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Create list-rendering profiles

When creating a list-rendering profile, we can either create a completely new profile or create a derived profile by extending an existing profile. A derived profile includes the item attribute and list property declarations of other list-rendering profiles by referencing these profiles.

When creating a new or derived list-rendering profile, make sure to define an item attribute named id and to define a name for the profile.

To define a derived profile, use the Extends key.

When we model the derived profile from an existing profile, you reference the other profile by specifying its profile name. When we reference another profile, the plug-in imports all ItemAttribute, AssociatedItemAttribute, ConstructedItemAttribute, ComputedItemAttribute, and ListProperty and XML namespace declarations into the current profile. To include multiple profiles, specify a comma-separated list of profile names. We can overwrite individual imported properties in the profiles. When creating a derived profile, you modify existing item attributes or list property declarations of the existing profile or add more item attribute or list property declarations. To do so, we can extend the profile from the existing profile and add or overwrite the item attribute and list property declarations of that profile as required. The following conditions apply:

  • All changes to profiles from which the extended profile is derived are effective on the extended profile if the extended profile does not explicitly overwrite these declarations.

  • Your profile can extend from any other profile, independent of how you deployed the individual profiles. But make sure that we do not create any dependency cycles.

  • The profiles override each other in the order in which they occur in the comma-separated list. A profile that occurs earlier in the sequence overrides subsequent ones.

    Example: To include the item attribute and list property declarations of profiles that are named myCo.Atom and myCo.Base, specify xyz.Extends=myCo.Atom,myCo.Base.

    If the myCo.Atom and myCo.Base define the same attribute, the definition in the myCo.Atom profile overrides the definition given in the myCo.Base profile.

Parent Work with list-rendering profiles

Related reference:

The action URL plug-in