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DB2: Troubleshoot Database Transfer

If we encounter a failure during the configuration process, determine whether we can run the step again, skip the step, or if we must clean up the step. For some failed steps, learn how to correct the issue and recover from the failure.

Each potential step in the configuration is included. Since the steps vary, depending on the selections, the steps are not numbered. Find the step that failed to learn more about correcting and recovering from the failure. To change a value entered in the wizard, then run the configuration again.

If we must go through the wizard again, download the wizard selections that you made to save time. Then, cancel the configuration. Start the process over and upload the saved selections. Correct or enter values for the parameters that caused the failure.

Back up the properties files the wizard uses during the configuration

During this step, the wizard attempts to back up the wkplc.properties, wkplc_dbdomain.properties, and wkplc_dbtype.properties files.

Actions Notes
Run the step again We can run the step again without causing any harm. Alternatively, we can manually back up the properties files instead of running the step again.
Skip the step If we already backed up the properties files before startinged this configuration, we can skip this step.

If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.

Clean up step None required

Manual Step: Create the database users and groups

During this step, we create the database configuration users and groups on the database server.

If we need a runtime user for day-to-day operations, create the runtime database users and groups on the database server.

Use the database user IDs and group names that are entered in the wizard when creating the database users and groups.

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm.

If we realize later in the configuration the database users and groups were not created correctly, we can repeat these instructions. For example, we might encounter a failure in the setup database step if the database users and groups are created incorrectly. We can repeat these instructions to correct the issue and then perform the setup database step again.

Skip the step If we successfully created the database users and groups before startinged this configuration, we can skip this step.If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Create the databases

Actions Notes
Run the step again The type of failure that you encounter determines whether we can run the step again.

Use the ERRORCODE and SQLSTATE associated with the error message in the ConfigTrace.log to determine the reason for the failure.

We can run the step again if the reason for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard. For example, if you forgot to copy the JDBC JAR files from the database to the portal server, we can copy the files to the portal server. Then, we can run the step again.

To update wizard values to correct the issue, do not run the step again. Create new scripts in the wizard. Upload the saved selections, update the values, and create scripts. Examples of issues that result in you updating the values include entering the wrong port number or entering an incorrect host name into the wizard.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step

Manual Step: Download the script and run it on the database server to create the database

During this step, you download a script to create the database.

Step: Download the script and run it on the database server to create
Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm. In this step, you download a script to run. The type of failure you encounter determines whether we can run the script again.

Use the ERRORCODE and SQLSTATE associated with the error message in the ConfigTrace.log to determine the reason for the failure.

We can run the step again if the reason for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard. For example, if you forgot to copy the JDBC JAR files from the database to the portal server, we can copy the files to the portal server. Then, we can run the step again.

To update wizard values to correct the issue, do not run the step again. Create new scripts in the wizard. Upload the saved selections, update the values, and create scripts. Examples of issues that result in you updating the values include entering the wrong port number or entering an incorrect host name into the wizard.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step Not applicable

Set up the database

Use the ERRORCODE and SQLSTATE associated with the error message in the ConfigTrace.log to determine the source of the problem.

Actions Notes
Run the step again The type of failure that you encounter determines whether we can run the step again. We can run the step again if the issue for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard.

To update values, create new scripts in the wizard. Upload the saved selections, change the affected values, and create new scripts to run. For example, if we entered the wrong path to the database library, we must upload the saved selections, correct the path, and then configure the system with new scripts.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Manual Step: Download the script and run it on the database server to set up the database

During this step, we set permissions on the database.

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm. In this step, you download a script to run. The type of failure you encounter determines whether we can run the script again.

Use the ERRORCODE and SQLSTATE associated with the error message in the ConfigTrace.log to determine the reason for the failure.

We can run the downloaded script again if the issue for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard. For example, if created database users and groups incorrectly on the database server, we can correct the issue and run the step again.

To update values, create new scripts in the wizard. Upload your saved selections, change the affected values, and create new scripts to run.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Manual Step: Set up JCR collation for correct language locale order

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm.
Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step we must remove the database and create the database again.

Manual Step: Restart the DB2 server

During this step, we set global database default values required for the database created. These global values do not take effect until you restart the database server.

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm.
Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.

If we already restarted the database server, we can skip this step.

Clean up step None required

Validate the database connection and environment

During this step, we are validating the database is still available and we can successfully connect to the database.

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm.
Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Stop the portal server

Actions Notes
Run the step again We can run the step again without causing any harm.
Skip the step If we already stopped the portal server, we can skip this step.
Clean up step None required

Transfer the database

Actions Notes
Run the step again The type of failure that you encounter determines whether we can run the step again.

Use the ERRORCODE and SQLSTATE associated with the error message in the ConfigTrace.log to determine the reason for the failure.

We might have a portal failure that does not have a SQLSTATE error code associated with the error message.

We can run the step again if the issue for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard.

To update values in the wizard, create new scripts in the wizard. Upload your saved selections, change the affected values, and create new scripts to run. We do not need to run previous successful steps.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Grant privileges to the database runtime users.

Actions Notes
Run the step again The type of failure that you encounter determines whether we can run the step again.

We can run the step again if the issue for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard.

To update values in the wizard, create new scripts in the wizard. Upload your saved selections, change the affected values, and create new scripts to run. We do not need to run previous successful steps.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Manual Step: Download the script and run it on the database server to grant privileges to the runtime user

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm. In this step, you download a script to run. The type of failure you encounter determines whether we can run the script again.

We can run the downloaded script again if the issue for the failure does not affect any values entered in the wizard. For example, if created runtime users and groups incorrectly on the database server, we can correct the issue and run the script again.

To update values in the wizard, create new scripts in the wizard. Upload the saved selections, change the affected values, and create new scripts to run. We do not need to run previous successful steps.

Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Configure the JCR domain to support large files

Actions Notes
Run the step again We cannot rerun a manual step, but we can perform the instructions for the step again without harm.
Skip the step If this step is successful, we can skip it if you encounter a failure in a later step and need to run the configuration again.
Clean up step None required

Start the portal server

Actions Notes
Run the step again We can run the step again without causing any harm
Skip the step If we already started the portal server, we can skip this step.
Clean up step None required

Parent Troubleshooting: Database Transfer