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Copy portal binary files to the deployment manager

Complete this task if the dmgr is on a remote server, not sharing application binary files with a Portal install.

  1. Copy the filesForDmgr.zip file to the remote deployment manager system.

  2. Expand the filesForDmgr.zip file into the installation root directory of the deployment manager. For example


  3. If the deployment manager profile was not created in the default AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01 directory, run...

      cp AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/.repository/metadata_wkplc.xml DMGR_PROFLE/config/.repository

    Failure to copy the migration plug-in files to the deployment manager can result in the following error when you try to upgrade the ConfigEngine tool:

      ADMG0007E: The configuration data type CellCompRegistryCollection is not valid

Parent topic: Set up the target environment