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Configure the IBM License Metric Tool and IBM Tivoli License Compliance Manager

The IBM License Metric Tool helps you maintain an up-to-date inventory of the IBM distributed software assets in the IT infrastructure and it measures the processor value units (PVU) available to and consumed by these assets. It allows us to ensure compliance with IBM subcapacity licensing requirements and to demonstrate good IT governance. Information about installed software is collected from monitored computers by an agent that can be deployed on a range of platforms. It is stored on a central server in a DB2 database and can be accessed through preconfigured reports available from a Web user interface.

  1. Configure the IBM License Metric Tool on AIX
  2. Configure the IBM License Metric Tool on IBM i
  3. Configure the IBM License Metric Tool on Linux
  4. Configure the IBM License Metric Tool on Solaris
  5. Configure the IBM License Metric Tool on Windows

Parent: Configuring