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The assembly level sdd.xml file

When creating a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file, add an assembly level sdd.xml file. This file registers the PAA content with the ConfigEngine.

The information in the sdd.xml file informs the Solution Installer about the name and type of the application to install. It also includes information about the versions of IBM WebSphere Portal to which installation of the PAA content is compatible. In addition, the sdd.xml tells solution installer the names and locations of the components to be installed. The different elements of the assembly level sdd.xml file are described in terms of how they are required for the Solution Installer. We can edit a sample sdd.xml file with the required information to ensure that the sdd.xml file is complete and accurate.

In the PORTAL_HOME/doc/paa-samples directory, there are some sample file that illustrate the PAA directory structure. We can use the assembly level sdd.xml file of the sample1.paa file as an example. This file can be used as a starting point for developers to create their own working sdd.xml files. This sample PAA file is an installable application. It can be registered with the ConfigEngine. However, it is not a working PAA file because there are no installable resources. The structure is provided so that a developer can use it to create their own PAA files.

The following is an example of an assembly level sdd.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/autonomic/solutioninstall/IUDD ../iudd/iudd.xsd "
 schemaVersion="2.0.0" buildID="MySoln-IUDD-1.0" buildDate="2006-01-19T12:00:00">

 <packageIdentity contentType="Assembly">
  <displayName key="d0001" default="sample_paa" />
   <displayName key="DU_01" default="IBM" />

  <resource type="OSRT:OperatingSystem" id="OS" />

 <content xsi:type="iudd:RootIUContent">
  <rootIU id="sample_paa" targetRef="OS">

   <containedPackage id="components/componentN" pathname="components/componentN/sdd.xml" />

   <serverVersionDependency name="PortalServer" lowerVersion="" higherVersion="" versions="" />


Inside the root <iudd:iudd> element, the following three subelements required for installation with the Solution Installer:

Parent: Portal Application Archive (PAA) file creation
sdd.xml files