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New features for site authors in Content Template Catalog 4.3

New site template that creates a site with a landing page

A new site builder site template named "Site with Home Page Template" is used to create a web site that is pre-populated with a landing page.

Create an index page and details page in one click

Creating pages for the website is now faster and simpler. The Content Template Catalog page templates that consist of an index page and a details page, such as the Events and News page templates, now enable creation of the hierarchy of pages in one click. For more information: Page Templates.

Guided creation of page content

After creating a page from a Content Template Catalog page template, placeholder text, such as "Enter summary", guides the user through the creation of content for the page. This placeholder text is translated into all supported languages.

Simplified adding of portlets to the page

Users can now add page component portlets, such as teasers, lists, slideshows, carousels, and navigation, from the "Create Content" tab in the toolbar. The Content Template Catalog Web Content Viewer portlets listed under the "Create Applications" tab that have equivalent portlets under the "Create Content" tab have been hidden. For more information about page component portlets refer to Page components.

New list builder portlet

Users can now more add a list to the page using the list builder portlet, which guides them through the process of configuring the list. The list builder can also be used to more easily configure existing lists in the web site. For more information see List Builder.

Content Template Catalog pages and portlets no longer require the CTC Content profile

Users can now create pages from the page templates and add CTC portlets without using the CTC Content profile. Content Template Catalog 4.3 exploits the new "Resource Aggregation for Portlet capabilities" feature in WebSphere Portal 8.5 CF3. This makes JavaScript and CSS resources the Content Template Catalog portlets need available on the page, even if the CTC Content profile is not selected for the page. See Resource Aggregator overview.

New Getting Started Guide for site authors

The documentation to help site authors get started with CTC has been consolidated into the new Get started with CTC for site authors section.

Parent Content Template Catalog overview