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Plan for DB2 on Windows

Ensure the database to use is supported by this version of WebSphere Portal.

When using the same database user ID, the value for the database name, database server node, or schema name must be unique.

When the DB2 Universal JDBC driver (type 4 mode) is used, connect to the database directly. Do not connect to an alias database (gateway), instead specify the real database name in the JDBC connection URL (dbdomain.DbUrl) and in the database name property (dbdomain.DbName).

For JDBC type 4 connections, no DB2 Connect installation is required on the system that runs WebSphere Portal. The DB2 Universal JDBC drivesupplied with DB2 is copied to the portal system, and is used within the Java Virtual Machine of WebSphere Portal, connecting directly to the remote DB2 server.

Application DB name Space required
WebSphere Portal reldb
Depends on the number of users and portal objects, such as pages and portlets.
Personalization, WCM jcrdb Depends on the number and size of Personalization rules and campaigns, and the number and size of items and elements created in WCM.
Feedback fdbkdb Depends on the amount of traffic to the site. The amount of data logged per login-enabled page can vary.
LikeMinds lmdb Depends on the amount of traffic to the site.

Portal allows each of the following users to exist in the same database. All table spaces are approximately 2.8 GB by default. The size increases with the use of Java Content Repository.

Application DB user Function
WebSphere Portal releaseusr
Owns approximately 230 tables, used for WebSphere Portal core objects, which includes tables that store the user customizations made to pages.
JCR jcr Owns at least 1130 tables. The number could be higher depending on usage.
Feedback feedback Owns approximately 50 tables used for logging site and personalization usage.
LikeMinds likeminds Owns approximately 15 tables used to hold the Web site usage analysis routines and recommendation text.

Parent: Database considerations

Which distributed edition of DB2 Universal Database v8 is correct for you?

Which distributed edition of DB2 Universal Database Version 9 is correct for you?
System requirements