Interface PropertyBrokerService
- All Superinterfaces:
- PortletService
public interface PropertyBrokerService- extends PortletService
The public interface provided by the Property Broker service. It provides methods to programmatically activate or deactivate actions for a session and to determine is a registered property is wired. The portlet needs to register its properties and actions by declaring them in a WSDL file. See the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter for the format of the WSDL file. The PropertyBrokerService interface is implemented by a PortletService. A portlet can obtain the service by using JNDI. This is illustrated in the programming examples section of the InfoCenter and the property broker standard portlet examples shipped with WebSphere Portal. A boolean guard may be used to guard uses of the PropertyBrokerService by the portlet; this will enable the portlet to execute correctly in JSR-168 compliant portlet containers outside of WebSphere Portal. A snippet of the JNDI lookup code:
boolean pbServiceAvailable = false;
try {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
PortletServiceHome serviceHome = (PortletServiceHome) ctx.lookup("portletservice/");
brokerService = (PropertyBrokerService)serviceHome.getPortletService(;
pbServiceAvailable = true;
catch(Throwable t) {
A similar interface, is available for use by portlets written to IBM's portlet API.
- Since:
- 5.1
Method Summary void activateAction(javax.portlet.PortletConfig config, javax.portlet.ActionRequest request, java.lang.String actionName)
An Action which has been deactivated is activated explicitly using this call.boolean areCrossPageWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName)
Test to see if a property is currently wired to active actions on other pages.boolean areCrossPageWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName)
Deprecated. use areCrossPageWiresActive(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) insteadboolean areWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName)
Test to see if a property is currently wired to active actions on this page.boolean areWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName)
Deprecated. use areWiresActive(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) insteadvoid deactivateAction(javax.portlet.PortletConfig config, javax.portlet.ActionRequest request, java.lang.String actionName)
An Action which is active for the session is deactivated using this call.boolean isWired(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName)
Test to see if a property is currently wired on this page.boolean isWired(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName)
Deprecated. use isWired(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) insteadboolean isWiredAcrossPages(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName)
Test to see if a property is currently wired across pages.boolean isWiredAcrossPages(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName)
Deprecated. use isWiredAcrossPages(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) instead
Method Detail activateAction
void activateAction(javax.portlet.PortletConfig config, javax.portlet.ActionRequest request, java.lang.String actionName) throws ActivationFailedException
- An Action which has been deactivated is activated explicitly using this call. This activates the action for the current session. If the action is already active, this call is a no-op. Actions are initially active by default; however, actions may be specified to be initially inactive by specifying a value of false for the activeOnStartup attribute for the action element in the WSDL file. Inactive actions may be activated for specific sessions by invoking this method. Inactive actions which are targets of wires are not invoked even if the wire is triggered by the source portlet.
This call may only be invoked during the action phase of the portlet.
Refer to the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter for documentation on WSDL syntax and the activeOnStartup flag .
- Parameters:
- config - the PortletConfig object
- request - the ActionRequest object
- actionName - the name of the action to be activated
- Throws:
- ActivationFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
- See Also:
- deactivateAction(PortletConfig, ActionRequest, String)
void deactivateAction(javax.portlet.PortletConfig config, javax.portlet.ActionRequest request, java.lang.String actionName) throws DeactivationFailedException
- An Action which is active for the session is deactivated using this call. If the action is already inactive, the invocation is a no-op. This deactivates the action for the current session. If actions are inactive, they will not be invoked as a result of wires being activated in the current session. Actions are initially active by default, or may explicitly be specified to be initially inactive through a setting in the WSDL file, and be activated in the current session by invoking the activateAction method.
This call may only be invoked during the action phase of the portlet.
- Parameters:
- config - the PortletConfig object
- request - the ActionRequest object
- actionName - the name of the action to be deactivated
- Throws:
- DeactivationFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
- See Also:
- activateAction(PortletConfig, ActionRequest, String)
boolean isWired(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Deprecated. use isWired(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) instead
- Test to see if a property is currently wired on this page. The knowledge of whether a property is wired may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true if the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to other target actions.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean areWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Deprecated. use areWiresActive(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) instead
- Test to see if a property is currently wired to active actions on this page. The knowledge of whether a property is wired to active actions may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true is the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to other target actions which are currently active.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean isWiredAcrossPages(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Deprecated. use isWiredAcrossPages(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) instead
- Test to see if a property is currently wired across pages. The knowledge of whether a property is wired may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true if the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to other target actions on a different page.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean areCrossPageWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Deprecated. use areCrossPageWiresActive(PortletRequest, PortletResponse, String) instead
- Test to see if a property is currently wired to active actions on other pages. The knowledge of whether a property is wired to active actions may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true is the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to cross page target actions which are currently active.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean isWired(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Test to see if a property is currently wired on this page. The knowledge of whether a property is wired may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- response - the PortletResponse object
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true if the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to other target actions.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean areWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Test to see if a property is currently wired to active actions on this page. The knowledge of whether a property is wired to active actions may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- response - the PortletResponse object
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true is the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to other target actions which are currently active.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean isWiredAcrossPages(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Test to see if a property is currently wired across pages. The knowledge of whether a property is wired may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- response - the PortletResponse object
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true if the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to other target actions on a different page.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered
boolean areCrossPageWiresActive(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response, java.lang.String propertyName) throws AccessFailedException
- Test to see if a property is currently wired to active actions on other pages. The knowledge of whether a property is wired to active actions may be used by the owning portlet to surface additional visual elements (such as links) in its markup which can be used by end users to trigger wired actions.
- Parameters:
- request - the PortletRequest object for the current portlet request
- response - the PortletResponse object
- propertyName - the name of the property to check
- Returns:
- true is the calling portlet entity's specified property is wired to cross page target actions which are currently active.
- Throws:
- AccessFailedException - is thrown if any problem is encountered