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Querying models in correlation to each other

We can query one model in correlation to another model.

To do this, you start with an empty set of one of the available models, and add single entries using additional query parameters. For details about empty sets and additional query parameters refer to the topic about Adding query parameters.


We cannot correlate a model with itself.

For example, the tag model query parameter tm_param is not supported for the tag model; equally, the rating model query parameter rtm_param is not supported the rating model, and so on. The only exception from this rule is to use the URI tm:name:related, which is listed under the topic about Other queries.

Correlating the resource model with other models

To correlate the resource model with other models, use the following parameters:

Correlating the tag model with other models

To correlate the tag model with other models, use the following parameters:

Correlating the tag space model with other models

To correlate the tag space model with other models, use the following parameters:

Correlating the rating model with other models

Correlating the rating space model with other models

Parent: The REST API
Related reference:
Add query parameters