Interface PortletList<E extends java.lang.Object & Portlet>
- All Superinterfaces:
- ListModel<E>, LocatorProvider<E>, SearchableListModel<E>
public interface PortletList<E extends java.lang.Object & Portlet>
- extends SearchableListModel<E>
Model interface for a list of portlets.
A portlet definition list represents a collection of objects that
implement Portlet
- Since:
- 6.0.1
Portlet getPortlet(ObjectID anObjectID)
throws ModelException,
- Returns the portlet with the specified object ID.
- Parameters:
- anObjectID - the object ID of the portlet.
- Returns:
- the portlet for the given object ID, never null
- Throws:
- DataException - if a database error occured while accessing the data backend
- ModelException - if an error occured while accessing model information
- ObjectNotFoundException - if no portlet for the given object ID exists,
or the user has no permission to view this object.