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Import SSL certificate to set up trust association - IBM Connections

To prevent security alert pop-ups add IBM Connections certificates to the portal server. The signer certificate used by the IBM Connections server must be trusted by the portal server. The instructions for deploying the IBM Connections portlets include a procedure to import the SSL certificate. If you did not complete that procedure, import the certificate in order to use community pages. For best results, follow the procedures provided in the IBM Connections documentation.

Retrieve the certificate for the IBM Connections server. Then import the SSL certificate to the portal server.

  1. Enter the URL for the IBM Connections server into a web browser.

    For example:


  2. Save the certificate as a PEM certificate.

    Save it to the portal server in the directory where IBM WebSphere Application Server was installed.

    For example: WAS_HOME

  3. Import the saved certificate to the portal server.

    1. Open the WAS admin console and select...

        Security | SSL certificate | key management | Key stores > certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates | Add

    2. On the Add signer certificate page, provide a name for the certificato that we added, and enter the full qualified name of the saved certificate.

  4. Import the saved certificate to the portal server.

Parent: Configure access to the IBM Connections server

IBM Connecitons: Importing a certificate to support SSL