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Dynamic content (jsp) resources

Dynamic content includes resources defined by jsp files used by the theme. The entry point for a theme is either Default.jsp or Plain.jsp, both of these files are located in:


    Default.jsp Entry point. Bootstraps any required infrastructure, and then delegates all markup rendering to the static template file, which is usually theme.html.
    Plain.jsp Is an alternative entry point. This jsp is commonly used for helps or rendering a portlet with an iframe skin.
    includePortalTaglibs.jspf Includes the IBM WebSphere Portal taglibs.



    commonActions.jsp Common actions in the banner sections and the Actions menu. The Actions menu is not available to anonymous users.
    crumbTrial.jsp Crumb trail information for the location.
    footer.jsp Footer information for the page.
    head.jsp Header information for the page.
    navigation.jsp Navigation controls for the page.
    mobileNavigation.jsp Mobile navigation controls for the page.
    sideNavigation.jsp Side navigation controls for the page.
    status.jsp Template for error, warning, and information messages.

Parent Understand the Portal v8.5 modularized theme