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Issue: Catalog Number Help


Here is an example of a theme rendering issue that was ultimately fixed by changing a hard-coded reference. The error was occuring when users logged on to https://test.myco.com, went to...

...and selected the Help button for Catalog Number. Generic browser error was thrown: "Error 404: There is no content available."

We reviewed the WCM library content item...

...and verified that content did exist.

The Portal SystemOut.log had...


...showed that it contained reference to invalid, legacy theme...

The Fix

  1. Install AnyClient

  2. Open AnyClient and go to...

      File | Site manager | New

  3. Set Host to your host name with WebDAV URL. For example...


  4. Set protocol to WebDAV. Set Username and Password

  5. Save settings, then connect

  6. Go to theme/CatalogTheme and select dialog.html

  7. Drag dialog.html to your desktop

  8. Edit dialog.html and change...




  9. Drag dialog.html back up to server

That should fix problem. No need to restart appserver.