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Example 2: Filter class

This sample filter generates the friendly URL.

The filter performs several steps to create the friendly URL:

  1. The filter determines the target portal page from one of the following sources:

    • The configuration of the web content viewer.

    • Any web content pages that have a content association to the content for which the URL is generated.

    • A target page specified by the UrlCmpnt tag.

  2. If a target page is identified, the filter verifies that the page is a web content page with a content association. The filter then validates that the content for which the URL is generated is a child of the site area that is mapped to the page. If the content to render is not a child of the site area associated with the page, the filter writes a new URL.

  3. The filter then writes the friendly URL by combining the following information:

    • The friendly URL name of the target page.

    • The path to the content, relative to the site area associated with the target page.

 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2011                                       *
package com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.samples;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import javax.portlet.*;
import com.ibm.portal.*;
import com.ibm.portal.content.*;
import com.ibm.portal.identification.*;
import com.ibm.portal.mappingurl.*;
import com.ibm.portal.resolver.friendly.*;
import com.ibm.portal.resolver.friendly.accessors.url.*;
import com.ibm.portal.resolver.friendly.helper.*;
import com.ibm.portal.resolver.friendly.service.*;
import com.ibm.portal.serialize.*;
import com.ibm.portal.services.contentmapping.*;
import com.ibm.portal.services.contentmapping.exceptions.*;
import com.ibm.portal.state.*;
import com.ibm.portal.state.accessors.selection.*;
import com.ibm.portal.state.exceptions.*;
import com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.*;
import com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions.*;
import com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.extensions.url.*;
import com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.extensions.url.PortletContextSharingConfig.PublishConfig;

 * Content URL generation filter that tries to generate stateless friendly URLs
 * for web content pages.
 * The filter that writes the friendly URL does the following steps to generate
 * the friendly URL
 * <ol>
 * <li>It determines the target portal page from one of the following sources The  * Web Content Viewer configuration Web content pages that have a content  * mapping for the content the URL is generated for A target page specification
 * from the WCM [UrlCmpnt] tag
 * </li>
 * <li>If a page could be determined it checks if the page is a web content page  * i.e. if the page has a content mapping assign. It then validates that the * content the URL is generated for is a children of the site area mapped to the * page. In case the content is not a children of the site area mapped to the * page new URL is written by this filter.
 * </li>
 * <li>Finally the friendly URL is written that is build from the friendly URL
 * name of the target page appended with the content path relative to the site  * area mapped to the target page.</li>
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * <b>Note:</b> To use the following sample filter all pages a content URL is * generated for need to be web content pages with a friendly name assigned and  * a default content mapping that points to a parent of the content.</p>
public class FriendlyUrlGenerationFilter implements ContentUrlGenerationFilter {

 /** logger */
 private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(FriendlyUrlGenerationFilter.class.getName());

 /** the path separator / */
 private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/";

 /** regular expression pattern to split a path into segments */
 private static final Pattern PATH_SEPARATOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(PATH_SEPARATOR);

 /** friendly selection service */
 private final FriendlySelectionService friendlySelectionService;

 /** content model */
 private final ContentModel<ContentNode> contentModel;

 /** WCM workspace */
 private final Workspace workspace;

 /** identifcation service */
 private final Identification identification;

 /** state manager */
 private final PortletStateManager stateManager;

 /** url mapping model */
 private final MappingURLTreeModel urlMappingModel;

 /** content mapping info home */
 private final ContentMappingInfoHome contentMappingInfoHome;

 /** selection accessor */
 private final SelectionAccessorFactory selectionFactory;

 /** factory for friendly URLs */
 private final FriendlyURLFactory friendlyUrlFactory;

 /** the currently selected page */
 private ObjectID currentPage;

  * Create a new filter instance. This should be called once per render
  * request
  * @param friendlySelectionService
  *            The friendly selection service   * @param contentModel
  *            The content model
  * @param workspace   *            The WCM workspace   * @param identification
  *            The identificaton service   * @param stateManager
  *            The state manager service   * @param urlMappingTreeModel
  *            The url mapping model
  * @param contentMappingInfoHome
  *            The content mapping home interface   * 
  * @throws CannotInstantiateAccessorException
  *             If instantiation of state selection accessor factory fails
  * @throws UnknownAccessorTypeException
  *             If instantiation of state selection accessor factory fails
 public FriendlyUrlGenerationFilter(final FriendlySelectionService friendlySelectionService,    final ContentModel<ContentNode> contentModel, final Workspace workspace,    final Identification identification, final PortletStateManager stateManager,    final MappingURLTreeModel urlMappingModel, final ContentMappingInfoHome contentMappingInfoHome)
   throws UnknownAccessorTypeException, CannotInstantiateAccessorException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "<init>", new Object[] { friendlySelectionService, contentModel,  workspace, identification, stateManager, urlMappingModel, contentMappingInfoHome });

  this.friendlySelectionService = friendlySelectionService;
  this.friendlyUrlFactory = friendlySelectionService.getURLFactory();
  this.contentModel = contentModel;
  this.workspace = workspace;
  this.identification = identification;
  this.stateManager = stateManager;
  this.urlMappingModel = urlMappingModel;
  this.contentMappingInfoHome = contentMappingInfoHome;
  this.selectionFactory = stateManager.getAccessorFactory(SelectionAccessorFactory.class);

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "<init>");

 public void dispose() {
  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "dispose");

  // dispose all request specific services

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "dispose");

 public void writeURL(final ContentUrlGenerationRequest request, final ContentUrlGenerationResponse response,    final ContentUrlGenerationFilterChain chain) throws ContentUrlGenerationException, IOException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "writeURL", new Object[] { request.getContentPath(false) });

  // as we need to use the path to lookup the item in WCM we need the  // decoded version   final String contentPath = request.getContentPath(false);
  if (contentPath != null) {
   // Check if we should generate a URL that publishes to the   // current    // or another page or uses the dynamic publishing    final PortletContextSharingConfig ctxSharingConfig = request.getPortletContextSharingConfig();
   final PublishConfig publishConfig = ctxSharingConfig.getPublishConfig();
   final PortletRequest portletRequest = request.getPortletRenderRequest();
   final PortletResponse portletResponse = request.getPortletRenderResponse();

   ObjectID targetPageId = null;
   try {
    // determine the target page. The target page is determined
    // from either a dynamic target page override (i.e. on the    // UrlCmpnt tag), a web content mapping on a page or from the    // portlet configuration

    // check if a dynamic page target as been set as it can be     // set on the WCM UrlCmpnt tag
    final TargetPageConfig targetPageDynamic = request.getDynamicTargetPageOverride();
    if (targetPageDynamic != null) {
     // lookup the page from the dynamic target page override
     targetPageId = getTargetPage(portletRequest, portletResponse, targetPageDynamic);
    } else {
     if (publishConfig.getMode() == PublishConfig.MODE_DYNAMIC) {
      // lookup the target page from content mappings
      targetPageId = lookupTargetPage(portletRequest, portletResponse, contentPath);
     } else {
      // target page is determined from portlet       // configuration
      final TargetPageConfig targetPagePortletConfig = publishConfig.getTargetPage();
      if (targetPagePortletConfig != null) {
       // lookup the page from the portlet target page        // configuration
       targetPageId = getTargetPage(portletRequest, portletResponse, targetPagePortletConfig);

    if (targetPageId != null) {
     // check if the path of the content is a children of the     // site area mapped to the page and get the path relative to      // this site area
     final String relativePathInfo = getRelativePathInfo(contentPath, targetPageId);
     if (relativePathInfo != null && !relativePathInfo.isEmpty()) {
      // write the friendly URL to the page and the      // relative path information added
      final FriendlyURL url = this.friendlyUrlFactory
     } else {

      if (isLogging) {
       LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, getClass().getName(), "writeURL",      "Content [{0}] is not a children of the site area mapped to page with ID [{1}]",      new Object[] { contentPath, targetPageId });

      // the content is not a children of the site area
      // mapped to the target page so forward the request to       // the      // chain
      chain.writeURL(request, response);
    } else {

     if (isLogging) {
      LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, getClass().getName(), "writeURL",     "No target page could be determined for content [{0}]", new Object[] { contentPath });

     // no target page could be determined
     // let the content URL generation chain handle the     // request
     chain.writeURL(request, response);
   } catch (SerializationException e) {
    throw new ContentUrlGenerationException(e);
   } catch (ModelException e) {
    throw new ContentUrlGenerationException(e);
   } catch (StateException e) {
    throw new ContentUrlGenerationException(e);
   } catch (ContentMappingException e) {
    throw new ContentUrlGenerationException(e);
   } catch (WCMException e) {
    throw new ContentUrlGenerationException(e);
  } else {
   // no content path was given
   // let the content URL generation chain handle the request
   chain.writeURL(request, response);

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "writeURL");

  * Lookup the best matching target web content page for the content   * 
  * @param portletRequest
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param portletResponse
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param contentPath
  *            The path of the content   * @return The {@link ObjectID} of page found or <code>null</code>
  * @throws ContentMappingException
  *             If an error occurred loading a content mapping
  * @throws ModelException
  *             If an exception occurred while accessing a model object
  * @throws WCMException
  *             If an exception occurred while accessing the WCM repository
  * @throws StateException
  *             If an error occurred working with the portal state objects
 protected ObjectID lookupTargetPage(final PortletRequest portletRequest, final PortletResponse portletResponse,    final String contentPath) throws ContentMappingException, ModelException, WCMException, StateException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "lookupTargetPage", new Object[] { contentPath });

  ObjectID result = null;

  // get the ID of the published item addressed by the content path
  final DocumentIdIterator documentsIt = this.workspace.findByPath(contentPath, Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED);
  if (documentsIt.hasNext()) {
   // get the IDs of the content and all its parents
   final LinkedList<String> resourceIds = new LinkedList<String>();
   final DocumentId documentId = documentsIt.next();

   // load the IDs of the parents of the item    DocumentId parentId = documentId;
   do {
    Document doc = this.workspace.getById(parentId);
    parentId = null;
    if (doc instanceof Content) {
     parentId = ((Content) doc).getDirectParent();
    } else if (doc instanceof ContentLink) {
     parentId = ((ContentLink) doc).getParentId();
    } else if (doc instanceof SiteFrameworkContainer) {
     parentId = ((SiteFrameworkContainer) doc).getParent();
    if (parentId != null) {
   } while (parentId != null);

   // add the library of the content to the beginning

   if (isLogging) {
    LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, getClass().getName(), "lookupTargetPage",   "Lookup up best matching web content page for resources [{0}] using the following IDs [{1}]",   new Object[] { contentPath, resourceIds });

   // lookup the best matching web content page    final ContentMappingLocator contentMappinglocator = this.contentMappingInfoHome.getContentMappingLocator();
   final LongestPathMatch match = contentMappinglocator.getLongestPathMatch(resourceIds,  getCurrentPage(portletRequest, portletResponse), new ContentMappingFilter() {
      public void filterEntitledMappings(List<? extends ContentMapping> mappings) {
       // filter out pages we cannot locate e.g. the       // user doesn't have access to or if the page is       // disabled
       final Locator<ContentNode> contentNodeLocator = FriendlyUrlGenerationFilter.this.contentModel
       final Iterator<? extends ContentMapping> mappingsIt = mappings.iterator();
       while (mappingsIt.hasNext()) {
        if (contentNodeLocator.findByID(mappingsIt.next().getResourceID()) == null) {

   // if at least one match was found take the suggest content    // mapping further candidates might be found
   final ContentMapping contentMapping = match.getContentMapping();
   if (contentMapping != null) {
    result = contentMapping.getResourceID();

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "lookupTargetPage", result);
  return result;

  * Get the {@link ObjectID} of the target page from a target page   * configuration.
  * @param portletRequest
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param portletResponse
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param targetPageConfig
  *            The target page configuration
  * @return The {@link ObjectID} of the target page   * 
  * @throws SerializationException
  *             If the a page ID given as a character string cannot be   *             serialized to an {@link ObjectID}
  * @throws ModelException
  *             If an exception occurred while accessing a model object
  * @throws StateException
  *             if an error occurred working with the portal state objects
 protected ObjectID getTargetPage(final PortletRequest portletRequest, final PortletResponse portletResponse,    final TargetPageConfig targetPageConfig) throws SerializationException, ModelException, StateException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getTargetPage", new Object[] { targetPageConfig });

  ObjectID result = null;
  if (targetPageConfig != null) {
   if (targetPageConfig.useCurrentPage()) {
    result = getCurrentPage(portletRequest, portletResponse);
   } else {
    final String pagePath = targetPageConfig.getPagePath();
    if (pagePath != null && !pagePath.isEmpty()) {
     // try to lookup the page treating the path as a URL mapping
     result = getPageByUrlMapping(portletRequest, portletResponse, pagePath);
     if (result == null) {
      // if no mapping was found, check if the path is a      // valid friendly URL
      final List<ObjectID> pages = getPagesByFriendlyUrl(portletRequest, portletResponse, pagePath);
      if (pages != null && !pages.isEmpty()) {
       // if multiple pages are found for simplicity use        // the       // first page more advance URL generation filter
       // could
       // do a disambiguation here and e.g. let the user        // choose
       // what page to use        result = pages.get(0);
    } else {
     result = getPageById(targetPageConfig.getPageId());

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getTargetPage", result);
  return result;

  * Get the {@link ObjectID} of the page with the given ID or unique name
  * @param pageId
  *            The ID or unique name of the page   * @return The {@link ObjectID} of the page   * 
  * @throws SerializationException
  *             If the a page ID given as a character string cannot be   *             serialized to an {@link ObjectID}
 protected ObjectID getPageById(final String pageId) throws SerializationException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getPageById", new Object[] { pageId });

  ObjectID result = null;
  if (pageId != null && !pageId.isEmpty()) {
   // de-serialize the ID
   result = this.identification.deserialize(pageId);

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getPageById", result);
  return result;

  * Get the {@link ObjectID} of the current page   * 
  * @param portletRequest
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param portletResponse
  *            The current portlet request
  * @return The {@link ObjectID} of the current page   * 
  * @throws StateException
  *             if an error occurred working with the portal state objects
 protected ObjectID getCurrentPage(final PortletRequest portletRequest, final PortletResponse portletResponse)
   throws StateException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getCurrentPage");

  if (currentPage == null) {
   final SelectionAccessor selectionAcc = this.selectionFactory.getSelectionAccessor(this.stateManager
   try {
    currentPage = selectionAcc.getSelection();
   } finally {

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getCurrentPage", currentPage);
  return currentPage;

  * Get the list of {@link ObjectID} of all page that are addressed by the  * passed friendly name
  * @param portletRequest
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param portletResponse
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param friendlyName
  *            The friendly name
  * @return List of all pages that are addressed by the passed friendly name
  * @throws ModelException
  *             If looking up the page from a friendly URL fails
  * @throws StateException
  *             if the state could not be accessed
 protected List<ObjectID> getPagesByFriendlyUrl(final PortletRequest portletRequest,    final PortletResponse portletResponse, final String friendlyName) throws ModelException, StateException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getPagesByFriendlyUrl", new Object[] { friendlyName });

  List<ObjectID> result = null;

  if (friendlyName != null && !friendlyName.isEmpty()) {
   final SelectionResult bean = new DefaultSelectionResult();
   this.friendlySelectionService.resolve(bean, friendlyName);
   // the resulting node list is already AC filtered as a   // result of using a performing navigation model.
   final List<ObjectID> nodelist = bean.getNodes();
   if (nodelist != null && !nodelist.isEmpty() && bean.getFriendlyPath() != null) {
    result = nodelist;

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getPagesByFriendlyUrl", result);
  return result;

  * Get the {@link ObjectID} of the page addressed by the passed compound
  * name of a url mapping or <code>null</code> if no corresponding URL
  * mapping or page exists or if the current user does not have access to it.
  * @param portletRequest
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param portletResponse
  *            The current portlet request
  * @param urlMapping
  *            The compound name of the url mapping
  * @return {@link ObjectID} of the page or <code>null</code>
  * @throws ModelException
  *             If an exception occurred while accessing the url mapping
  *             model
 protected ObjectID getPageByUrlMapping(final PortletRequest request, final PortletResponse response,    final String urlMapping) throws ModelException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getPageByUrlMapping", new Object[] { urlMapping });

  ObjectID result = null;
  if (urlMapping != null && !urlMapping.isEmpty()) {
   final BestMatchResult searchResult;
   // different to friendly names a URL mapping must not begin with a /
   if (urlMapping.charAt(0) == PATH_SEPARATOR.charAt(0)) {
    searchResult = this.urlMappingModel.getLocator().findBestMatch(urlMapping.substring(1));
   } else {
    searchResult = this.urlMappingModel.getLocator().findBestMatch(urlMapping);

   if (searchResult != null) {
    final Context mappingCtx = searchResult.getContext();
    if (ObjectTypeConstants.PORTAL_URL.getType().equals(mappingCtx.getAssignedObjectType())) {
     final PortalURL url = (PortalURL) mappingCtx.getAssignedObject();
     result = url.getReferencedResourceID();

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getPageByUrlMapping", result);
  return result;

  * Returns the path for the given content path relative to the site area
  * mapped to the target page.
  * Returns <code>null</code> if there is no content mapping set for the  * target page that is appropriate for the targeted content item.
  * @param contentPath
  *            The fully qualified path of the target content item. Must not   *            be <code>null</code>.
  * @param pageId
  *            The object ID of the target page. Must not be   *            <code>null</code>.
  * @return The relative path which is the remainder of the content path
  *         after cutting off the content mapping prefix. May return
  *         <code>null</code>.
  * @throws ContentMappingException
  *             If an exception occurred during lookup of the content mapping
  * @throws WCMException
  *             If an exception occurred while accessing the WCM repository
  * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
  *             A requested character encoding is not supported   */
 protected String getRelativePathInfo(final String contentPath, final ObjectID pageId)
   throws ContentMappingException, WCMException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getRelativePathInfo", new Object[] { contentPath, pageId });

  String result = null;

  final ContentMapping contentMapping = getDefaultContentMapping(pageId);
  if (contentMapping != null) {
   // lookup the path of the site area mapped to the page    String pathMapping = contentMapping.getContentPath();
   if (pathMapping == null || pathMapping.isEmpty()) {
    // lets lookup the path from the id
    final String mappedId = contentMapping.getContentID();
    if (mappedId != null && !mappedId.isEmpty()) {
     pathMapping = this.workspace.getPathById(this.workspace.createDocumentId(mappedId), false, true);

   if (isLogging) {
    LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, getClass().getName(), "getRelativePathInfo",   "Page with ID [{0}] is mapped to [{1}]", new Object[] { pageId, pathMapping });

   // calculate relative path = contentPath - mappingPath
   if (pathMapping != null && !pathMapping.isEmpty()) {
    // check if the content path is a children of the mapped path
    // to do this split the path into its segments
    if (pathMapping.charAt(0) == PATH_SEPARATOR.charAt(0)) {
     pathMapping = pathMapping.substring(1);
    final String[] partsPathMapping = PATH_SEPARATOR_PATTERN.split(pathMapping);
    // also split path of content     String pathContent = contentPath;
    if (pathContent.charAt(0) == PATH_SEPARATOR.charAt(0)) {
     pathContent = pathContent.substring(1);
    final String[] partsPathContent = PATH_SEPARATOR_PATTERN.split(pathContent);

    // check if the content is a children of the mapped path
    if (partsPathMapping.length <= partsPathContent.length) {
     boolean isDescendant = true;
     for (int i = 0; i < partsPathMapping.length && isDescendant; i++) {
      if (!partsPathMapping[i].equalsIgnoreCase(partsPathContent[i])) {
       isDescendant = false;
     if (isDescendant) {
      // determine how many descendant levels are between the      // content and the mapped site area
      final int descendantLevels = partsPathContent.length - partsPathMapping.length;
      if (descendantLevels > 0) {
       // build children path which is everything after the       // parent
       final StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder();
       for (int i = 0; i < descendantLevels; i++) {
        tmp.append(URLEncoder.encode(partsPathContent[partsPathMapping.length + i], "UTF-8"));
       result = tmp.toString();

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getRelativePathInfo", result);
  return result;

  * Get the default content mapping of a page or <code>null</code> if no such   * mapping exists
  * @param pageId
  *            The {@link ObjectID} of the page   * @return The default mapping of the page or <code>null</code> if no
  *         default mapping could be determined.
  * @throws ContentMappingDataBackendException
  *             If an exception occurred during lookup of the content mapping
 protected ContentMapping getDefaultContentMapping(final ObjectID pageId) throws ContentMappingDataBackendException {

  final boolean isLogging = LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.entering(getClass().getName(), "getDefaultContentMapping", new Object[] { pageId });

  // get the page default content mapping as friendly url path info is  // only set for default or system content mapping
  final ContentMappingInfo contentMappingInfo = this.contentMappingInfoHome.getContentMappingInfo(pageId);
  ContentMapping result = contentMappingInfo.getDefaultContentMapping();
  if(result == null) {
      // use system mapping as default
      result = contentMappingInfo.getSystemContentMapping();

  if (isLogging) {
   LOGGER.exiting(getClass().getName(), "getDefaultContentMapping", result);
  return result;

Parent: Example 2: Generate a friendly URL for web content