Interface ThemeListProvider
- All Superinterfaces:
- PortletService
public interface ThemeListProvider
- extends PortletService
An interface for a provider of theme lists.
PortletServiceHome psh;
javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
boolean serviceAvailable = false;
try {
psh = (PortletServiceHome) ctx.lookup("portletservice/");
serviceAvailable = true;
} catch(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException ex) {
... error handling ...
if (serviceAvailable) {
ThemeListProvider provider = (ThemeListProvider) psh.getPortletService(ThemeListProvider.class);
ThemeList list = provider.getThemeList(aRequest, aResponse);
- Since:
Field Summary
static java.lang.String |
Method Summary
ThemeList<Theme> |
getAdminThemeList(javax.portlet.PortletRequest aRequest)
Return the portal theme list including the inactive themes |
getThemeList(javax.portlet.PortletRequest aRequest)
Return the portal theme list. |
static final java.lang.String JNDI_NAME
- Since:
- 8.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
<T extends java.lang.Object & Theme> ThemeList<T> getThemeList(javax.portlet.PortletRequest aRequest)
throws ModelException
- Returns the portal theme list.
- Parameters:
- aRequest - the current request
- Returns:
- the theme list valid in the current request
- Throws:
- ModelException
ThemeList<Theme> getAdminThemeList(javax.portlet.PortletRequest aRequest)
throws ModelException
- Returns the portal theme list including the inactive themes
- Parameters:
- aRequest - the current request
- Returns:
- the theme list valid in the current request
- Throws:
- ModelException
- Since:
- 8.5 CF07