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Client side framework

We can deliver a JSON feed of context content. We can read the server JSON response, apply a few modifications on the content, and generate the DOM artifacts to display the final context menu in the browser. All files are packaged with the new theme and can be edited with any supported WebDAV client.

Use these contribution types to mark up and customize context menus:

We can create as many context menus as you want in a custom theme.

The HTML markup that places a menu on the page at a certain position looks like the following example:

<span role="button" aria-haspopup="true" class="wpthemeMenuLeft" onclick="wptheme.contextMenu.init(this, 
    'pageAction', {'pid':'123'});">
  <span class="wpthemeUnderlineText wpthemeMenuFocus">Title of the clickable button</span>
  <span class="wpthemeMenuRight">
    <div class="wpthemeMenuBorder">
      <div class="wpthemeMenuNotchBorder"></div>
        <!-- define the menu item template inside the "ul" element.  only "css-class", "description", 
      and "title" are handled by the theme's sample javascript. -->
        <ul class="wpthemeMenuDropDown wpthemeTemplateMenu" role="menu">
          <li class="${css-class}" role="wpthemeMenuitem" >
            <span class="wpthemeMenuText">${title}</span></li>
    <!-- Template for loading -->
    <div class="wpthemeMenuLoading wpthemeTemplateLoading">Loading...</div>
    <!-- Template for submenu -->
    <div class="wpthemeAnchorSubmenu wpthemeTemplateSubmenu">
        <div class="wpthemeMenuBorder wpthemeMenuSubmenu">
          <ul id="${submenu-id}" class="wpthemeMenuDropDown" role="menu"></ul>

  1. To change the way the menu looks, beyond modifying the styles, use these templates.

      Menu item template

      Defined through the class wpthemeTemplateMenu. To generate each individual menu entry, all children of this DOM node are used as a template.

      Loading template

      Defined through the class wpthemeTemplateLoading. Used to display provided that the menu content is being loaded.

      Submenu template

      Defined through the class wpthemeTemplateSubmenu.

    Tokens in the form of ${} are replaced after the template is used.


      Replaced with the classes used for this entry.


      Localized description of the menu item.


      Localized title of the menu item.


      Required to define a unique id for a newly generated submenu.

    The on-click handler on the outer span element calls the init() method to trigger the display of the menu. The parameters of the init method are:

      Current node

      Usually "this" reflecting the node of the onclick handler.

      Menu ID

      A string defining the menu is that defines which URL is loaded, which is defined in the contextmenu.js file:
      ibmCfg.portalConfig.contentHandlerURI + "?uri=menu:${id}"

      Query parameters (optional)

      Defines any arbitrary set of query parameters to be added to the URL:

  2. Define the menu item types. Set a specific class on the given entry to define the menu item type:


      Describes a normal menu item.

      CSS class: typeMenuitem


      Describes a seperator.

      CSS class: typeSeparator


      Describes a header for a section within the menu.

      CSS class: typeHeader


      Describes a menu item that opens a new sub menu.

      CSS class: typeSubmenu

  3. Use JavaScript to feed and display a menu. The context menu JavaScript has the namespace wptheme.contextmenu.* and is located in: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/js/contextmenu.js.


      This JSON object describes constanto used within the source code to apply CSS classes.


      This file is used to cache generated menus.

      init(node, menuId, jsonQuery)

      node: The current node, usually "this" reflecting the node of the onclick handler.

      menuId: A string defining the menu is that replaces the URL that this menu is loaded from.

      jsonQuery: Map of query parameters (optional). Defines any arbitrary set of query parameters to be added to the previous URL.


      Main entry point when a new submenu is generated for a submenu item of the same menu.


      Locates the various template nodes within the DOM.


      Called on an invalidate action and clears the cache.


      Initializes the menu by applying some transformation on the DOM nodes, showing the loading screen and passing on to load the data from the system.


      Loads the data from the system.


      Parses the data received from the system.


      Filters out various menu items based on conditions.


      Constructs the DOM used to display the menu.


      Called when a menu item is clicked to execute an action.


      Called when a menu item is clickethat is a submenu.

Parent: Menu framework
Menu styles