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Interface RoleType

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<RoleType>, Localized
public interface RoleType
extends java.lang.Comparable<RoleType>, Localized

A Role Type represents privilege(s) necessary to perform particular sensitive operations. Portal provides a set of predefined role types that can be used to grant these privileges to principals (users and groups). A role type A implies role type B if A represents at least the privileges represented by role type B.

See Also:
RoleData, AccessControlEnvironment

Field Summary
static RoleType ADMIN
          This role type contains all privileges and therefore implies all other role types.
static RoleType CAN_RUN_AS_USER
          This role type contains the privilege to impersonate (act as) another principal.
static RoleType CONTRIBUTOR
          This role type represents all privileges of the Editor role type except for configure operations.
static RoleType DELEGATOR
          This role type contains the privilege to change the privileges of another principal.
static RoleType DRAFT_CREATOR
          The Draft Creator role type represents all privileges necessary to create drafts of portal content.
static RoleType EDITOR
          This role type represents all privileges of the Manager role type except for delete operations.
static RoleType MANAGER
          This role type represents all privileges necessary to create, configure, delete and view shared resources.
static RoleType MARKUP_EDITOR
          This role type represents all privileges of the Editor role type restricted to static pages and mashups.
static java.util.List<RoleType> PREDEFINED_ROLE_TYPES
          Predefined role types that are available out of the box in portal.
          The Privileged User role type represents all privileges necessary to view portal content, create private resources and to personalize existing shared resource, turning them into private ones
static RoleType REVIEWER
          The Reviewer role type represents all privileges necessary to view and approve portal content.
static RoleType SECURITY_ADMIN
          This role type contains the privileges that are needed to grant a role to another principal.
static RoleType USER
          The User role type represents the privileges necessary to view portal content.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name of this RoleType
 boolean implies(RoleType roleType)
          Returns true if this RoleType implies the given roleType, i.e.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.Localized
getDescription, getLocales, getTitle

Field Detail


static final RoleType ADMIN
This role type contains all privileges and therefore implies all other role types. A user who has been granted this role type on a resource is allowed to perform any operation on this resource and to delegate any permissions on this resource to other users.


static final RoleType SECURITY_ADMIN
This role type contains the privileges that are needed to grant a role to another principal. A user who has (only) been granted this role type on a resource is not allowed to perform any operations on the resource except for delegating permissions on this resource to other users. The actual permissions that can be delegated have to be provided by a further role type


static final RoleType DELEGATOR
This role type contains the privilege to change the privileges of another principal. A user who has been granted this role type on a resource (usually User or User Group) is not allowed to perform any actions on the resource except for delegating permissions to this resource. The actual permissions that can be delegated have to be provided by a further role type.


static final RoleType CAN_RUN_AS_USER
This role type contains the privilege to impersonate (act as) another principal. A user who has been granted this role type on a User or User Group is allowed to impersonate that user (or members of the User Group).


static final RoleType MANAGER
This role type represents all privileges necessary to create, configure, delete and view shared resources. It does not contain privileges to delegate any role types, so Managers are not allowed to modify the access control configuration of their managed resources. The access control configuration is typically done automatically through the concept of permission inheritance. E.g. if a Manager creates and configures a new page within the page hierarchy, all users that were allowed to see the parent page of the new page will automatically be allowed to see the new child page (as long a no inheritance block was inserted by a user).


static final RoleType EDITOR
This role type represents all privileges of the Manager role type except for delete operations. Thus, Editors are supposed to configure existing resources and to create new resources. Editors are automatically allowed to delete those resources they have created on their own via the Ownership concept.


static final RoleType MARKUP_EDITOR
This role type represents all privileges of the Editor role type restricted to static pages and mashups. Thus, CONTENT_SUPPLIERs are supposed to create new resources. CONTENT_SUPPLIERs are automatically allowed to delete those resources they have created on their own via the Ownership concept.


static final RoleType CONTRIBUTOR
This role type represents all privileges of the Editor role type except for configure operations. Thus, Contributors are supposed to to create new (shared) resources but are not allowed to configure existing resources. Contributors are automatically allowed to edit and delete those resources they have created on their own via the Ownership concept.


static final RoleType PRIVILEGED_USER
The Privileged User role type represents all privileges necessary to view portal content, create private resources and to personalize existing shared resource, turning them into private ones


static final RoleType USER
The User role type represents the privileges necessary to view portal content.


static final RoleType REVIEWER
The Reviewer role type represents all privileges necessary to view and approve portal content. Thus, Reviewers are supposed to review and approve creations of new resources and modifications of existing resources.


static final RoleType DRAFT_CREATOR
The Draft Creator role type represents all privileges necessary to create drafts of portal content. Thus, Draft Creators are supposed to create drafts of new resources or existing resources.


static final java.util.List<RoleType> PREDEFINED_ROLE_TYPES
Predefined role types that are available out of the box in portal. This array also defines the default display and result order of the predefined role types.

Method Detail


boolean implies(RoleType roleType)
Returns true if this RoleType implies the given roleType, i.e. if all the privileges represented by the given roleType are also covered by this RoleType.

roleType - to test
true if this RoleType implies the given roleType


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of this RoleType

the name of this RoleType
See Also: