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Disable the automatic adding of missing required modules

By default, required modules that are missing in a profile are added automatically. If you do not want to automatically add required modules, we can disable this feature.

  1. Open the WAS admin console and select...

      Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers | WP ConfigService resource environment provider | custom properties

  2. Change the entry resourceaggregation.prereq.autocomplete to false.

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Restart the portal server.

If autocompletion is disabled, an error is written to the portal log file so that a profile does not list all modules and required modules.

The following is an example of a log file entry:

com.ibm.wps.resourceaggregator.contribution.ContributionRegistryImpl getContributions(contributionExtensionPointID, 
moduleIDs, themeID, context)
WARNING: EJPNK0006E: The list of theme modules [[testModule11 , 1.0 ], [testModule12 , 1.0 ], [testModule13 , 1.0 ]] 
misses  required prerequisite module [testModule15 , 1.0 ]. 

In addition, if a required module is not added to the portal at runtime, errors can result in during the rendering of the theme.

Parent: Manage theme capabilities