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Prerequisite software for installing Content Template Catalog 4.3 and Site Builder 4.3

Before installing Content Template Catalog 4.3, install the following prerequisites.

  • IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 with CF3 installed.

    CTC and Site Builder can be installed on either a base profile or content profile. When installing on a base profile the CTC install will enable both WCM and Personalization before installing CTC and Site Builder. See the topic Adding features to a base installation in the WebSphere Portal product documentation for more information.

  • Content Template Catalog 4.3 is supported on all platforms supported by WebSphere Portal 8.5 except for IBM i.

  • The WebSphere Portal toolbar must be installed for CTC to install correctly. The toolbar is enabled by default on WebSphere Portal 8.5, but must be enabled if we have migrated from WebSphere Portal 8.0.x or 7.0.x."

  • The "Hidden Pages" label and "Page Templates" label are required for CTC to install correctly.

    These labels are not installed if we create an empty virtual portal. If we have installed an empty virtual portal, these labels must be created manually.

  • Read the the WebSphere Portal V8.5 and V8.0 detailed system requirements.

  • The Apache Derby Database available for immediate use after we install the portal is not supported for use with CTC.

The Portal Solution Installer is part of IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5. We do not need to install it.

Parent Plan to use CTC

Related reference:

Prerequisite software for installing Content Template Catalog 4.2 and Site Builder 4.2