Create an additional cluster node
We can use the Configuration Wizard to add nodes to a cluster.
Configuration Wizard
The option to add a cluster node is the last step in the Set Up a Cluster cluster configuration.
Create an additional cluster node
After we answer questions and provide information about the LDAP, the wizard generates a custom configuration procedure.
- Manual Step: Install portal binary files on the server where you plan to add a node to the cluster.
- Condition
- None
- ConfigEngine task
- None
- Manual Step: Install profile templates.
- Condition
- None
- ConfigEngine task
- None
- Manual Step: Copy the database drivers from the primary node to the additional node.
- Condition
- None
- ConfigEngine task
- None
- Manual Step: Verify the portal node and deployment manager system clocks are within 5 minutes of each other.
- Condition
- Remote deployment manager
- ConfigEngine task
- None
- Create the profile for the secondary portal node.
- Condition
- none
- ConfigEngine task
- none
- Federate the node. This node then becomes a managed node in the dmgr cell.
- Condition
- none
- ConfigEngine task
- add-node
- Configure the dynamic cluster node. Add a nodegroup and add nodes to the nodegroup.
- Condition
- Dynamic cluster
- ConfigEngine task
- dynamic-cluster-create-nodegroup
- dynamic-cluster-add-node-to-nodegroup
- Add a secondary node to the cluster.
- Condition
- None
- ConfigEngine task
- cluster-node-config-cluster-setup-additional
- Start the portal server.
- Condition
- None
- ConfigEngine task
- None