL(Constants.Clone type,
              java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
              throws StateException
Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on the navigational state of the current request.

type - Type of the clone operation to get a copy of the given StateHolder. May be null in which case a SMART_COPY will be generated.
bLateBinding - Specifies if the POC URL uses late binding or early binding to the actual resource. In case of early binding there will be a call to the ResolutionService before the URL is serialized. In case of late binding the call to the ResolutionService will be done when the URL is invoked. Note that in case you need to generate URLs that can be posted to, this parameter must be set to FALSE to void redirects. If left null the parameter defaults to TRUE.
A new PocURL object. Not null.
StateException - - if the URL could not be created


PocURL newURL(DataSource ds)
              throws java.io.IOException,

Constructs a URL that points to the POC servlet and that does not contain navigational state. The resulting URL is an early binding URL, since the actual lookup to the data source has already been done.

The advantage of using this method over newURL(Boolean) and early binding is that the URI will not be resolved to perform the lookup for the data source. This lookup can be saved, because the data source is already available at URL generation time. This can in particular be a benefit, if the result of the data source lookup would require expensive computations that can be saved if the data source is only used for URL generation.

ds - the data source to create the URL to, must not be null and must provide a valid URI via its Addressable.getURI() method.
the POC URI, not null


PocURL newURL(StateHolder state,
              Constants.Clone type,
              java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
              throws StateException
Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on navigational state explicitly. Use this method with care, since it will not work for WSRP.

state - The original StateHolder the URL should be based on. May be null.
type - Type of the clone operation to get a copy of the given StateHolder. May be null in which case a SMART_COPY will be generated.
bLateBinding - Specifies if the POC URL uses late binding or early binding to the actual resource. In case of early binding there will be a call to the ResolutionService before the URL is serialized. In case of late binding the call to the ResolutionService will be done when the URL is invoked. Note that in case you need to generate URLs that can be posted to, this parameter must be set to FALSE to void redirects. If left null the parameter defaults to TRUE.
A new PocURL object. Not null.
StateException - - if the URL could not be created


PocURL newURL(StateHolder state,
              URLContext allowedContext,
              Constants.Clone type,
              java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
              throws StateException
Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on navigational state explicitly. Use this method with care, since it will not work for WSRP.

state - The original StateHolder the URL should be based on. May be null.
allowedContext - Specifies what type of URL may be generated. May be null to indicate that the server's default URL context should be used.
type - Type of the clone operation to get a copy of the given StateHolder. May be null in which case a SMART_COPY will be generated.
bLateBinding - Specifies if the POC URL uses late binding or early binding to the actual resource. In case of early binding there will be a call to the ResolutionService before the URL is serialized. In case of late binding the call to the ResolutionService will be done when the URL is invoked. Note that in case you need to generate URLs that can be posted to, this parameter must be set to FALSE to void redirects. If left null the parameter defaults to TRUE.
A new PocURL object. Not null.
StateException - - if the URL could not be created


DisposableURL newURL(java.lang.String aPublicID,
                     java.lang.String aSystemID)
                     throws java.io.IOException,
Constructs a URL object that tries to resolve the public and system identifier via the entity resolver to a local representation of the resource. If this is not possible, the system identifier is used. This method uses the standard entity resolver.

aPublicID - the publicID, may be null
aSystemID - the systemID, may be null
the URL or null if none could be generated


PocURL newURL(URLContext allowedContext,
              java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
              throws java.io.IOException
Generates a URL that points to the POC servlet and that does not contain navigational state.

allowedContext - Specifies what type of URL may be generated. May be null to indicate that the server's default URL context should be used.
bLateBinding - Specifies if the POC URL uses late binding or early binding to the actual resource. In case of early binding there will be a call to the ResolutionService before the URL is serialized. In case of late binding the call to the ResolutionService will be done when the URL is invoked. Note that in case you need to generate URLs that can be posted to, this parameter must be set to FALSE to void redirects. If left null the parameter defaults to TRUE.
A new PocURL object. Not null.
StateException - - if the URL could not be created


PocURL newURL(URLContext allowedContext,
              Constants.Clone type,
              java.lang.Boolean bLateBinding)
              throws StateException
Generates a URL that points to the portal servlet and it based on the navigational state of the current request.

allowedContext - Specifies what type of URL may be generated. May be null to indicate that the server's default URL context should be used.
type - Type of the clone operation to get a copy of the given StateHolder. May be null in which case a SMART_COPY will be generated.
bLateBinding - Specifies if the POC URL uses late binding or early binding to the actual resource. In case of early binding there will be a call to the ResolutionService before the URL is serialized. In case of late binding the call to the ResolutionService will be done when the URL is invoked. Note that in case you need to generate URLs that can be posted to, this parameter must be set to FALSE to void redirects. If left null the parameter defaults to TRUE.
A new PocURL object. Not null.
StateException - - if the URL could not be created