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Authoring architecture

The authoring architecture describes what types of content will be required for the site and what change management strategies will be applied when updating content and design. You will need to define what authoring templates are required for the system, what workflows will be used to manage changes and what folders will be used to group items in the authoring portlet.

Library architecture

The library architecture describes where you will store the web content items. For example, we could split the site between the items that control the look and feel of the site, such as presentation templates and components, from the content of the site. We could also separate the libraries into different team libraries such as "human resources" and "support".

Authoring templates

You will need a separate authoring template for each type of content item and site area used by the site. The list of authoring templates defined in the authoring architecture is based on the different page types identified in the project plan, analysis document, and prototype website.

The information specified for each authoring template includes:


We use workflows to control the access to, verification of, and eventual approval of items. Only if an item is approved at all stages up to a published stage can it be viewed on the website. We can use a workflow to:

Each workflow, workflow stage and workflow action required for the web content system is listed in the authoring architecture.


Folders are used to group sets of item types into logical groupings. This is useful when you have large numbers of items in the library and want to distinguish between different groups of items within each item type view. Each folder required for the web content system is listed in the authoring architecture. For example, we could use has a set of folders to groups different sets of image components:

Version management strategies

We can configure your system to either automatically save a version of an item each time it is published, or allow users to select when to save a version of an item. The version management strategy for different item types are documented in the authoring architecture.

Parent: Create a design document

Related: Web content libraries
Users, Groups and Roles
Work with folders
Workflow and change management
Manage versions of items