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Change theme metadata

The first step of theme configuration is through theme metadata.properties.

  1. Connect the WebDAV client to...


  2. From the folder for the theme, copy metadata.properties to local drive.

  3. Edit the local copy of the file and modify the property values.

  4. Copy the local copy of metadata.properties back into the folder for the theme in themelist.

metadata.properties properties


Default layout template used on pages in the theme. After initially creating your theme by cloning the IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 theme, replace "Portal8.5" in the path with the name of the folder for the theme.



Profile .json file (list of modules) to load. Path is relative to the folder for the theme in fs-type1.



Folder containing your theme templates. Replace Portal8.5 with the name of the custom theme folder.


Parent Configure the portal theme and modules